A STS...... will do me! Thinks really I am a very fortunate girl to have not gained! But yesterdays efforts paid off so am happy with that..... thanks Peachy and Dee xxxx
Good luck for weigh in Hun, don't worry about weekend it's gone now it's in the past! Look forward xxx
Ahhh period imminent today I think.... at least with my Pre~Menstrual complex tablets (bit hit and miss taking them) I have not been AS BAD with this month`s build up.... but got pain :( Oh well.... bloatedness and yuck here we come!! :wave_cry:
L xxx
Awww no!!!! That mean me too..... Lol....

Is it your birthday today gorgeous girl!!!

(Thanks for the running email....tis ace!!)

Yup my period is here! so yeah means your due too! and your welcome hun, glad it was of some help.
Yeah I am 45 today!! :eek: me no likey!! :(.... I don`t celebrate Birthdays in any case, so its just another day to me thankfully LOL..... XXX
Well Happy Regular Day Lou! :hug99:

"Age is an issue of mind over matter, if you don't mind it doesn't matter!" (Mark Twain)

(And I'm due today weird that we're all falling into sync over broadband waves!!)
Hahahhaaaa..... Well I love birthdays!!!!



Have a wonderfull day.... Tee hee!!!

As happy birthday Lou :0) however you
Choose to Mark the occasion :0) x x x

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Happy birthday hun hope you had a lovely day xxx

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You know what guys... I seem to be reading more and more about folk who have re~gained their weight and its my BIGGEST fear after I reach goal.... I really really want to keep this weight off for the rest of my life and i know what a huge struggle that will be, beacue thats the hardest part MAINTAINING... Scared about it and also confuzzled as exactly what plan to follow at the end.... so much advice out there right now... What do you guys think? L xxx
Tell me about it Lou!!
I didn't think I'd end up in the "Regain Club" but unfortunately, after the high of being a happy slim bridesmaid last October, I fell right back into old habits. :sigh:
I'm ABSOLUTELY RAGING with myself for it. :mad:
But it's done now and I'm going to really work at being ready for the "hereafter" when I get that slimline bod back in about 9 weeks time. That's how long it took on LT.
I have read a fantastically informative book about how to eat i.e. proper food combining, which blew everything I thought I knew right out of the water! :eek:
So I hope to try and follow those principles as best I can to maintain.
Awww Bless you Shivie at least you know where you went wrong and can now rectify it... you`ll do it hun, channel that emotion into a positive...:D whats the book? Sounds like a good one! I have started a new thread about tips for success in keeping the weight off.... anything like book reviews or top tips you might have would be welcome.... :D xx
Hi Lou I will post this there so - the book is "Fit for Life" by Harvey & Marilyn Diamond. What an eye-opener!
When i was eating losing slow/maintaining... I found that having my treats as an actual treat not an everday occurance was key....

I'd have a take away at the weekend but then was super good in the week....

Trading things also.... Well if I'm having that cake.... I have to go for a run...

Also if eating out say.... Well its starter OR desert...... Or Desert or a couple of glasses of wine....

Alcohol is definately one that piles on unessary pounds.... pound from it and pounds from the crap you then eat...

My other advice would be find an activity/sport that you enjoy!!!!

I honestly think I'll always have to think about what I'm eating but after these diets i am never restricting anything ever again.... Its getting used to better portion sizes lovely!!!

The only thing i will out and out avaid is white bread/pasta/rice as its horrid for making me feel bloated....

Hope my ramble makes a bit of sense!!!

I can only repeat what dee has said that's exactly what I have found,

Portion sizes are a big one- it's not complicated just don't over do it

I know this sounds daft but talk to yourself when you are choosing something to eat and really think about if before just diving in.... That will give you time and space to make a better decision.
I.e do you really want that chocolate cake or would a low fat chocolate mousse do the job just the same! (I promise it does). So substitute! When shopping also make low fat low carb choices etc .

On the occasion where you don't want to substitute... It's give and take .... You want the cake..... Get your backside out for a run or a swim .... That's the pay off and it balances out! I still have treats and take out but I also work damn hard to make sure I get rid of it.

If you can find an exercise you enjoy that will make it so much easier because you will want to do it! (I'm considering doing a Jodie marsh!) haha! that's all I have done I've replaced an addiction to food with an addiction to exercise!

These are just new rules we have to learn to live by, we all come from a background of having no rules regarding food where if we wanted it we had it..... And I think we can all agree it just doesn't work. In my opinion I have worked too hard to F**k this up now... I like how I look and how I feel and must admit I am scared of going backwards... But I like that the fear is keeping me in check!

One last thing if you learn the basics of good nutrition and don't devote every waking minute to thinking about food and planning your next meal and weighing portions and obsessing about it .... It all really just comes down to resetting good habits xxx
:D:D Fank uuuu my lovelies..... sound advice.... Now can you post it on my other thread lol :p
New one I`ve started hee hee
I think the benefit of hind sight and wisdom would benefit all of us.... :)