Evening All
Yes Lisa, I had a 3pm finish, so I picked up a couple of cans of JD and coke (omg cannot remember last time I had full fat coke!!!) for an afternoon aperatif

half an hour in the freezer while I did a couple of chores and they were just the thing for changing my tshirt and jeans and trainers, to a tshirt jeans and trainers lol, oh and putting some heavy black eye make up on to blend in a bit, and spike up the old locks of course.
Yes Susie, a bit removed from your sort of music I think

but definitely mine!
Yes Claire, I think you are right with that info, sure I read it somewhere.
Oh DD, that was the only disappointment of the night for me - they did not do it!!!!!! I love it too.
Was a good night, although I could see bugger all except the tops of their heads occasionally, everybody seemed 7 foot tall that were in front of me, it was all standing so no other options, and as you know I am severely vertically challenged lol. I got a couple of photos holding my phone in the air lol. Was a good night though
Today, however.............I am full of a bloody cold. Dammit. So I am staying in tonight and the missus has just gone out lol. Me and dogbert are cosying up on the sofa, and I have scotch (for medicinal purposes of course).
Ok, so that ended up a bit war and peace............but so be it