Ollies Diary-Post LT Randomness

Flapjacks are lovely if you like eating MDF! Also you need to give yourself about 5hrs and 20 gallons of water to finish one

Can't you tell I loved the one I tried to eat:8855:Had to give up after 2 hrs
Lol I wanted to answer everyone cos its so good to hear so much encouragement so here goes!

Sum people like the flapjacks so it may be worth checking those out but i warn ya they are horrid.

Ill think about the flapjacks, chemist didnt give me the option so maybe thinks im not ready for them yet..

Hi Ollie, you are doing brill, well done. When is ur first weigh in due? You won't be disappointed x

Thanks Tara, Im doing ok but really only starting.. so much to go yet... first weigh in due Tuesday.. Heard 1st ones biggest loss so here's hoping! :)

I agree they're awful. I read someone describe it as 'like eating a telephone directory' which is true, they are so dry I needed a litre of water just to get one down. But then some people really like them so I guess everyone needs to try for themself.

Will Try them.. they maybe acquired like the shakes.. were terrible day 1 but now they are bearable!

lol - my pharmacist insisted they were so dreadful she didn't want to give me any! lol

i guess if you miss chewing they help with that???

Maybe they will help alright.. not that I miss chewing but wondering how hard it will be if I do this diet for 6 months and dont chew.. maybe it'll be fine.. just weird not doing it!

Thanks all again for words of encouragment.. yer all great!! :)
aha are we doing the Irish discussion? lol. My mum is Irish and lives over there, she is from the north. My dad is English.

I have lived in London all my life but visited Ireland since i was a baby - so been going back and forth for 28 years now:eek::D
aha are we doing the Irish discussion? lol. My mum is Irish and lives over there, she is from the north. My dad is English.

I have lived in London all my life but visited Ireland since i was a baby - so been going back and forth for 28 years now:eek::D

OO what part of London you live? and what county of Ireland you go to? Think this place is full of Irish, Irish relations and some Irish lovers as well!! haha
ooo Cousins Cork, Da was a Dub.. tough upbringing then!! :p hehe I joke.. Im east cork, country side etc etc!! but spent 4 years in the city studying and partying!! Ignore Dublin going forward, Cork is the place to be!! hehe
Cheeky :giggle: I love Cork,he countryside is magnificent.

I also lived in London for 7years. I get about a bit :giggle:
Cheeky :giggle: I love Cork,he countryside is magnificent.

I also lived in London for 7years. I get about a bit :giggle:

yep Cork is an amazing place to visit and stuff, if only it had as much variety as London and Jobs as London I'd probably live there..

Lol you do get around alright ;-) hehe

Off to sleep, night night x
Yep, me too. I was aiming to be in bed earlyish tonight to get myself back into the routine before work on Monday, not a chance
Nighty Night
lmao this post is class!!!! got me giggling :D

u irish sure have the craic ;)
hi everyone !! your all doing so well!!! ollie keep it up and best of luck its really worth it !! i did LT back in june for two months with my boyfriend i lost 3 stone he lost 4 1/2 ! back on it now to lose the last bit hope i can do it i really should have stuck it out until i lost what had to because im finding it harder this time round..feel a bit lazy..started yesterday but had a chinese last night ! im terrible!! going good today though! determined to fit into a size 12 or even better size 10 jeans by the summer !!!!! ooh !!!!!! :D good luck every1!!
hi everyone !! your all doing so well!!! ollie keep it up and best of luck its really worth it !! i did LT back in june for two months with my boyfriend i lost 3 stone he lost 4 1/2 ! back on it now to lose the last bit hope i can do it i really should have stuck it out until i lost what had to because im finding it harder this time round..feel a bit lazy..started yesterday but had a chinese last night ! im terrible!! going good today though! determined to fit into a size 12 or even better size 10 jeans by the summer !!!!! ooh !!!!!! :D good luck every1!!

Heya Gilly, wow thats a great loss in 2 months.. well done.. why didnt you keep going then? have u put back on weight since?

Best of luck to you.. if you're struggling come on here :) although talking to a Meath girl can be a pain!! :p
So... Next update... Living on strawberry/vanilla shakes these days as its what I like but I have lots of just strawberry and chicken which I dont wanna return so tonight its all strawberry!! yay! (Hated all strawberry on Day 1) hope my taste buds turn to liking it this time..

Bit tired today, did a lot yesterday so wore me out.. and all I can smell is LT Shakes,., they have a distinctive smell dont they? everywhere smells of them.. get the feeling I smell of them and my pee smells of them lol!

Anyways I ain't struggling yet.. Looking forward to getting over the wall that is supposedly day 5 tomorrow! then its back to work Monday.. Yippee!
haha cheeky!!! yeh kept most of it off put on a pound here and there but would lose again and put on again..i dunno i felt at the time after 2 months i couldnt do anymore...certain parts of my body became inflammed from the weight loss and i was in a lot of pain ! going to australia in a few months and am determined now to shift the last 2-3 stone !!!..the best advise is buy a top or trousers that u love in a small size and motivate yourself by trying to fit into them..thats what got me going the first time it feels so good to fit into a size 12 top and 14 bottom cant wait til they become loose now!! or else i'd just google pics of slim women lol pathetic i no but it helped !! i particularly like kim kardashians body !!! slim but bigger in the right places !!