Hope you got on ok with your appointment, Doreen - and the one tomorrow too. At least they'll both be over and done with in the same week!xx
Nice food Doreen, I might do some roasted veg tomorrow evening and have it with chicken. I had to smile at you cooking four sausages but only three made it to be packed to take with you.![]()
Wednesday 4th Feb.
B: none.
L: large portion BNS soup & banana.
D: pork loin chop. Roast corgette, onion, peppers, bns, and carrot. 1 small potato cut up.
I was cooking some studf for the freezer and to take with me for the next couple of days. I cooked 4 h/l sausages.
3 now in the car (as it is as cold as the fridge) So 1 syn
The one for my eyes Kathy was today and went ok. I could not see very well afterwards but ok now. Have to go back in 2 months. Tomorrow is dentist then off to look after the children till Saturday t-time.
Hehe !! I am glad I out them in the car as I am hungry. Even the strawberrys in strawberry mullerlite are in a jar in the car too. Anyway, bed in 1/2 hr.
Will try to keep up to date whilst away.
My food plan for Weds 4 Feb - hope we all have a good one - but I had a sneaky weigh this morning - at first they said I'd gained 3lbs eek! Second go 2lbs on! Third time a half pound loss - so looks like my scales are on the blink (and yes I know I shdn't weigh mid week but cdn't resist!)
But I'm not going to buy any more - then I won't be able to scale hop! I'll return scales & ask for a refund as I've not had them long - will go to Boots each week to weigh.
Edit: I went to Boots this afternoon and weighed at home in the same clothes and Boots scales showed 3lbs lighter - so that was a relief cos I was so fed up at thought of a gain - I was even building up to a binge!
Upped my food a little as u'll see - to try to avoid bingeing! has worked so far!
I've put the food I changed in bold:
b: toast hea, 1 rasher bacon, mushrooms tom ketchup 1 syn?
l: broccoli soup, pear
d: 3 meatballs syns? SW tomato sauce with lots of veg, cauli instead of pasta (saw this on Minis and works okish for pasta and rice (when I'm desperate to lose!)
Freddo 5.5 syns, grapes
fruit teas, water, 1 diet coke, 2 diet pepsis - too many carbonated drinks but thought that was better than more choc! xx
Enjoy your time in Manchester Upndown. 1 syn yesterday because I wanted a low day, especially weighing a day earlier than usual.
I am at Haverhill, got here around 12 noon. Had lunch and am now getting myself syked up to take the dog around the block.
I lost 1lb today, so that is 5.1/2 so far this year. Just 1lb to get back to my 2.1/2 stone. At last
Good luck for your weighin tomorrow and cloudy of course. Who else weighs on Friday
All looking good here today. Sorry, quick visit from me as its been a tiring day. All went well, will put food on my page in a min.
Glad you got there ok Nanny D. x
Thursday 5th February
hexa milk hexb 2 wm bread
B: at class, strawberries & mullerlite. 2 coffee
L: small portion bns/carrot soup
Beef sarnie with 2 slices bread h/e. coffee
D: 3 h/l sausages (3syns) boiled spud, lots brocolli.
mullerlite & satsuma.
3 syns
I am back here next Thursday after going home this Sunday, as I am dog sitting so will probably get weighed Thursday again. I will fetch my scales with me so I can keep an eye on the weight as I will be here for at least a week. So Thursday next week, who knows the week after. I really want to carry on losing. I think they get back 10pm Thursday 19th so maybe have to go to Saffron Walden on the Friday 20th. I won`t want to go home so I can hear from the children about their holiday.
If I keep an eye on the3 weight there is a local sw class on Wed. Mmm lots of planning me thinks. Mind you I will have to do dog walking every day.
There is not a lot of space in freezer here so will only be able to fetch dinner for 2-3 days.
Seems silly to worry about it now but I will only be home 3 full days before I come back again.
There is a lasagne I want to try which uses macoroni cheese & fromage frais for the sauce. Supposed to be very nice. I am sure I can buy a small tin and make a small lasagne.
I agree, have a dessert, enjoy it then syn it.
You don`t seem to be eating a lot so it is frustrating to have a small loss. Keep going though. Do you think going to class will help you Linda.
I am finding it hard while I am here. Have stuck to it so far but thinking of treats a lot. Gonna take the dog for a walk before lunch.
Have promised to take Faye & Flynn to Frankie & Bennies today for their dinner. I will have to look and see if there is anything good for me. They do steak & Jacket but a little skint at the moment. Will see how it goes and let you know later.