My Diary - 2013


How are you ? was wondering where you had gotten too!! you seemed to have gone a bit quiet....all ok? xxxxx
Hi hunnie.. All good ta.. Internet at home is off allot as they've been doing all the plastering work in there so the box has had to be disconnected..
How are you getting on? Happy V Day :) xx
Hi hunnie.. All good ta.. Internet at home is off allot as they've been doing all the plastering work in there so the box has had to be disconnected..
How are you getting on? Happy V Day :) xx

ahhh i see!!! sounds like the house is coming together nicely then :) hows puppy now?! back to being himself?

im all good thanks hun!! Happy V Day to you too!!! xxx
ahhh i see!!! sounds like the house is coming together nicely then :) hows puppy now?! back to being himself?

im all good thanks hun!! Happy V Day to you too!!! xxx
Yea its flying along.. Am really happy so far with our choices n decisions.. Our new pocket wall is complete and our doors were hung last ngiht.. LOVE THEM!!
Will take some pics this evening and post them up.. Really should have done some before n afters.. And kept meaning to.. But couldn't find my camera!!!
The living room is all done now.. Ready to be painted almost.. Just have to wait for the plaster to dry properly... Getting new rads in there so they need to be fitted but that's an easy enough job (so I'm told!!)
Dining room is getting finished today (What can be done anyway) and the hall/landing is halfway to being complete... They're gona start pulling the extension down on Monday too and our new downstairs toilet will be fit next Saturday.. So its all go and its allot of mess.. But its coming along very nicely :)

Stringer is back to his usual self now.. Hyper as anything..
Not sure what's gona happen with him while they're doing the extension tho.. It'll be too dangerous for him out there.. He'll break a leg falling down into the foundations.. And we won't have a back wall (blocking him into the back garden) for a few weeks either so we're gona have to do something with him
Yea its flying along.. Am really happy so far with our choices n decisions.. Our new pocket wall is complete and our doors were hung last ngiht.. LOVE THEM!!
Will take some pics this evening and post them up.. Really should have done some before n afters.. And kept meaning to.. But couldn't find my camera!!!
The living room is all done now.. Ready to be painted almost.. Just have to wait for the plaster to dry properly... Getting new rads in there so they need to be fitted but that's an easy enough job (so I'm told!!)
Dining room is getting finished today (What can be done anyway) and the hall/landing is halfway to being complete... They're gona start pulling the extension down on Monday too and our new downstairs toilet will be fit next Saturday.. So its all go and its allot of mess.. But its coming along very nicely :)

Stringer is back to his usual self now.. Hyper as anything..
Not sure what's gona happen with him while they're doing the extension tho.. It'll be too dangerous for him out there.. He'll break a leg falling down into the foundations.. And we won't have a back wall (blocking him into the back garden) for a few weeks either so we're gona have to do something with him

ooo sounds brilliant!!! your doing loads!!! how exciting!!! so pleased to hear Stringer is back his normal self! aw bless him i'm sure you'll figure it out xxx
ooo sounds brilliant!!! your doing loads!!! how exciting!!! so pleased to hear Stringer is back his normal self! aw bless him i'm sure you'll figure it out xxx
Jono told his Mam last week we'd have to give him away as we can't have him with all thats going on.. (This was 100% without any conversing with me!) and his Mam went mad!
When he was telling me the story I was like "Yea but you were kidding right? We're not really giving him away?" And he went "well no we can't now. Me ma'd disown me!" ha ha ha
I was then telling my Dad the story of him telling his Mam and my da went mad at me.. So between them we'll be grand :)
Happy Valentines to my favourite dub! Just want you to know I appreciate how good you've been to me and all the advice you've given me. You're a class person xXx hope Jono spoils ya rotten lol ;)
Happy Valentines to my favourite dub! Just want you to know I appreciate how good you've been to me and all the advice you've given me. You're a class person xXx hope Jono spoils ya rotten lol ;)
Aww u too hunnie.
We done but into valentines so its just been a usual Thursday for us :)
House sounds like it is gonna be amazing. You'll not know yourselves when its all done!!
Good luck for weigh-in tonight!
Thanks Laura. Couple of pix to follow :) just of the living room so far...
Was down 1.5 tonight so am chuffed. Will still do my minimins wi in the morning :)
Fireplace... See? No open fire :)

Our new double doors (original single door was on the wall to the right of these, but it's now blocked up n non existent

The coving around our living room. Gona carry this on into the dining room
house coming along great and well done on your loss. you really are on a roll :) rem b4 you did kettlebell classes, how did you find them. i really need to tone up my arms for the wedding and im starting to panic a bit. i have 14 weeks from 2moro. im back in curves 3 times a week but i dont think that is enough for my arms. would u recommend kettlebells to tone arms?
Thanks ladies.. Sinead my friend found the kettlebell classes but i'm sure you can find loads on google.. Yea they're great for arms.. And legs.. I found you know that bit between your armpit and boob?? Its really worked there.. Great if yer having a boob tube style dress or tight straps... You know how there can sometimes look like an extra boob??
OMG having the worst week...
Wednesday knocked coffee over my desk at work, was so worried about wrecking the desk phone, I didn't realise it went all over my mobile!!
Evetually when I'd realised I dried it off but to no avail.. It was wrekced!! So I went home, took it apart and left it in a towel and on the rad..
Had it working again great yesterday.. Then went to Simming World.. And lost my phone!!!
And now... my email account has been locked while they carry out security measures to make sure its only me accessing it.. Great? No! They need to send me a code to my mobile to enter into the site in order to unblock my account.. But sure I don't have my friggen phone coz its lost :(
Well done on the loss Hun. House is looking great really coming along now. Sorry to hear about your crap week here's hoping your phone gets returned xxx
Aww god not nice at all. Did you try ringing your leader to see if anyone handed it in?
i did. Also asked my leader to chase her up for me.

Well done on the loss Hun. House is looking great really coming along now. Sorry to hear about your crap week here's hoping your phone gets returned xxx
Thanks Nessa xx

OMG!! Just been on the phone to my friend who lives on my parents road. A girl was raped there last night!! 11:30 ish!!
So rang my dad to see if he knew anything more n turns out it was the girl who lives 5 doors from my family home n it happened IN HER GARDEN!!!
I don't kno the girl as she's only living there a year r 2 but I know she's young, maybe late 20's n has 2 young kids...