****, ****** and ****!
That's for yesterday's weigh in - where I'd gained a pound

The usual suspects - water, sore muscles from extra exercise, hormones?, salt ... who knows? Anyway was obviously not a happy bunny. We went out to the Felbrigg Honey Fair which was OK, but not much happening there tbh and I didn't really fancy paying nearly £4 for 100g of olives, so we went to the coast instead, and had a walk by the sea.
I've been thinking for a while about changing my WI day to Friday - this would mean I'd have all my weeklies available for going out etc. This week is different of course because of the holiday, but normally the weekend is when I want to have extras, but I sometimes have quite a few extra PP on Wednesdays because it's after WI, which leaves me less for Sat/Sun, so I think moving my weigh in to Friday makes sense.
This week seems as good a week as any to do it, so I had a day off plan yesterday - had our planned picnic, plus ice-cream, biccies, white hot choc drink, sausage and half a portion of chips, 3 glasses of
real Lemon Barley water, a few nibbles... Had already decided once I had changed WI to Friday that I was going to have a day off completely, not count or anything, and then get back on plan today, ready for WI a week on Friday. I may take a look this Friday just to see, but I have 8 days now to make up for yesterday and hopefully get this nasty pound back off! :sigh: The day off yesterday got the grumps out of my system, and because I planned to do it rather than just fell of the wagon, today I'm fine for being good again. Funny how our minds work really isn't it?
So no proper diary for yesterday's food - had about 60PP - but the week (and a day) starts today.