new year, new start, new me :0

morning ladies

weekend was 90 % good i only a kebab and two kit kats and sausages so no bad

monday ee day
breakie - muller light
lunch - pasta with tomoatoes with sausauges (syns)
snacks - 2 x alpen light bars (hxb) 375ml skimmed milk (hxa) an apple
dinner - not sure yet
morning girls.

for dinner last night i cooked chicken in a bbq sauce with pineapple in a pitta bread was very yummy

tuesday 24th ee day
breakie - muller light
lunch - left over chicken from last night with a torilla wrap (8 syns)
dinner - treating my self to fish and chips not sure on syns
snacks - 2 x alphen light bars (hxb) 375ml skimmed milk (hxa) an apple
good morning everyone
weigh in day today :s
who knows what is gonna happen but i am praying for a loss

breakie - muller light
lunch - tuna with cucumber
snacks - 3 x finn crisp (hxb) 1 alpen light bar (hxb ) mixed it up to use the last alpen an apple.
dinner - jacket potatoe
Good luck for weigh in xxx

well ladies i lost a lovely 2.5 pounds this week was totally suprised didnt expect it at all.
i am now back to where i was in march and only have 0.5 pounds to lose to my two stone so fingers crossed i can do this this week

friday 27th ee day
breakie - muller light
lunch - batcherlors pasta pot shot tomoatoe and herb (not sure on syn) with added sweetcorn
snacks - ham, cucumber, apple for hxb i am trying something different i have brought 30g ryvita minis so we will see how that does 375ml skimmed milk (hxa)
dinner - quorn chicken pieces in tortilla wraps ( 2 x 8 syns = 16 syns)

there will be alot of syns consumed this weekend as am out tonight drinking which will prob result in a kebab and saturday i am going out for a all you can eat chinese and drinks after but i will be free with my syns and then back on it on sunday with hardly any syns

does this sound like a good idea?
Good plan. Also those pot shots are all free except for the chicken ones. Tomato is def free :)

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morning girls
well the weekend went like this, lots of alchol on friday night followed by a kebab and chips :S
saturday - some french stick with salad and ham inside, all you can eat chinese followed by alchol
sunday - french stick, some short bread followed by steak pies, new poatoes,broccalli and gravy

monday 30th april red day
breakie - melon
lunch - mixed salad with beetroot and ham and a little bit of light caser salad sauce (not sure on syns)
snacks - 375ml skimmed milk (hxa) ryvita minis (hxb) an apple
dinner - bean sprouts, mushrooms, peppers with chicken in a sweet chilli sauce

plan to do as many red days as possible this week and to do 20 mins of zumba every night i get home

i really want to lose that half a pound this week and get my two stone shiny
girls help please.
my aim is to do zumba tonight when i get home from work but i think i have pulled or twisted my knee it hurts so much when walking. do i do zumba any way or rest up

if i rest up do u think if i am good today and rest of week i will still loose?
SW works without exercise - I am proof! If it hurts then please rest it x

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morning girls
well i didnt do exercise i rested my knee as it was so sore
i had a lovely healthy dinner which consited off bean sprouts, peppers, mushrooms and chicken with a sweet chilli sauce added.

tuesday 1st may ee day
breakie - melon
lunch - mixed salad with ham and bacon and gherkins and a little bit of light salad cream (syns?
dinner - wholemeal pasta with quorn swedish balls, tomatoes, mushrooms and maybe peppers
snacks - ryvita mini (hxb) 250ml semi skimmed milk (hxa) an apple

depending how my knee is later maybe some zumba when i get home