My Countdown - 20 Weeks to go!

Induction is booked for tomorrow evening, after work. I tried for this evening but as we are joining up on a joint membership, we both need to be there and there weren't any slots.

Didn't get back on plan today, if I try tomorrow do you think it will be bad with me going to the gym?! Only as I don't DO the

i think if you've had loads of carbs a gym workout burns those carbs quicker and gets you into ketosis quicker. my little opinion :)

has always worked for me. plus when i'm on the higher plan if i've had a bad monday i know i'm carb burning for sure the next day as i do so much.

however, induction is literally that. they show you the machines. show you how they work. sometimes they ask you what your motivation for using the gym is... fitness/weightloss/muscle building etc. then they can show you a workout around that and write you a program for it.
great things said:
i think if you've had loads of carbs a gym workout burns those carbs quicker and gets you into ketosis quicker. my little opinion :)

has always worked for me. plus when i'm on the higher plan if i've had a bad monday i know i'm carb burning for sure the next day as i do so much.

That makes perfect sense Nikki, get me to the gym right now - damn leg :( lol.
Argh! I wrote a nice long reply and then my modem went down and I lost it...grrr!

When I did an induction with them before it was like a last chance workout...they nearly killed me!
cornishkez said:
Argh! I wrote a nice long reply and then my modem went down and I lost it...grrr!

When I did an induction with them before it was like a last chance workout...they nearly killed me!

Oh heck, every induction I've ever done they've gone "we'll just done 3mins on here but put 20 on your programme"
I hope it's a bit easier tomorrow, the guy who did it before was a bit keen, lol. I remember him pushing me super hard on all the machines and just setting them to go for 15 minutes and then wondering off to chat to the pretty!
I'm older and surer of myself now, if it's too much I'll slow it down myself! :)
lol kez. i like it. it would suit me down to the ground. :D :8855:

i'm definately an evil git at the gym...... punish me gunther (orange ad). not what you really want from an induction but you'll burn those nasty carbs quicker than you think.
Hehe! Looking forward to checking out some classes as well.
great things said:
lol kez. i like it. it would suit me down to the ground. :D :8855:

i'm definately an evil git at the gym...... punish me gunther (orange ad). not what you really want from an induction but you'll burn those nasty carbs quicker than you think.

I'm the same lol, that's why I've been forbidden to enter the gym unless it's for swimming purposes lol. I've always pushed and pushed!! Which is why I'm laid up now, pushed too much in my own damn living room!
I wish I had half of your girls motivation, the gym is something I can't ever see me loving. But you never know?! I used to enjoy my taebo classes twice a week.
cornishkez said:
I wish I had half of your girls motivation, the gym is something I can't ever see me loving. But you never know?! I used to enjoy my taebo classes twice a week.

If you like taebo, does your gym do body combat? Cos that's great!!
Yes, I think so. Is it like Taebo? There isn't a taebo class anymore in my area.
cornishkez said:
Yes, I think so. Is it like Taebo? There isn't a taebo class anymore in my area.

Yeah a bit, it's as intense as you want it to be, punching and kicking it's fab I loved it. Not as much as I love zumba though ;)
do combat, zumba, body attack, body jam. do any class, find one you like and stick with it. have fun.

exercise is, at the end of the day, just that, exercise. it does it's job and helps keep you healthy and burn fat and cals.
great things said:
do combat, zumba, body attack, body jam. do any class, find one you like and stick with it. have fun.

exercise is, at the end of the day, just that, exercise. it does it's job and helps keep you healthy and burn fat and cals.

It gives you lots of lovely endorphins too!!
Well I went to the gym which was much better than expected and I did better than I thought I would.

However, Scott has had words with me. He isn't happy about me doing cd. Not because he disapproves of the diet but because he disapproves of how I am treating it. He isn't happy that I came off it, gorged and am now going back on it as a fix.

He wants me to concentrate on doing regular exercise and eating a good diet. He wants to concentrate on gaining weight by following the same methods.

So a bit of a dampner really?
Burnt 200kals on the cross trainer alone :) I was like Bridget jones getting off. Lol
I was just going to ask you how the induction went! But you already answered it :) What are you going to do hun? My dad said almost exactly the same thing last week at my uncles, he said "You know what your problem is? Everytime you have a planned or unplanned day off you pig out, you don't need to have all the stuff you have! You are going to be able to eat it again, if you get the weight off"

Eeeeek I've never heard my dad talk like that to me about dieting!! It made me think, and is probably why I didn't eat as much as I would normally have and why I'm determined to do it, with out pigging out every time I come off plan. You have to do whats right for you, hun. Whats right for me is shifting this last 31lbs as quickly as humanly possible and then concentrating on not letting it creep back on again. I know I can't do it any other way but CD. But if you can, then go for it!! BUT stay on here, or I'll come to Cornwall and kick your bum!!! :D
i suppose he could be right but how do you feel about his words? do you think he's right in what he's saying?

now you are going to the gym you must look after your body a bit more.
He is absolutely right, I know what I do, but it doesn't stop me doing it. I wasn't very nice to him about it, which was unfair but he was just telling the truth.

If I thought I could manage healthy eating and regular exercise then I would be more confident, but it's kind of unchartered territory for me.

I know he dearly wants to gain weight, he is very self conscious about his weight too, just the other end of the spectrum.

At some point I am going to have to build exercise into every day life, because I am always going to have an issue with my weight and long term that is the only way to manage it.

But I love the speed of cd! It suits my lazy sedentary lifestyle. It means I don't have to think too hard about things.

Scott wants us to spend the extra money we are spending on cd on improving the food we buy. More fresh foods, more fish etc. We've spent so long living on a shoestring that food has always been an easy way to cut back on the budget, but it means we've gotten used to convenience foods. Frozen kievs, pies, jar sauces etc. Easy and cheap and bulking out meals with larger portions of pasta and rice.

He took us to tesco after the gym and bought some stuff for tea. I had lettuce, cucumber, mackerel and healthy living potato salad. Quick tot up, about 600 kcals, but most was from the oily fish. Scott had less lettuce, more mackerel, creamy potato salad, coleslaw and cheese. His was probably near 2000 kcals.

I just don't understand food, I don't cook proper meals and food always has to be quick and easy which is why I'm overweight I guess.

I like the idea of being 'healthy' but I just dont understand it I guess. It's not as simple as just eating fruit and veg and doing 20 minutes 3 times a week is it?!