Hi guys, I need advice from formula feeding mummies. Trying to make the decision as to what to do re: feeding and it occurs to me that I don't really know what I'm doing as I've just been buying ready made formula for occasional feeds and sterilising one bottle at a time (we have the mam self sterilising bottles). So I need to know the details - do you buy ready made or powder? How many bottles do you have/need? How do you organise sterilising (steam or Milton)? How do you arrange the night feeds, do you have to make every bottle up from scratch or can you store in the fridge? Any advice would be gratefully received to help me make a decision xxx
Let me see if I can recall all the info:
I have 10 bottles - Stevie uses 5-6 a day so I can leave them to wash and sterilise in groups.
We use a steam steriliser because there is no outgoing with it and therefore can't ever run out of tablets or whatever. I've never coke across the self sterilising bottles so can't comment on those at all.
We use the powder and at £10 a tub it seems expensive but he only eats one a week

so if u think about the expense there....6 bottles x 7 days is 42 bottles a week (and I'm making 7oz's which I'm not even sure the ready mades would fill to?) even if they did at 80p a carton would be a powerful amount more than the powder... £33.60 to be precise! Lol. I know there is different cartons to buy but I've only got a couple of the individual ones for my change bag.
As for how long to keep them for. The official line on the side if the tub is to mix and use within 2 hours. When I was ill I explained to my HV that I couldn't go up and down the stairs all day long (we live in a 3 story house with out kitchen in the basement, living room in the middle and bedrooms on the top)
I asked her about putting the kettle water in in the morning then mixing the powder when I needed - she said this was fine.
However she did give me a leaflet that explained the most important part of mixing the powder is making sure it hits the hot water to kill anything in the powder. And then if it is mixed it can either be kept warm in a thermal bag for up to 12 hours or in the fridge ( top shelf in door) it can be kept for up to 24 hours! - quite different from the 2hour line!!
Therefore in the morning now I make up 2 bottles , when he finished the 2 nd I mix the third so it is ready...and so on. Stevie is good and nearly finishing a feed and then not eating again for 3 hours or so. When we first started bottle feeding I would make up a full 8oz bottle and let him chip away at it bet a few hours a he seemed to eat every hour-1.5hours.
An the side if my SMA tin it says how much formula they should take in tier feeds and how many feeds a day they should have...this helped me loads cos I knew I wasn't over feeding him... Or on the odd occasion I thought I was I could check etc.
Hmmmmm hope that helps a little - I'm not saying I'm perfect or that this is what your HV would tell I but it's what we found out worked xxx