Pregnancy and Slimming World

They only have anti natal classes here which were not very good, your parent education class sounds much more interesting and more proactive x
Its my third day back on plan and i feel so much more better apart from the peeing which is driving me crazy x

Yeah I never fancied the antinatal classes you can do all that breathing and messing at home lol!
I know what you mean about the peeing Hun! I actually took count yesterday just to see how many times I went as my oh is complaining about the amount if toilet rolls we go through a week and it turned out that I went through a full roll and went 38 times! That's is just shocking! That includes the night trips too! I've got so much pressure in my lower bits I've hardly slept again! The mattress topper does hell but I'm just struggling with the constipation now amongst other things! Ringing my diabetes nurser today for advice because I have really struggled with my levels since Thursday! The other day I had some sweets and they were fine but the days I was good they were high! Weird!!!
For all you ladies who've already had children! What would you say contractions feel like? I've done loads of reading up on them but everyone seems to experience different things! Some day it's like period pains, some say it's like being kicked by a horse! I know everyone's different but would be good to get an idea!
For all you ladies who've already had children! What would you say contractions feel like? I've done loads of reading up on them but everyone seems to experience different things! Some day it's like period pains, some say it's like being kicked by a horse! I know everyone's different but would be good to get an idea!


Latent (1st stage) is like mild period cramps you should get these regularly and can start as long as one every 30-60minutes lasting for about 60seconds and as your cervix shortens and thins they will become stronger, longer and closer together.

Established (2nd stage) is as above stronger, longer and shorter time between contractions....feels like waves that build up in preassure , tightening of stomach and cramping. I would say similar to period pain however obviously like 100 times stronger....but then I have never really had bad period pain.

3rd stage is pushing and 4th is delivering placenta.

Hope this helps at all. Xx
For all you ladies who've already had children! What would you say contractions feel like? I've done loads of reading up on them but everyone seems to experience different things! Some day it's like period pains, some say it's like being kicked by a horse! I know everyone's different but would be good to get an idea!

Contractions are like painful waves of pressure and pain that rise and fall. The pain consumes the whole of my being. But they start off mild, so you'll have a natural build up to cope with the pain.
Yeah I never fancied the antinatal classes you can do all that breathing and messing at home lol!
I know what you mean about the peeing Hun! I actually took count yesterday just to see how many times I went as my oh is complaining about the amount if toilet rolls we go through a week and it turned out that I went through a full roll and went 38 times! That's is just shocking! That includes the night trips too! I've got so much pressure in my lower bits I've hardly slept again! The mattress topper does hell but I'm just struggling with the constipation now amongst other things! Ringing my diabetes nurser today for advice because I have really struggled with my levels since Thursday! The other day I had some sweets and they were fine but the days I was good they were high! Weird!!!

Lol for the toilet roll we have the same prob here i go through loads a week. Last night i had a bad night, the heat, the big bump made it really uncomfortable to sleep so kept on waking up plus my sons kicks in my stomach woke me he is such a fidgety sleeper! I'm not constipated but the other way round because i was starving yesterday so decided to have 4 scan bran, big mistake, my tummy is so sore and i cant keep out of the loo which is a nightmare as its a nursery day today. Your levels do sound weird i thought they would have sky rocketed with the sweets and not when your healthy, our bodys can be so weird sometimes x
For all you ladies who've already had children! What would you say contractions feel like? I've done loads of reading up on them but everyone seems to experience different things! Some day it's like period pains, some say it's like being kicked by a horse! I know everyone's different but would be good to get an idea!

