I know exactly why and how I put the weight back on. A few reasons.
1. I didnt finish the diet and go up the steps where you re-introduce food slowly.
2. I went straight back to my old eating habits. I suppose I didnt figure out a solution for my eating, because I know that I eat mainly in the evenings when I am bored and because it has become a habit.
But please, DO NOT do what I did and put all the weight back on if you can help it. It is SO demoralising and depressing as it is SO hard to re-start.
But I did it before and I know why I am back to how I am, so hopefully I can do it again!
Thank you for replying! I am doin SS+ and to be honest I know very little of the steps from this, I do however know I have to introduce it slowly! I'm quite optimistic that my healthy habits will stay. I want to lose it so much and reading other people's blogs are so inspiring and I've had a good first week I think because of this. It is a shame that you put it all back on (old habits die hard!) but you know what you did wrong and your doing something about it and the fact that you went through so much and putting yourself through it again is fantastic! I am the exact same, evenings are the worse but my evenings have extended to 24 hours as I'm always home with my baby but I did notice that most of my eating was habit. The first few days I really noticed it! Anyway keep up the good work, you should be proud!