is this green or red day?
I do extra easy days. I don't bother with green or red.
we cant use eggs as our 1/3 superfree anymoreI am going to struggle with cooked breakfasts now!
we cant use eggs as our 1/3 superfree anymoreI am going to struggle with cooked breakfasts now!
A 1/3 superfree is recommended it isn't a MUST. As long as you are getting plenty of the superfree foods (fruit and unstarchy vegetables) in elsewhere in your day, then I wouldn't worry about it. I certainly am not.
It is impossible to get a 1/3 superfree in at every single meal time. I am eating plenty of fruit and unstarchy vegetables at other times of the day, so it is not something I am worried about.
If you look at the meal plans for extra easy on the slimming world website, not every meal has superfree foods.
the 1/3 superfree is to encourage you to get in your 5 a day and to stop carb overload.
oh NOOOOOO. Is this one of the new changes.?
Eggs are still free though right.? So we can still have our eggs with our breakfasts but will need to add other superfree foods then like mushrooms etc.?
Am I right here.? Hope so. lol
Your curry looks really tasty, I have struggled to find a curry recipe that I like on SW so will be having a go at this one.