Tuesday 28th August
Breakfast - Weetabix Bitesize - Total 5PP - 1oz Weetabix Bitesize (2PP), serving S/S Milk (2PP), 2 tspns Sugar (1PP)
Lunch - Turkey Nuggets and Steaks - Total 12PP - 2 Crispy Crumb Turkey Steaks (8PP), 2 Turkey Nuggets (3PP), all dipped into one tbspn L/F Mayo with Jerk seasoning (1PP), Cherry Toms (no idea how many - picked at them all afternoon) (0PP), Greengages (0PP)
Dinner - Noodles - Total 6PP - 3/4 pack of Lidl's Chicken Curry Instant Noodles (5PP), one Onion (0PP) fried in frylight, tbspn BBQ Sauce (1PP) (which may not seem to go with Chicken Curry flavour, but that's OK, as they tasted absolutely nothing like Chicken Curry!)
Plums (0PP)
Snacks - 2 Pink 'n' Whites (3PP), half a pack (50g) of Morrison's Cheese Savouries (7PP)
Drinks - NAS Squash, one cup Coffee and Cream (2PP), cup of Tea with splash of Milk
Totals for the day - 35PP, 29 dailies and 6 weeklies
Weeklies remaining 1 (to last 2 days - well I did say I wanted to be able to use most of my weeklies over the weekend!)
APs earned today - did go for a walk in the end as I thought it would be better than letting my legs stiffen up more, so we popped up to Cromer and had a gentle stroll along the pier, prom and clifftop, watched the sunset, and then came home. Walking one hour at least - 4PP
APs earned for the week so far - 33. A lot of walking, and still two days of the week to go. If I don't lose anything this week I'll be mightily miffed! According to MyFitnessPal, my calorie deficit should lose me around 1.5 - 1.75 lbs a week. Yeah right!

That should be it for the day, but now I'm hungry - not just fancying something, but hungry. Hmmm...