My Diary - 2013

The cake looks good!! Love the sound of syn free sausages too!! Hope you are ok Hun? Xx
Hi Dubchick81,
How you doing? I see your getting on great at SW. Yours not far away from your goal now. Well I've finally decided I'm joining this Thursday Night. Just hope I can get rid of them propoints in my head. Can you tell me are all muller lights free like the rhubarb and turkish delight ones?? I really dont have a clue will have to study this plan x
Hi Dubchick81,
How you doing? I see your getting on great at SW. Yours not far away from your goal now. Well I've finally decided I'm joining this Thursday Night. Just hope I can get rid of them propoints in my head. Can you tell me are all muller lights free like the rhubarb and turkish delight ones?? I really dont have a clue will have to study this plan x

Hiya.. Yea am loving it.. You can eat SO much :D ha ha...
Most muller lights are free.. Best to check online before you eat them tho.. Just in case.. I know the vanilla with choc sprinkles and underlayer of cherry are (either) 1 or 1.5 syns and DELISH!!!
Almost sure the turkish are free... The Plain vanilla one is defo free.. Others I haven't had, so unsure of.. But I love it!!
If you need anything checked, mail me on here and I'll be happy to check for you.. And if there's anything I can help you with I'll be happy to.. :D
good thanks, looking forward to actually losing some weight this year!!
I see yer doing SW too.. How you finding it? HAve you been doing it long? I just started it back in Jan.. Was doing WW for 2 years previous.. Like you am looking forward to seeing smaller numbers this year.. My aim is to reach goal this year.. Last year my weight stayed the same more or less.. An annual loss of only 9lb.. I will lose more this year.. And I will get to goal.. Loving SW tho.. Sorry I didn't swap over sooner..
i did weiht watchers last year, but not properly, my problem is i only half do the diet, and then wonder ehy i never lose anything!! i only started sw yesterday, and so far im pleased to say im not hungry which is nice :)
i did weiht watchers last year, but not properly, my problem is i only half do the diet, and then wonder ehy i never lose anything!! i only started sw yesterday, and so far im pleased to say im not hungry which is nice :)
I suppose if I'm honest I didnt' follow it last year to a T.. But I was being good.. The girls on here would tell me often I'm not eating enough, and I think that was why I wasn't losing.. Doesn't really sound right does it?!
But now on SW I find I'm eating more, NEVER hungry.. And losing weight.. So far this year (in 1 month) I've lost 4.5lb on SW.. That's half what I lost in the whole of last year!!!
Was due to WI on Tuesday but was busy and couldn't make the class, so going tonight.. Hopefully I can add to that number.. Even if only by a pound.. Had a BOLD BOLD day yesterday so not hopeful of losing anything more than a half.. But a loss would be great :)
wow well done on losing that much already! i'd be over the moon if i was 4.5lb lighter than now. I'm thinking this should be good, im doing it with my daughter, who is 16, so i know its a healthy way of living. You have to ensure you have a third of your meal as veg, am i right? to be honest, its like eating the way my parents used to.
wow well done on losing that much already! i'd be over the moon if i was 4.5lb lighter than now. I'm thinking this should be good, im doing it with my daughter, who is 16, so i know its a healthy way of living. You have to ensure you have a third of your meal as veg, am i right? to be honest, its like eating the way my parents used to.
Yea they recomment you have 1/3 superfree with each meal... Bulks it out with low fat, filling and tasty food and then you can still have a little of what you fancy..
I've gotten into the habit of eating the veg on my plate first, and then the meat, and then the carbs.. That way usually I'm full before the end of my meal and its the bold carbs that are left.. The rest is good n wholesome..
Altho I only use wholemeal rice and pasta anyway.. But you know what I mean am sure :)

good luck for your weigh in tonight!! :D
Thanks hun.. Am not too hopeful as I was so bold yesterday..
I had a jammie wagon wheel. a holy moly bar (6.5syns) 2 hifi rocky road bars. AND a cheese n ham toasty with chips for dinner!!! I had used my HeB on porridge in the morning so went well over on HeB's.. And the cheese was my HeA so that's not too bad.. But all them goodies.. VERY unusual for me to eat like that.. I just wanted to eat...
im sure you will be fine x

I hope so.. So far today I've had 1.5Lt Water.. Mandarin. 2x hifi light rockyroad bars (heb), homemade carrot & parsnip soup with 2 wholemeal nimble bread and half a grapefruit...
Need to check the class time for this evening class...

How are you ? was wondering where you had gotten too!! you seemed to have gone a bit quiet....all ok? xxxxx