My slim dream, 7stone in and 3 to go in time for christmas????

Yes i have indeed been quiet, its been an eventful few days and not necessailry for the good.

We went for our lovely walk on Sunday, walked over 3 miles in total, had a lovely time playing with Ella then i ended up in A and E an hr later, had a massive asthma attack and was treated in resus, was observed after nebuliser for a few hrs and sent home banned from CD whilst im on steroids. Theyve whacked me on a hugh dose of steroids and anti biotics with a total on 32 puffs of salbutamol a day over the next week and im off CD until Sunday now and already scales have shown 7lbs water gain so i'm not impressed but health comes first and to be honest these steroids have made me so hungry for carbs there'd have been no way i could hafve stuck with it anyway so at least ive not wasted my products so now theres no official weigh in until a wk on thurs or fri so i'm back in work today, gotta take it easy (today is a bank shift as im actually on 2wks holiday) so im sat waiting for my first appointment to arrive.

Lung wise i feel ok, just a little constricted and im back to needing to use the lift and cant really do a lot of exacerbation without feeling breathless but i feel a million times better than i did on Sunday, thought i was going to die my breathing was so bad. They think that ive developed adult asthma, i always had asthma as a child but from 15 ive had no problems and its only this last yr ive had any lung problems but ive also, since Jan, needed 3 courses of steroids and 2 lots of nebulisers so im being treated once again as an asthmatic. And here's me thinking losing weight is healthy for you lol, wow imagine how debilitated i would be if i was still almost 23st oh my goodness it doesnt bear thinking about oh and i was v annoyed, got a call yesterday from my fat clinic physio that ive only been waiting to see for a yr and they rang to cancel because they'd double booked well why couldnt they cancel the other person grumble grumble grumble so im still no closer to getting exercise for my blooming hip either humph!

Wow what a whiny post, im actually not feeling that miserable infact on a wonderful front today at work i am wearing normal width calf length boots!!!!!!!! I havent been able to wear normal fitting boots since i was 18 and that wasnt a fat thing that was due to clots in my legs that made my calves swell so this is the first time in 11yrs ive been able to wear normal fitting boots :-D and they look pretty good too if i do say so myself!!!!!!
Girl! Take care of yourself and congratulations on the hot boots! I'm pleased that you have lost so much weight because, as you say, your attack Sunday doesn't bear thinking about if you hadn't. You're a healthier weight now and I hope that means you will recover from this in fighting form!

CD will be here waiting for you when you are back in good health! I'm beaming positive thoughts your way... :)
Poor u so sorry to hear about last last few days, hope u feel better soon x
Aww thank you very much :) How are you getting along?

Doing good this time around. Long may it last ;)

hope you've had a fab day

Yes i have indeed been quiet, its been an eventful few days and not necessailry for the good.

We went for our lovely walk on Sunday, walked over 3 miles in total, had a lovely time playing with Ella then i ended up in A and E an hr later, had a massive asthma attack and was treated in resus, was observed after nebuliser for a few hrs and sent home banned from CD whilst im on steroids. Theyve whacked me on a hugh dose of steroids and anti biotics with a total on 32 puffs of salbutamol a day over the next week and im off CD until Sunday now and already scales have shown 7lbs water gain so i'm not impressed but health comes first and to be honest these steroids have made me so hungry for carbs there'd have been no way i could hafve stuck with it anyway so at least ive not wasted my products so now theres no official weigh in until a wk on thurs or fri so i'm back in work today, gotta take it easy (today is a bank shift as im actually on 2wks holiday) so im sat waiting for my first appointment to arrive.

Lung wise i feel ok, just a little constricted and im back to needing to use the lift and cant really do a lot of exacerbation without feeling breathless but i feel a million times better than i did on Sunday, thought i was going to die my breathing was so bad. They think that ive developed adult asthma, i always had asthma as a child but from 15 ive had no problems and its only this last yr ive had any lung problems but ive also, since Jan, needed 3 courses of steroids and 2 lots of nebulisers so im being treated once again as an asthmatic. And here's me thinking losing weight is healthy for you lol, wow imagine how debilitated i would be if i was still almost 23st oh my goodness it doesnt bear thinking about oh and i was v annoyed, got a call yesterday from my fat clinic physio that ive only been waiting to see for a yr and they rang to cancel because they'd double booked well why couldnt they cancel the other person grumble grumble grumble so im still no closer to getting exercise for my blooming hip either humph!

Wow what a whiny post, im actually not feeling that miserable infact on a wonderful front today at work i am wearing normal width calf length boots!!!!!!!! I havent been able to wear normal fitting boots since i was 18 and that wasnt a fat thing that was due to clots in my legs that made my calves swell so this is the first time in 11yrs ive been able to wear normal fitting boots :-D and they look pretty good too if i do say so myself!!!!!!

Goodness, hope you feel better soon.

congrats on the boots ;)

Well it's almost friday woohoo :) Steroids finish today but we'd already planned to go away for MIL and FIL 40th wedding anniversary so i wont actually be back on plan until Sunday Had a pretty bad day today lung wise, had to cancel my shift at work because i couldnt breath properly and it tuck me hours to get to sleep so i spent until about 3pm in bed today. Tomorrow we're going watching Skyfall and then out for lunch then some shopping for something nice to wear for the anniversary meal :)

Oh scales show a 3-4lb gain this week which isnt bad considering ive eaten nothing but carbs and ive certainly taken advantage of not low carbing, its been nice but i am actually looking forward to getting back to the shakes, weird lol
Glad to hear you sounding so chipper! Have a great weekend - enjoy!!!
Well happy tuesday. We had a wonderful weekend and today was the first day back on plan for me, i know i'll have gained weight on Friday but at least im able to get back on track. Ive really eaten like a piggy but i have enjoyed myself and i am very glad to go back to bland eating for a while haha. Hubby and I have decided to attempt no treat nights for the whole of November, it'll be interesting to see how that goes.

