my diary ~ no more CD for me

Hi Kati,

Sorry to hear your not feeling well, :wave_cry: , any chance you can get yourself along to the Doc, you get free appointments over there don't ya?, so think about going and having a word with him/her, no harm in it, you might be getting run down, you sound like you've got a lot of stress and worry at the moment....

Whatever ya do, make sure you take care of yourself, and if ya need anything just shout :p
I might get to the dr's one day, if it goes on too much longer. I feel like I've been ill for ages, I think I'll have to read back and see when it first started because it's never really gone away from when I first mentioned I wasn't feeling too well. Think it's been about 2 weeks now.

I tried abstaning from food again today but I failed again. I'd had half a pack and 4 litres of water by 12 o clock but I was still starving. I got to about 1 30 then I was just so hungry I gave in (well was after 2 by the time I got to actually eat it).

I feel so pathetic that I just can't do it anymore. Why can't I? I never used to have any bother going for days at a time without eating but now I can't even last past lunch time. So anyway, I had a ham salad sandwich, not too bad with the calories I suppose. I'll try and just have a couple of packs later on, but to be honest I doubt it'll happen. I dont have the kids tonight, it's only 5 pm and I'm already hungry.

Again I'm shattered and have a headache and my throat hurts. Just drinking water is obviously not going to help me overcome the hunger since it didnt this morning but then I have been surrounded by food and had already been on the go for 8 hours by the time I ate.

Actually thinking of it like that does make it sound like I managed to last longer than I thought. Instead of thinking I couldn't last longer than lunchtime I should think to myself I lasted 8 hours before I ate, lets see if I can beat it tomorrow. So, so far it's been 3 hours. If I can manage to abstain tonight till I go to bed (probably around 10) that'll be 8 again, then when I'm asleep I obviously wont be eating so that'll take me to 16 hours before I have to get up again. I never really bother about breakfast so will be able to last at least 22 hours.

ah who am I kidding, I'll never be able to do it
Nikki - I really think you should get a Dr's appointment - get down there and tell him how you are feeling.

Could you be anaemic??? That makes you tired??? My MIL has just found out she has pernicious anaemia, which explains her recurrent lethargy and having had iron injections feels loads better.
thankyou both for your concern. I suppose it cant hurt (to much) to go and see someone about my health.

I do know that I've been eating all the wrong things and havent been getting enough vitamins etc so I will push myself to have 3 Cd packs a day. I can't seem to last without food though so I'm going to have to just watch what I'm eating. Maybe once I get into the habit of having packs again I will be able to get the food bit more under control
Hey hun, I would defo get down the doctors....can you ring first thing in the morning and see when you can get an appointment for?

I like your new way of looking at things too, as in you managed to abstain for 8 hours rather than saying you failed at lunchtime.....PMA is good!!

Have you actually had your 3 CD packs a day any days recently? I just ask because I really do think you may be run down and at least if you are hving your 3 packs you are getting all the vitamins etc you need. Even if you have to have some other food as well for a couple of days it might make you feel better until you get to the docs...anyway, its just my suggestion!!!
See, I know it sounds a bit silly, but maybe if your body was properly 'nourished' again you would be feeling a little better?

Please call the doc tomorow hun and make an appointment I'd say you have been feeling ill for a couple of weeks and you need to get better so you can look after yourself and your family properly!!
well I didnt bother trying to diet today. Got made a cheese toastie this morning so ate it, then had a chicken sandwich, then a jacket potato with beans. I wasn't even really hungry for the potato I just ate it cos it was tea time. had some vanilla coffee (Cd vanilla) and will have a frozen chocolate tetra when the kids are in bed. so no idea how many calories in all that. Kind of thinking a lot but kind of not a huge amount. At least I didnt tuck into crisps and chocolate etc. The cheese will have been the worst but there wasn't that much of it (if you put too much in it just goes all over the machine and burns yuk)

I haven't yet fallen asleep since getting in from work woohoo, although I might have if twin 1 hadnt kept moaning and moaning in my ear (LITERALLY) to go out for tea (we didn't go) then I went in the bath and got out before I could fall asleep in there. (now he's brought me my tetra so I can have it straight away but hmmmm how do you open them without scissors) cant wait for tomorrow morning so I can stay in bed past 7 o clock, bliss!

I'm feeling extremely fat and ugly. I dont know how to get back to having the motivation to do something about it. Maybe its because dieting wont stop me feeling ugly it'll just make it more obvious because I dont have the fat to hide behind.
Hiya Nikki, can't give ya any advice re: de food, cuz i've got chatterbox-itis meself LOL :eek:

Hope your having an early nite and no doubt I'll talk to you tomorrow.

cheers me dears
I did go to bed early. sent the kids to bed at 9 and went myself not long after. spent 12 hours in bed!!! They've gone to their dads now so I have some peace and quiet.

Already had toast though.

I had thought I might go look round the shops today while I've got some time to myself, but now I'm thinking whats the point? I'm not buying clothes because there's no point, I'm either gong to get fatter or thinner so nothing I buy now will fit me for long (hopefully I will end up thinner) and there's not really anything else I should buy because I cant afford to go wasting money like that. I'd get bored just window shopping.

So i suppose I should take doggy out for a long walk and then come home and clean the house. It desperately needs doing.
I've been thinking...maybe my incredible lack of will power is because I'm trying to get through a week on the diet before i arrange to see isobel (my cdc) again. I havent been weighed officially since mid december I think, so I know I'm much heavier than that now and I dont have that incentive to beat it before I will be weighed again. Maybe I need to organise a time to go and see her again, like a deadline to do something or failing that a time to start again.

what do you think?
Third day

Hi, I am in a similar situation as you are, I also have three children and have put a lot of weight on last year, I am the largest I have ever been, I thought I would start the CD so I am on my third day, I v tried loads of diets only to lose a pound then put on two!, So I am really hoping this works for me. I find it hard when i cook the children tea, but just try to drink my water, it feels like forever to acheive my goal weight, but I will take each day one at a time
well i wish you lots of luck with it, you're doing great already just reaching day 3! I can't even make it thrugh 1 day at the minute.

I'd say though, don't keep trying to look at how long it will take to get to goal, just think about how quickly the time has passed to get to where you are every day. It seems so much quicker that way.
I've been thinking...maybe my incredible lack of will power is because I'm trying to get through a week on the diet before i arrange to see isobel (my cdc) again. I havent been weighed officially since mid december I think, so I know I'm much heavier than that now and I dont have that incentive to beat it before I will be weighed again. Maybe I need to organise a time to go and see her again, like a deadline to do something or failing that a time to start again.

what do you think?

I would say make the appointment with Isobel as soon as poss hun..x:)
Thanks Isis, I was thinking maybe I should do that. Anything to help get started again.

Maybe I will tell people that I'm doin this diet too so I will be forced to prove to them that I can stick to it as well as myself.

The woman in the shop next door (who shares a corridoor with us) is going to do lighterlife so I'll just tell everyone I got the idea from her lol (such a liar aren't I?) but I just feel that I'll get so much hassle about it. At least if she's doing it too then I have someone to back me up that it isn't a bad, faddy diet like they would assume.
:D Checkin in with ya to make sure your doing ok, waiting for good news from ya today.

oops here ya come on MSN, chat there instead LOL
I'm fine :) stuck to ssing yesterday with your help and have lost 2lbs overnight (ok so I know its not fat but still yay!)

It makes it so much easier to stick to it now I have someone else to answer to about it, ok maybe answer to is a bit strong, more like leting someone else down not just myself.

This time I will do it! Must be skinny by the time I get to ireland!