not any more, sorry

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Afternoon, almost another kilo gone overnight, wish it would do that everyday lol:) Had a lovely night out at rehearsal last night, even if I did have to listen to a christmas song 4 or 5 times over (but that is what rehearsals are for lol) had a very impromptu tea last night, made Loretta a chilli which she had with wraps but I nicked a couple of tablespoons and put it on my mozarella omelette after I had grilled it and it was almost like a pizza!!! Proper yummy, there is some left so might repeat tonight :)

Busy weekend coming up, gigs Friday (inc a birthday party), Saturday (if I decide to go) and Sunday (no question of missing that one unless I have left the planet). Had a couple of cheeky vodka and diet coke last night (well 3 actually) and 4 pints of soda water in between.
No alcohol tonight - will save myself for weekend. Friday is a walking distance gig so no holds barred lol.

Hope you lot have lovely sunshine like we do today :) xxx
Evening Bren :) ... am thrilled to pieces that you're sliding down the scales again!!! Yippeee!! :) xx
Evening Di
Yummy sortof pizza again tonight and just had a cinnamon mim with butter for supper, hopefully scales will go down again a little in the morning. Worst bit of the week is coming on again only about 17 days after the last one - bummer!!! Think the body is on the change - not really ready for that one I don't think!

How has your day been Di? xx
Morning Bren... Yesterday was a great day although I somehow managed to gain 1.5lbs... Might have been the coffee or cheese or that I breathed in too much fresh air!!! Must try harder today! Lol

Might be worth you getting tested to see if it is the change... Always better to be 4 armed so you can think about supplements and stuff... A bit depressing though... Hugs xx

Hope you have a good day! Busy weekend ahead for you! :) x
Morning Bren

I was the same with my last one - finished the one before on 28th, started again on 15th grrr. Just stop, already!

Sounds like a big gig weekend for you again :D
I had my coil fitted about 2 months ago now due to really heavy totm....

The only thing I've found now though is I'm having break through bleeds for around 18 days and then totm, which is a lot lighter but still!

They say it can take up to 6 months to settle...:0( but other than that it's fine and doesn't need replacing for 5 years!

J x

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Morning Bren, yes get yourself to the Dr love. They should prescribe you some of those anti menopause things. They worked very well for Colleen
Afternoon all, thing is I don't really need contraception (iykwim) so I don't want to put stuff in my body that it does not need. I have been putting off going to docs as I hate going with a passion. Will try and convince myself it might be an idea to at least have a chat with her. Sometime........

Scales STS as yesterday, possibly a little too much chilli on my omelette and no walking in the park for a good few days lol.

Bokwa tonight, hope it does not kill me after a week off classes.....
then a gig if I live through Bokwa. Alcohol for sure.

Hope you all have a good weekend if I don't get back on here tonight which is unlikely xx
Hi Bren, i know what you mean about unnecessary chemicals but definitely worth popping past the gp! altho agree i avoid mine like the plague (which is one of the reasons i hate going - all those bugs waiting to pounce in the waiting room;) )

Enjoy bokwa tonight - take it a bit easy so you dont pull anything and have a mega gig:D
Hope you have a fab weekend Bren! :)
And how is rock and roll girl today:D
Ok babes, dance was good, gig was severely awesome, hangover today (make that yesterday it is now 1.40............) cured by vanilla vodka, half a bottle so far lol and a bottle of red with steak for dinner (although for once the missus had by far the most of it). I make it about 14 hours to the next one (and probably one of the best but chillled) may take camera for reliving purposes ;)
Afternoon Susie, lie in till just before 11 which was nice, no hangover even after all that vodka, neat spirit is much better for me than wine lol. Just put my camera battery on to charge ready for the gig. Missus is washing up from last nights dinner and I am chilling on here. Quite sunny here today but very very windy. 3 hours to go......need to think about getting showered and tarted up.

What terrible news about Gary Speed - so bloody sad, his poor family must be devastated :(
Evening Bren! Hope you have a fantastic evening! Post some pics if you can and hope you get home safely :) x
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