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Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: Brands, Feeding, Nursery, Bathing, Everything!
Ok here I am on this one as well! It's nice to be wanted!
Ok here I am on this one as well! It's nice to be wanted!
Hi ladies,
I was just reading something about breech babies and was wondering what you'd do/want if the unlikely event occured where your baby is breech going into labour?
I know they recommend having a c section if there are certain factors, like the baby's foot being below his/her bum etc but how would you feel? Would you still want to go for a Vaginal birth, or would you opt for a c section? xx
Ok here I am on this one as well! It's nice to be wanted!xx
I think if baby was breech i would rather have an elective section than risk it all being an emergency.....too many awful things like cord coming down first, head getting stuck etc can happen with breech and then that really is an emergency, so i think i'd just follow their recommendations and have a section.
What do you think you'd do Jess?
WelcomeOk here I am on this one as well! It's nice to be wanted!xx
Ooo gosh, lots of questions! Ok firstly, cai, poor you, what an ordeal! Does the discharge smell yucky? If not it is likely to be the last of the bleeding. Tends to be red, then brown, then creamy/yellow. Can last 6 weeks. If it does smell then I would get off to the GP. Also, have you had a look? If it's healing it will be obvious. Might look a little yellowy, but should be healthy pink/red skin around it but shouldn't look angry or inflamed. The yellow is normal, as the new skin grows up from the bottom the yellow comes away. Lastly, does it hurt? ......
No problem! Happy to help! Sarah_lou, in answer to your question, yes all diabetic mums will be induced before 40 weeks. Typically 38-39 weeks. If and only if, your bloods sugars are perfect they might let you go to 40 weeks. Any longer and the incidence of stillbirth goes up I'm afraid. As your GDM on insulin, they might put you on insulin, they might not. I know that's not v helpful but at my trust it depends on each mum. It depends how well your sugars are in labour. They will monitor baby's blood sugar at least 4 times, before each feed (except the first) so you need to let them know when you're feeding baby! Some trusts observe for 24 hrs, others it's just 4 results, so if baby feeds every 2 hrs, you could be done and dusted in 8 and they MIGHT let you go, but I would be prepared to stop for a day or two. With regard to baby being on 90th, don't panic, they can be out by 25%, generally they are looking for consistent growth and to check baby doesn't suddenly become very chubby very quickly. How are your sugars? Xx
Quick question ladies, as most of you know I've been willing this little lady to start moving (I'm 19+3 today) last night I felt what felt like a tickle on my belly, about a minute later I felt the same thing and today I've felt it 3 times, it happens about 2 inches below belly button, could it finally be baby letting me know she's ok?? Or could it just be an itchy belly? :-/