My Diary - 2013

Hi ya, glad house coming along. I'm off this week. Had my lap and dye last thur. Was kept in overnight cos of low blood pressure and couldnt pass urine (tmi)... on the mend now with 3 incisions. Have to mind myself for 12 more weeks until the wedding and then will hopefully fingers crossed get pregnant on honeymoon..:)
Hi ya, glad house coming along. I'm off this week. Had my lap and dye last thur. Was kept in overnight cos of low blood pressure and couldnt pass urine (tmi)... on the mend now with 3 incisions. Have to mind myself for 12 more weeks until the wedding and then will hopefully fingers crossed get pregnant on honeymoon..:)

Aww how perfect would that be? To start off married life like that.. Hopefully all goes to plan..
Sorry to hear you've been so poorly tho.. Mind yerself.. xx
I'm so excited


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Sorry for taking over! Yeah my 2 sisters are wearing cobalt blue. Love the colour as well. It's all starting to get real now. Still a stone to lose :)
Sorry for taking over! Yeah my 2 sisters are wearing cobalt blue. Love the colour as well. It's all starting to get real now. Still a stone to lose :)
Not long to go now.. August is it??
Aw pity photos won't upload Frances. :-(

Sinead your wedding stuff is fab. I love blue too. It represents fidelity in a marriage do good choice! :) And a honeymoon baby wud be amazing. Hope you're on the mend soon. :)

Oh my God what hav I started. I went to tidy the garage, now I'm tackling the garden! And this is serious work! My dad claims the ground out the back was used as a dump site so there's no good soil to plant. But I do love a challenge and proving people wrong! :) So I'm out here finding enough soil to put up shrubs. The old military barracks is right behind my garden and only metal fence up so always wanted to plant high shrubs to block ur out cus its abondoned and not the prettiest to look at. But now apparently the new amalgamated national school is goin in there do I definitely wants shrubs up before they move in-don't wana look at a couple hundred kids running around either! :)
Ok rambling over-back to it! :)

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Oh Brona sounds like you're a glutton for punishment.. ha ha...
But yes I think I'd want something up there blocking that view too... And a noise barrier when the school moves in.. lol.. Altho thankfully you won't have them outside business hours/weekends.. :)
Morning all.. Weighed in this morning and was 1.8LBS... So onwards n downwards for next week.. Need to get over the mess that is my house and get my head back in the game..
Oh.. And the supermarkets needs to bloody stock up there fruit & veg shelves coz if I can't get what I want when am there... I forget about it.. And it throws me way off track... :mad:
Morning hun

Feels like i havent spoken to you in agesssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how are you?!?! hows the house?! any plans for the weekend?

Hey hun.. I know its been a while alright..
Hope you're well? I've actually just this minute commented on your thread.. weird ha!
Glad yer enjoying the Paul McKenna book.. Seems to be doing what its meant to anyway...

House is FLYING along.. My new kitchen is actuall already built!! Well, the main frame of it anyway.. They started laying the bricks Wednesday, and finished yesterday!! How quick was that?!
Next is the roof, fitting windows then insulating and plastering it.. Am thinking maybe another 2 weeks, if they keep going how they're going!! Delighted with it..
It is tough tho, and exhausting, going home to a make shift kitchen and tools and dirt everywhere.. Its draining.. But my bathroom was finished (for now) yesterday so was able get in and scrub it and felt great for it.. Just having that 1 room, even tho it was just the bathroom, clean n spotless was a great lift! Gona get and pull apart our bedroom tomoro.. Sort it right out.. Even tho its Jono's mess :mad: So I can chill out there...
Hey Hun how's it going? Hope you are ok? Xx