Nanny D have u ever seen it b4? Take ur tissues its such a lovely tear jerker. I love it. Have fun. X
/whispers so as not to wake Doreen if she's managed to nod off. Have a lovely time tonight and yes, take tissuesx
Have a brilliant time in London, Linda!
Hope you enjoyed Miss Saigon, Doreen and hope your eyes are feeling much better. xx
Good to catch up with everyone's news! Well we had a good weekend - the girls ended up at the rugby (the boys went to the pub whilst we had a short pop to the shops!)
Train journey home was split half way by a coach ride cos of maintenance works on the line -!which elongated the journey by half - so 2 hours turned into 3!
Food wise was ok - def not on plan - I made some good choices but also had some treats!
Realised it's not a good idea to go to SW 2moro as we're away next week (going to London) all this gadding about is not good for the diet but good for us esp hubby has he's not had much time off since our summer hol.
So will go to SW a week 2moro xx
Here's my food for the day:
b: toast part heb, egg, pear
l: bread other part heb, 1 rasher lean bacon, ketchup 1 syn? apple
d: beef, broccoli, cauli, carrots, celery, 1 tbsp gravy ? syns
Treat: Freddo crinkles - 5 syns (half syn less than the milk choc one and lovely cos the sprinkles added some texture and made it last a bit longer!xx
Syns = 6 plus the gravy
Good morning ladies x
Sound like you had a good time Linda. 3 hours is a long time on a train journey.
Girls at the rugby. Hope they enjoyed it and the shopping after. I know the men would enjoy the oub.
Good you made some good choices with your food.
I think you are right about giving a SW a miss as you are off to London. Would put a lot of pressure on you.
Enjoy your trip to London.
That Freddo sound lovely. Thbe rest of your food is looking good too Linda.
Have a brilliant time in London, Linda!
We will thx - but hope I don't blow out on food! We don't usually go away so often but I gave hubby the London tickets at Christmas.
Monday 9th February
hexa milk. hexb 2 bread
B: 2 bacon, 2 eggs and tomato. 2 toast
D: chicken chasseur, pepper, mushroom & onion. Lots rice 2syns 1/3rd packet mix.
After show. 3 slices bread 13.1/2 syns and ham & tom. It was a big loaf bought by mistake.
Total 15.1/2 syns
Put the rest of the bread under the tap it was so nice. I would of carried on eating it. It was one of those half loaves and I thought it was a small loaf.
an excellent day I say Doreen - u did sooooo well to put that bread under the tap - just the kind of thing I wd do - it made me smile!! And we're allowed to have 15 syns aren't we - so u just stopped in time - well done!
I took tissues and needed them bubble.
I did get a 2hr nap. Was sorely needed. I loved the show, so moving and so dramatic.
Eyes were stinging a bit, well it is one eye that is really giving a problem. However it is so much better this morning. Was going to ring the doctor but as it is not so bad I will pop in and see my pharmacist.
Miss Saigon best show I have seen.
Glad u enjoyed the show - a tear jerker does us good at times and good productions take us out if ourselves don't they! I always think they do us good! Glad ur eyes are a little better - hope the pharmacist can give u something to soothe them.
A great day Doreen xx
Don't think it's lazy to cook Sunday dinner and a soup BFL!!xx
Hi all. Quick post from me as I'm at Mums. Had my hospital day today, got injected with radioactive liquid, then the scan. I've had one before, this was to see if my joint damage has increased but won't get the results for two weeks.
Made me feel a bit yuk for a while afterwards, but Mum has been spoiling me with cups of tea, homemade soup and a naughty piece of bakewell slice. Very synful but I reckon I deserved it
Paul is picking me up after work so nothing else to worry about today. X
Hi all. Quick post from me as I'm at Mums. Had my hospital day today, got injected with radioactive liquid, then the scan. I've had one before, this was to see if my joint damage has increased but won't get the results for two weeks.
Made me feel a bit yuk for a while afterwards, but Mum has been spoiling me with cups of tea, homemade soup and a naughty piece of bakewell slice. Very synful but I reckon I deserved it
Paul is picking me up after work so nothing else to worry about today. X
Definitely agree with Doreen, UpnDown Linda. Forget SW during your London trip! You don't want anything to impinge on having a fun, DELICIOUS time and, even if you put a pound or two on, you know how to get rid of it again so......go for it and enjoy!xx
Tuesday 10th February
hexa milk. hexb nothing
B: none.
L: BNS/carrot soup.
Snack at cafe with my T. 2 bananas
D: 1 chicken thigh 2 sausages, (2 syns)served with roasted corgette, mushrooms, tomatoes bns chips, peppers and red onion all roasted.
1 small potato sliced for chips.
Hoping to have nothing else, if I do it will be pineapple. I had the pineapple on top of the roasted veg. I do love sweet & sour.