Missy, I would say just because you are consultant led doesn't mean you can't have a water birth ESPECIALLY as it's due to MH issues, do they have a pool on labour ward? Sure you will be more chilled out if you are in a calm and relaxed environment? Then they could move you to the ward postnatally? If you have a normality midwife she could really help you with this sort of stuff. In terms of induction, if baby is well grown etc then I would say the risk to baby is fairly minimal...there are risks with induction such as it might not work, can lead to distress for baby if contractions come fast and quick BUT, that can happen with labour anyway! It's such a tricky one hun, that said, have a word with your MH consultant and midwife and if you feel induction will keep you calm and give you a sense of control and make you better able to cope, that, in conjunction with SPD I would personally say, is enough to warrant an induction. But then you couldn't use the pool and you might be stuck to a bed if you're induced! Ah so many issues to consider....! This is why, if you can, you need to sit down with the normality midwife, write down all the issues, and work out what important and what's not so, and write a birth plan in line with that. How is your relationship with your comm midwife? Maybe she could help you with it? That said, the normality midwife will have more clout in organising things for you. Xx