Gold Member
I just can't get motivated and my size is just getting me rock bottom
Think I'm having a senior moment! I thought I'd replied to this but can't see it now (either that or my post is here and there's a prob with my sight!) so will try again!
Know just where ur coming from - been there myself - look at my sign in name - that weight is when I started here not my heaviest by a long way!!
How about trying to reduce what ur eating and choosing things that are a bit healthier and see how that goes - u might feel better about urself for having take some control but without going the whole hog - reckon if u did that for a little while (how long is up to u!)
Hopefully if u did it u'd lose a little weight and lift ur mood too cos u'd have taken control.
Then u might feel ready to step it up a bit and reduce things more - until ur ready to choose what'd be best to lose the rest of ur weight - u could go down the healthy eating route like Claire here which is probably the most sensible way but if u need more structure like me - there's loads of diets, eating plans etc to follow.
Keep reading and posting here - u'll get loads of support and info.
The threads (on Slimming World section) called 'So here we go' started by fat2go and' LJ's journey to be Slim by Sixty' started by LJ22 are good threads (even if ur not on SW) and would welcome u and give advice (I'm not on commission btw). There'll be loads of others u'd like I'm sure. Good luck and take care.