My Diary - 2013

Hi Hun

I'm now following slimming world plan; kinda was anyway, just need a bit of restriction and guidance lol!! May big you for sun values until I get to a class haha x
Hi Hun

I'm now following slimming world plan; kinda was anyway, just need a bit of restriction and guidance lol!! May big you for sun values until I get to a class haha x

Bug away Tano I'll be more than happy to help :)
Well, yesterday was going soooo well.. Until I got home and the builders were still working and using ALL the sockets in my kitchen so I couldn't even start dinner.. And I was STARVING... I had just bought a multipack of twirls n one after the other ate them ALL!!!!!! FAT PIG ALERT... So WI should be tonight, and I'm not usually one for skipping when I know I've been bold but there is NO WAY I can go stand on a scales tonight.. And pay for the privilage!!!
Tracy I couldn't... I think I'd actually cry on the scales.. Not coz of I've gained.. But coz I'm standing like a fake going "oh yea I wana lose weight and look and feel good..... but at home i'm eating a WHOLE PACK OF CHOCOLATE BARS!!!!" I'd feel too fake and it'd thro me.. Whereas now i'm ready to draw a line and move on... It'll be a rush tonight to go anyway so I'm gona miss it, but go Thursday wehre I have time to stay for the meeting too.. I've not had time to stay for a meeting since the first one when I started.. And I think I need to... So I'll hold off til Thursday...
Tracy I couldn't... I think I'd actually cry on the scales.. Not coz of I've gained.. But coz I'm standing like a fake going "oh yea I wana lose weight and look and feel good..... but at home i'm eating a WHOLE PACK OF CHOCOLATE BARS!!!!" I'd feel too fake and it'd thro me.. Whereas now i'm ready to draw a line and move on... It'll be a rush tonight to go anyway so I'm gona miss it, but go Thursday wehre I have time to stay for the meeting too.. I've not had time to stay for a meeting since the first one when I started.. And I think I need to... So I'll hold off til Thursday...

That's a cool idea, I couldn't WI yesterday but I'm going Thursday instead.
That's a cool idea, I couldn't WI yesterday but I'm going Thursday instead.
I just couldn't face it tonight being honest.. Like, I know there's a gain and i'm fine with that... But to go there acting like I'm trying when in reality I've been a pig... I can't do it!

Today so far I've had a cappuccino (4.5 syns) 1 slice nimble bread (half HeB) with cottage cheese on (YUM)
Am now eating my grapefruit and will have ham, cheese (heA) cucumber, tomato and onion n another slice of nimble (other half HeB) for my lunch at half 12....
Then for the afternoon I have a mug shot (if I get really hungry) a banana and 2 mandarins...

Not sure yet what's for dinner tho....
I don't blame u :) I tried a kettlebells class tonight. Oh sweet lord I'm gonna be in agony 2moro and I ain't looking forward to that one not :(....
When do u think ur kitchen will be done. Oh I would love a new kitchen x
I don't blame u :) I tried a kettlebells class tonight. Oh sweet lord I'm gonna be in agony 2moro and I ain't looking forward to that one not :(....
When do u think ur kitchen will be done. Oh I would love a new kitchen x

Oh Sinead I couldn't sit down for a week, no exaggeration, after my first class.. I near passed out and vomited like 15 mins into the class... AWFUL!! But great :)
Its not even today you'll feel it.. (to its full extent) its tomoro... Oh God I don't evny ya...

The rate they're going I'd say may another 2 r 3 weeks til its completely finished.. Floors, walls, cupboards the lot... They are FLYING thru...
To think only 2.5 weeks ago the old kitchen was still standing and in working order is unbelievable!! Honest to God if ever anyone (in Dublin) needs a builder, I cannot recommend Brian enough...

