had a good day today, although feeling slightly light headed at the minute for some reason.
It is flipping freezing!!!! My toes were like blocks of ice at work I need some thermal socks or something. the heater we have is absolutely useless unless you actually stick your feet on it (literally touching the heated bit!)
I think we're definately going to be in for snow soon (like this week). Was just reading the Harry potter thread and have been wondering to myself..should I pre order it or not? hmmm tough choice. Last year I was in wh smiths one day adn the woman asked me if i wanted to preorder that one so I said go on then and that was that. But this year I don't go there any more so will have to make some decisions about it.
I do love the harry potter stories but think maybe this last one is extra extra hyped purely because its the last one she's going to write. I don't make up my own theories or anything abaout them because it's up to the author to decide what happens next, not me. I will read the books again before I read the next one though.
I read Lady Chaterleys lover over the weekend, and started anna karenina last night so got something to do for a while at least. I love having these books online cos I can read them and talk to people as they pop up on msn at the same time (I like distraction, it keeps me from getting bored with what I'm doing. I find it really hard to stick to one thing at a time for long periods)
The poor dog still cant go out in the garden because my neighbours still have no fence (that means I have 1 side of my garden which adjoins theirs fenceless too) otherwise he's going to run off. Even though it is flipping freezing. At the minute he is trying to play with one of the kids balls which is about as tall as he is. silly doggy, he's never going to get his mouth round that.
I've spent a hundred pounds out of my wages but I cant work out what on. I know i went out on frinday and spent about £30 (flipping taxis!) I've also paid £35 for the kids dinner money (flipping ex's!) and spent £3 yesterday on er bread and cereal for kiddies (flipping kids!) what else did I buy??? Oh yeah bought a dress and knickers on saturday which came to £12 for the lot (yay for matalan!) so where did the other £20 go? oh I bought some dog food and doggy biscuits (flipping dog!) and er what else hmm. Must have bought something else. Oh well. Its going to take forever to save any money at this rate, its amazing how easily it's spent. Anyway, I'll be out saturday night then it'll be a month before I'm out again (er unless..

) so I'll be spending less cos I wont be buying clothes to go out in (maybe) or spending money on taxis. OOOOOH forgot all about going to see keane!!!!!! (more flipping money! still havent paid for my ticket yet) thats less than a month away now and guess which day the teachers decided to have parents evening...yeah, keane day (flipping teachers!)
I got myself a cheap pedometer on saturday too (add £2.99 to the above sums) it was half price so i thought I'll tr it and see if i actually use it before paying for an expensive one....so how am I doing with it you ask? er I forgot about it till just now (oooops) i will wear it tomorrow I'm really curious to see how much I walk in a day at work.
My house is a tip must clean it up before new bloke decides to visit (if) but must clean it anway whether he does or not. Maybe not getting my 10, 000 steps will motivate me to stay on my feet longer.