I would say it depends. Some of them contain solvents and that's what you need to be careful of. But I did some painting when I was pregnant and had the solvent free paint but I did open all the windows and wear a mask as well just to be on the safe side...x
Sounds like it. Does it look like a period? No clots or anything? X
Hi Ladies x I was wondering if you had any thoughts on this...
is it possible for your bump to "drop" at 28 weeks? I thought it seemed a little lower this week, but MIL commented a lot today on how low my bump looks today compared to last week when she saw me. Was just wondering if that's even possible? xx
Maybe baby is just lying weird???
I dunno is the honest answer but I'd imagine, no...
Yeah I thought that... I don't know when babies turn round usually x
Again... Dunno ( don't know allot do I haha)
My doc did say he couldn't tell me baby's position earlier in the week coz in an hour it may have changed coz they move around do much at this stage...
Hi Ladies x I was wondering if you had any thoughts on this... is it possible for your bump to "drop" at 28 weeks? I thought it seemed a little lower this week, but MIL commented a lot today on how low my bump looks today compared to last week when she saw me. Was just wondering if that's even possible? xx
I'm not sure hun! Mine didn't drop until some time around 36 weeks, baby may have changed position though? My bump changes shape if baby movesxxx
Yeah I'm sure it's just that x MIL said something to hubby and now he's worried thinking I'm going to have baby soon! I'm not worried at all, I'm sure it's just the way baby is lying! Xx
Mine went head down at about your stage thinking about it, it could be that! I noticed a change in movements around the same time, it was when I went to PAU as he'd not moved for a bit. If so that's brill! Means baby is heading the right wayxxx
Yeah I'd be well chuffed if she is head down lol I'm feeling some movements quite high up almost near my ribs so it could be her little tootsieseither that or she's breech lol xx
Aw, I bet that's some little feets you can feel! I felt the same sort of thing at first. Now he sticks a foot in my ribs and won't move or just kicks me one really hardYour midwife should tell you which way up she is next time you see her - exciting times! xxx
Lol aww bless himI feel all emotional (in a happy way) right now
I can feel her rolling right now... I just had my hand on my belly and I think I just had my hand on her back or on her bum
how amazing? I still can't believe I'm going to be having a baby, and then I have moments like this where I can feel her and it feels real.