wow was it really 7 hours ago that we went out? The film was good I'm glad we chose that one to see. Sitting in macdonalds was fine too I wasn't tempted at all in there (till I saw adam sandler eating some of their fries in the film then I wanted some). we did some shopping got the boys all a PS2 game each as an extra birthday present for them all (they were the pre owned ones in game that were 3 for the price of 2) Also decided to go into Next and have a look through the sale stuff. My son (oldest twin) got his eye on a fondue set so I got that for him and told him he can have it for christmas, also got something for my mams boyfriend full of olive oil and stuff. My brave thing was I found a lovely skirt for £7, but it is a size 14. so I bought it and that is going to be my new aim to fit into. I haven't tried it on at all yet to know how far off I am from getting into it but I will get there some day soon
It took 50 minutes to get home from the metro centre!!!! I thought rush hours were monday to friday not on a sunday. It would normally take 10 - 15 minutes to get there, nowhere near 50. The traffic just came to a standstill on the motorway so I went the whole way in 1st or 2nd gear. Then we had to go to my sisters to get the kids birthday presents off her. Got her onto peppermint tea too so had some of that there
Oh that reminds me of a little disaster I had today. I decided to be a cheapy mummy and bought the kids sweets and popcorn in sainsburys to take with us. I filled up 2 bottles of water for myself (too cheap to buy bottles so I was taking tap water) so I got a huge handbag and just managed to squeeze it all in. Somehow the lid opened on one of my bottles of water and when I discovered it half of it had pouredout all over the bag. Luckily, all I had in there were the sweets, bottles, purse, mobile and car keys. So i gave the kids their sweets and turned the bag inside out and left it to dry a bit like that during the film. Its still wet but at least it's not dripping any more. My phone purse and keys were in the little zip pocket in it so too high up to be damaged by the water thankfully. But what a nightmare, so lesson learnt, don't be too cheap to refuse to buy bottled water when going out lol. Orrrr i could get a flask or something, hmm that could work.
I loved my crisps so much last night i decided to try again with spicey tomato tonight. I wasn't very impressed though, too tomatoey like that. I love the soup but think theres a bit too much flavour for the crisps. I still have 1 1/2 packs to go tonight, think I might have the chilli soup later. I don't think I'll try that one as crisps.
I almost forgot I have to go to see my new cdc in the morning

decided to change to Isobel, I just feel so alone in this and don't feel like I can go to the other cdc if I need support. Plus isobel has had great references off KateF lol