I'm also in a bit of a quandry, obviously the weather has gotten very cold my winter coat from last yr is well enormous but do i buy one now or do i wait til the end of November and get one then arghhhh help
Welcome back and good to hear you enjoyed yourself! Hope getting back into ketosis (if you are out of it) goes quickly.

Winter coat - tough one! I have a long raincoat that I can now fit 2 of me in, which I still wear - partly cause I haven't found a new one I like/want to buy and partly cause I'm not at the right size yet. My clothes underneath fit ok, and frankly, as it gets colder and I add layers, I'm ok with the extra room in the coat. It does look a little like I'm a bag lady (someone took some pictures), but I don't care. When I get to the right weight and find the right coat, I'll get a new one. Meanwhile, this one still works, also keeps me warm cause of the layers and it's only for getting from point A to point B, so what the hey!

Course...I'm not particularly fashionable either - fav outfit is jeans and t-shirt....
Well thanks Tizzy i think i may have solved the problem with the coat, hubby found an old from from a few yrs ago i'd forgotten about so that should fit for the next month and ive found a size 16 short one in the bottom of wash basket that i need to get dry cleaned which also fits wooo :)

Well its day 3 of getting back into it, had a horrific headache the last 24hrs so hopefully i should be back in ketosis tomorrow. Its weird even though i know im heavier than last time i got weighed i feel slimmer and i feel i look slimmer in the mirror in fact the top im wearing today is a lot looser and my spare tyre doesnt seem to be sticking out as much and i can fit the laptop more on my lap if that makes sense. Today is also the start of our no food treats in November, im quite excited about the prospect but it'll be very interesting to see how i get on over the next week, ive sorted this friday as hubby is going out with his mates so i'll watch a dvd and have an early night maybe even be naughty and get Ella to snuggle up in bed with me then on Saturday we're going to a firework display with friends now i should be firmly in ketosis by then so if they do want hot dogs etc i shouldnt be too tempted. Oh im waiting for my camera battery to charge then i intend on putting an up to date pic on see if there is a difference since last ones
Oh here's Ella in her halloween outfit as a bat haha!!!


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These are pics taken today, wow i can actually see a difference from my last pic woohoo :)


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Love the picture of Ella - she looks a little uncertain, almost like her costume is making her nervous! :) And you are definitely looking slimmer! I have noticed, but thought it might be my overactive imagination, that sometimes when the weight loss has slowed down, it seems like my body is doing a little adjusting and somehow the inches come off. I think it's quite cool.

Glad to hear you have a solution for the coat - it's getting cold these days!!!
Thanks Tizzy, well today was D day or rather WI after the 10 days off plan and i gained 1lb lol could have been a million times worse and i have gained inches but CWC commented on how much my shape has changed so today is day 4 of 100% and i didnt sleep too well last night so it'll be interestin to see how hungry i get. Hope everyone's got a nice day planned xx
Ony 1lb gain after 10d off plan??!?! That's amazing! You did really well! Clearly you stayed away from carbs and bad stuff. Day 4 almost over and time for day 5! Woo hoo! It's very cool when people start noticing how well you look. And you deserve to be noticed and recognized for all the hard work so far!!! :D
nope Tizzy i ate like a real piggy for the whole 10 days but i have done nothing but wee since i went back on plan so i was probably carrying a lot of water!!!
Hi long time no post?! How's things?

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oh my goodness ladies for the first time in 8 months i think i have officially fallen off plan with no medical reason or health problems or any reason other than this week i could just not be arsed. We've been sooooooo busy at work ive been missing meals so that by the time i got home ive been starving and instead of picking healthy options ive gone for carbs and well things that make you feel emotionally better but i am not quitting and tomorrow is a new day where i am hoping i can get back on track. My motivation hasnt faltered atall i am still very happy with the diet and i enjoy the shakes and my food choices think i just probably needed a break so christmas target definitely won't be achieved but i can still have lost 6st before christmas and well 6st in 9 months is just phenomenal.

Work as i said has been VERY busy but good busy we've had a lot of VERY poorly people coming through that take up a lot of time both physically and mentally but thats why I enjoy my job, I got into mental health nursing to help those who were unwell so it makes it all worthwhile even if it does make for a more stressful environment.

Ella's great at the min (touch wood) she's being a right lil cutie pie, sleeping well too for a nice change. This week has been my mums bday and MIL's bday, we went round to my mums on Tues after Ella had been on a steam train in Wales all day with mum and dad well in the evening we had a lil party and Ella sang happy birthday to my mum and then tonight it's MILs birthday but they live 60miles away well we rang them and Ella sang happy bday down the phone to MIL too it's been so lovely and she's been super cuddly too.

Hubby seems ok too although he's also been off his healthy eating but he doesnt seem as tired as he has been and i think his work's going ok so generally things are going well i just moved sideways for a lil bit haha

How is everyone else doing? Can you believe it's only 47 days til christmas wow!!!