2lbs on since monday but i'm not worried. think my stores are filling a little and it'll all even itself out. also i've not been 100% 1000 plan for 2 days. had a flapjack last night before bed. should have had an apple instead, less calories lol.
anyway.... onwards and upwards, live and learn.
they do a zumba class on a monday in the local community centre near me. so my exercise plan is this...
monday - swimming with dude (waterbabies), zumba pm
tuesday - gym (core stability, running) possible zumba if i can get ems picked up from school by my dad, it's only 3 mins away from where they live so he'll be gone a max of 10 mins.
wednesday - swimming with kids and zumba (pm)
thursday - core stability then zumba
friday - running outside for 30 mins
saturday - nothing
sunday - running outside 30 mins.
estimated total cals i would burn....
mon - 550cals
tues - 1100 cals
wed - 500 cals
thursday - 600 cals
friday - 400 cals
sat - 0cals
sunday - 400 cals
week's total - 3550 - 1lb in weight.