Tho I did walk in the other day and seen a person up on a scaffold bent over.. He was wearing grey trackies like Jono wears ALL the time n I thought "Ooh cute bum!" Whoopsies.. Was Jono's brother :ashamed0005:
Glad the house is all coming together for you!... Im always looking at mens bums spesh when they bend over... shouldnt tell my other half that pahaha :)
Oh me too... But I went and told my BF after... oops :)
Oh Sinead I couldn't sit down for a week, no exaggeration, after my first class.. I near passed out and vomited like 15 mins into the class... AWFUL!! But great :)
Its not even today you'll feel it.. (to its full extent) its tomoro... Oh God I don't evny ya...

The rate they're going I'd say may another 2 r 3 weeks til its completely finished.. Floors, walls, cupboards the lot... They are FLYING thru...
To think only 2.5 weeks ago the old kitchen was still standing and in working order is unbelievable!! Honest to God if ever anyone (in Dublin) needs a builder, I cannot recommend Brian enough...

Tho I did walk in the other day and seen a person up on a scaffold bent over.. He was wearing grey trackies like Jono wears ALL the time n I thought "Ooh cute bum!" Whoopsies.. Was Jono's brother :ashamed0005:

Ha, love it:)
Happy Friday ladies.. Well I totally forgot to weigh in this morning.. So will do it tomoro.. I know it'll be a gain but at least I'll know what I am facing..
Sounds like an excuse after all I said on Tuesday for missing the class..Oops.. Couldn't go to class last night as I had a tan booked.. So it was home n into loose PJ's and didn't cross the door after.. I'd forgotten about the app when I'd intended on going then instead of Tuesday..
Anyway... Anyone any nice plans for the weekend?x
Hiya .... when i finish work im always straight into my pjamas lol If i aint going out I will not be dressed :) haha
Oh I love my PJ's... Nothing better than a lazy evening in yer PJ's.. We got a duvet down n watched a couple of episodes of breaking bad with a cuppa... Was so cosy :)
Hope your feeling better bout your week and ur WIs etc now hon.
I was the same this week-had blow out on thurs nite-drinking til 5am and and was supposed to stand on a scales at 9am! Didn't happen but looking forward to nxt week already-determined that it won't be that bad!
House is flying it. :) Pity bout ur meals tho. If u had a chance cud u make extra and freeze stuff then all ud need is the microwave? U cud even move the microwave into the living room to use it?
Any plans for weekend? Wud be a shame to waste the tan... :)

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Hope your feeling better bout your week and ur WIs etc now hon.
I was the same this week-had blow out on thurs nite-drinking til 5am and and was supposed to stand on a scales at 9am! Didn't happen but looking forward to nxt week already-determined that it won't be that bad!
House is flying it. :) Pity bout ur meals tho. If u had a chance cud u make extra and freeze stuff then all ud need is the microwave? U cud even move the microwave into the living room to use it?
Any plans for weekend? Wud be a shame to waste the tan... :)

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Hey hun.. Sorry for the delay.. Not been on much at all..
The problem is that I have no means to cook the likes of stir fries or pasta/rice.. Most other things are grand its the sides really.. So I end up eating chips or wedges or the likes.. I miss my rice n pasta etc.. Or like, to cook a curry I either need to be up with the birds to do it in the slow cooker or use jarred sauce coz I can't do it on the cooker.. The likes of bolognese, I can't boil up the mince before cooking it so I can drain all the grease off or that.. And I can't eat mince that's been cooked any other way coz I can feel the oily texture n taste the fat... I'm SO fussy I know but these are habits I've got into over the years so whether being good or not, I can't eat it cooked any other way...
Hi Emma,

All good ta.. Woke up in me horrors and can't snap outta them.. But that's just me having a bad day... Nothing wrong in particular.. Been lashing snow here and bloody freezing!! Burrrrr...
How are you lovely lady? Hows the Paul McKenna book going for you? Sorry not been on yer diary.. Not really been on here at all over the weekend.. Being crap support the last week.. sorry :(
Any news? xxs