My 8 Week SF Challenge.

Hey Elaine,

How are things? I've now switched to WW. SF was dragging me right down and I got sick and tired of drinking my food!! Only started WW today so watch this space!

Hi hun!

Good luck with ww :) I've never tried it myself but heard good things!

I rejoined slimming world two weeks ago and it's my weigh in tonight (yay for another Tuesday WI buddy :D)

But I do post in my other diary.. the link is in my sig :)

Good luck with this week hun! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! xxx
Nixnax said:
Hey Elaine,

How are things? I've now switched to WW. SF was dragging me right down and I got sick and tired of drinking my food!! Only started WW today so watch this space!

Have u started a ww diary?
Proper post in my diary.. but wanted to share!

2lbs off :bunnydance:
Well done darlin xxxx yay xxxx

'my 8 week sf challenge' didn't last very long, as some of you know I flit between diets like nobodies business, and, shamefully, have lost very little (a stone) since I was doing this back in June.
I know a stone is not to be mocked... But in 6 months of 'dieting' it's a poor show!

Anyway, line has been drawn and I'm back on plan. Slim fast has been purchased (strawberry), Tony Ferguson
Shaker is chillin' in the fridge (aha see what I did there?) and motivation in my pocket (oh, Jen <3) I am ready for operation die flab die.

My (new) starting weight is 16:09, I'm not going to change the title as I do want to give this an 8 week shot, although for now
I'm co concentrating on the next week :)

Hope at least someone remembers me... But looking forward to making new SF
Buddies :D
I'm Eb126 on my fitness pal if anybody uses.. Am off to sleep - bring on tomorrow!! x