new year, new start, new me :0

Won't tell you off as it could have been worse!!!

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29 syns :giggle: you can make them up, try 150+ at one sitting :eek: we don't even get that amount of syns in a whole week....don't think I'll go for my kinda blow out again, think I'll take a leaf out of your book and go for something retrieveable :8855: xxxx
good morning girls
i lost a pound last night :) so i am now 9.13 :)

friday 27th january ee day
breakie - muller light
lunch - scrambled egg with bacon and tomoatoes
snacks - 6 x finn crisp (hxb) 250ml semi skinned milk (hxa) 6 - 8 glasses of water, 1 mug of green tea
dinner - quorn steak strips in a wrap (8 syns) with cucumber and maybe some low fat cheese (3 syns)

i am gonna try and eat banannas once a day
and will try and get more exercise this week

oh and my car is fixed :)
Yey for the loss and the car!!!

Was the car expensive?

Oh and I just had 2 bananas!

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car cost £131 less than we expected :)
i think bananas are meant to be very good for you but i have never eaten them before as always say i dont like them
i am going to buy some white chocolate and raspberry oats and try that as well as never eaten oats it is 7 syns a packet :)
car cost £131 less than we expected :)
i think bananas are meant to be very good for you but i have never eaten them before as always say i dont like them
i am going to buy some white chocolate and raspberry oats and try that as well as never eaten oats it is 7 syns a packet :)
I just get plain oats myself? You get quite a lot for a HEB :)
I can't believe you don't like bananas!?
omg i have just seen in the slimming world mag for this month
mullerlight mint flavour with chocolate
i need some of these :0
well done on your loss hun :)

mint muller lights??? I'll buy one and give it a try, but am really not sure about it lol
Hey sweetie :woohoo: well done on the loss.
Hope you're having a fab yoghurt :yuk: not sure I like that idea, although frozen might be good :hug99: xxx
lollypop1985 said:
hello everyone
sorry not been on in a few days been having a bad time at the moment. am trying to be as good as i can be. think i will get a gain tomorrow night but i will let you know what happens

Always here if you neede chick... You will be ok...xx
morning all
weigh in tonight expecting either a gain or a sts but we will see in ten hours time

thursday 2nd feb - ee day
breakie - muller light (not mint flavour thou :( )
lunch -jacket potatoe with ham, pineapple and low fat cottage cheese ( not sure on the syn value)
snacks - 6 x finn crisp (hxb) 250ml semi skinned milk (hxa) 6 - 8 glasses of water, 1 mug of green tea