slow but steady!
Atomic pink said:Sounds like you would definitely be entitled to a crisis loan in that case. Its a much more immediate benefit - you phone up the social fund and request a crisis loan for essential living expenses and it gets agreed while you are on the phone. You then just have to get down to the local benefit office to collect the giro at a pre-agreed time that day. I only have the numbers for England but I am sure a quick google would find you in the number you need. A word of advice though would be to phone as early as possible (they open at about 8:30am) as they lines do get pretty busy later in the day.
Thanks chick - everything's closed for bank holidays today and tomorrow but hopefully hear back soon about my application and will ask about this! Although money is still an issue it's not a massive problem currently as I know I have help to pay bills and food so I'm not too worried about anything else as I've already cut my spending right down over past few months of being off.
Speaking of spending cuts I popped to Asda as needed carrots and onions to make soup tonight love that it cost like 80p for both and that will make loads just need to add my tesco value stock cubes and a little thai curry paste