day 5. kids are doing my head in and its only the 2nd day of the holidays. One of the twins actually thought he could get away with throwing a ball at the tv!!!! silly boy. anyway they go to their dads today when he gets out of bed so no idea what time
after they go I neeeed to spend the day cleaning. its getting to me and I think I have a bit more energy now than i did last week. plus might get a visitor tomorrow so better make the effort now as I wont have time for the mad rush an hour before like i did when caroline came lol
have decided I cannot drink the bouillon stuff because it makes me unbelievably hungry. I realised the connection last night so not going near it again. Maybe thats a big reason as to why I couldnt stick with it the last few times because I've been drinking that. I wasn't hungry at all till I drank that the I was immediately starving even with the furry mouth. Use ketostix you may I only have one left abd to be honest I dont think it's necessary to know. I know that as long as I stick to it then I'll be in ketosis, if I don't I wont. No point in worrying about it, its just an unnecessary expense.
so, 55 days to go...will I stop then or will I keep going? who knows. I know I will have a healthy bmi by then but I dont know if I'll be happy enough to stick at it. I really want to see the scales tell me I'm 8 stone something if I'm honest. Nothing to do with how I'll look, just I like the number 8 and it's far enough away to know I wont let myself get into double figures again. I'm only 5'3 so in the 8's is still healthy for me, it'll just take a bit longer to get there than 60 days. Maybe once I get to the end of the 60 days then I'll have had enough of dieting but I wont feel satisfied that I can happily stay as I am purely because of the numbers.
I know people always say be happy with your size not with what the scales tell you but here I am, size 12 and I still feel huge because I know the scales are telling me I'm overweight. I know loads of people would looove to be this size but I'm not happy with myself. Being short does make a huge difference too.
ok moan over. roll on kiddies going to dads time

hey at least I wont have cchocolate shoved under my nose all weekend. I'll be back to work by the time they get their eggs at home.