Well attended our first NCT antenatal class tonight. There were 7 other couples. All seemed very nice and similar age to us. It was everyone's first baby.
We first did some introductions- names, where live, where having baby. Then we spoke about decisions we have already made and how we made those, so for example why the hospital we chose, why the pushchair we chose etx.
Then had to label parts of the body and lady went through each bit and how women's body is changing to prepare for labour. We looked at the different hormones and how to maximise those, so for example the important of staying calm and being told that we are doing a job in the early stages of labour.
Then looked at the different stages of labour and contractions. What to do at each stage. How it can affect people.
We have some papers to read before Saturday's session.
Main things we took away from today was
1. Pack a picnic- important for partner to have food and drinks, as well us.
2. What to wear - important partner has a t shirt packed because it will be very hot. Important we are comfy in what we are wearing.
3. The calmer you are the easier labour will be
4. Standing up, kneeling or bending down will help in each stage of labour compared to lying down on a bed. Let gravity help.
Am exhausted. Struggling with acid reflux again so had lots of milk and propped up in bed. Let's hope I sleep better tonight x
Laura (MrsLMC) recommends keeping calm as possible too.. She's been there twice so I'm believing her lol But I have noticed when I was having those really strong cramps a few weeks back.. If I remembered to breath, they eased off.. Was hard to remember as the pains were so strong at the time but once I did, they eased off... So need to remember that on D Day...
But how do you keep calm when you're already anxious? I don't doubt that it works. Just not sure how I'm supposed to do it and the idea that I'm making labour harder for myself is really upsetting tbh. Wish someone could tell me what to do :/
Drugs calmed me in hospital!!epidural saved my life!! Midwives ad doctors are v calming and great at their job! Not once did I feel they were stressed about Stevie when in reality they were worried about his heart rate and oxygen levels!! I didn't know till the end!
I'm worried about the epidural too TBH... Never was before but have heard it can slow labour and make it more difficult etc... But I really don't think I'll be able go through labour without it.. So either way... I'm worried!!! Also I've heard to let gravity help as much as possible and spend as little time as possible on yer back... But if I have epidural am gona assume I can't do that... I've yet to discuss pain relief with the MW/Consultant so i'm trying not to let my brain go there until I have facts.. And am steering clear of Google coz you only get the scary stories on there and that'll not do me any good at all...
I never had a pain relief chat with anyone!! When I got there I took what they offered. I must admit tho I didn't have a birth plan! I was happy to turn up and what happens happens!! Lol. Well let's face it no plan starts with 'get stupidly high blood pressure and be induced' lol xx
J's sisters only advice has been "go in stupid and take what they offer" LOLI never had a pain relief chat with anyone!! When I got there I took what they offered.
I must admit tho I didn't have a birth plan! I was happy to turn up and what happens happens!! Lol. Well let's face it no plan starts with 'get stupidly high blood pressure and be induced' lol xx