I agree with laura_carlburgess and ilovecake but i found that at the beginning it was a bit like period pain but once labour established it was a whole different pain and the nearer i got to the pushing stage the more it felt like an almost grinding pain and its so true what they about when you want to give is when your nearly there because i was like just kill me now lol and my children were there less than 10 mins. When you push that baby out finally also if there is no intervention (only in my second labour) the feeling you get is so immense, of utter relief and love for baby, those first few mins make all the pain worthwhile. My second labour was a bit different pain wise too because i woke up with that period feeling and wanting to poo but as soon as i tried to get up the contraction his me one on top of the other and pain was like a dragging pain, like everything was being dragged downwards. That was my quickest labour at just over 2 hours so thats why i think i had that particular pain.
Everyone is different and their pain experiance is different so you might find your pain varies but as the other ladies have said its generally a wave of pain that gradually builds up until you have baby in your arms x
Thanks ladies for that! It's always good to hearing it from others! I have no idea what to expect I'm just imagining it to be worst pain in the world but very worth it obviously with bambino at the end! It sounds like I will hopefully know when I'm in the labour then as there seems to be similarities in what you've all said and others on the Internet! I've started with period like pains in my groan, (not sure how its spelt)shooting pains up inside, lower back ache that comes and goes! Tightening in my stomach which isn't painful but my stomach goes rock hard then relaxes again! I'm thinking its braxton hicks I feel absolutely fine, have to go for blood pressure check at tea time! Then seeing diabetes nurse on weds then consultant Friday! Think I'm just panicking as loads of people seem to be giving birth early! I haven't had a show, I've been told that's like a sticky eggy thing that you can't miss! Defo haven't had that!
Thanks ladies for that! It's always good to hearing it from others! I have no idea what to expect I'm just imagining it to be worst pain in the world but very worth it obviously with bambino at the end! It sounds like I will hopefully know when I'm in the labour then as there seems to be similarities in what you've all said and others on the Internet! I've started with period like pains in my groan, (not sure how its spelt)shooting pains up inside, lower back ache that comes and goes! Tightening in my stomach which isn't painful but my stomach goes rock hard then relaxes again! I'm thinking its braxton hicks I feel absolutely fine, have to go for blood pressure check at tea time! Then seeing diabetes nurse on weds then consultant Friday! Think I'm just panicking as loads of people seem to be giving birth early! I haven't had a show, I've been told that's like a sticky eggy thing that you can't miss! Defo haven't had that!

The tightenings sound like braxton hicks and the other pains are maybe because she is engaging or trying to engage. Whens your midwife appointment, she'l be able to tall you if your engaged. Your heading towards your 37 weeks so it could happen anytime from there even though most babies are late and you'l have baby by 38 weeks. I didnt have my show until my labour started but i know some ladies start shedding it a couple of weeks before and you definitely wont miss it lol, its like a snotty thing with blood in it. I know what you mean by panicking too because only this morning a mummy at my daughters nursery said said that my bump had dropped and as my hospital bag isnt prepared i think i better finish off buying baby bits, wash them and pack them asap so even if she's late atleast everything is ready x
The tightenings sound like braxton hicks and the other pains are maybe because she is engaging or trying to engage. Whens your midwife appointment, she'l be able to tall you if your engaged. Your heading towards your 37 weeks so it could happen anytime from there even though most babies are late and you'l have baby by 38 weeks. I didnt have my show until my labour started but i know some ladies start shedding it a couple of weeks before and you definitely wont miss it lol, its like a snotty thing with blood in it. I know what you mean by panicking too because only this morning a mummy at my daughters nursery said said that my bump had dropped and as my hospital bag isnt prepared i think i better finish off buying baby bits, wash them and pack them asap so even if she's late atleast everything is ready x

Yeah I need to buy some more bits for hospital bag! It's these period like pains that are getting worse I started with them last night but I think she is engaging keep feeling a pressure in my bum like I want to poop but can't! My bump has dropped but its always been quite low! I need to get my act together with my bag most stuff is in it just need little bits really! And nibbles the midwife yesterday told us to take some jelly babies and energy drinks to have incase my energy drops do its just stuff like that I need really! But I have about of a panic on I can just see me going into labour myself early there's loads that are! Even Kim kardashian had her baby 5 wks early eeeek x
Yeah I need to buy some more bits for hospital bag! It's these period like pains that are getting worse I started with them last night but I think she is engaging keep feeling a pressure in my bum like I want to poop but can't! My bump has dropped but its always been quite low! I need to get my act together with my bag most stuff is in it just need little bits really! And nibbles the midwife yesterday told us to take some jelly babies and energy drinks to have incase my energy drops do its just stuff like that I need really! But I have about of a panic on I can just see me going into labour myself early there's loads that are! Even Kim kardashian had her baby 5 wks early eeeek x

I usually do most of my buying and packing in the last 4 weeks or so so i dont get tempted and overbuy but i think i may have made a mistake this time round. My last 3 were winter babies and so brought all my stuff while it was cold but this heat zaps my energy that i really dont know how i'm going to get everything sorted, will have to give my husband a kick up his bum and make him get some of the stuff i think or take one item at a time. Oooo and thankyou for reminding me i always forget to pack snacks not just for labour but for afterwards as i hate hospital food x
I usually do most of my buying and packing in the last 4 weeks or so so i dont get tempted and overbuy but i think i may have made a mistake this time round. My last 3 were winter babies and so brought all my stuff while it was cold but this heat zaps my energy that i really dont know how i'm going to get everything sorted, will have to give my husband a kick up his bum and make him get some of the stuff i think or take one item at a time. Oooo and thankyou for reminding me i always forget to pack snacks not just for labour but for afterwards as i hate hospital food x

Yeah I've asked my other half to help too! I just went to asda and bought essentials like nappies, baby grows, vests, cotton will, massive pads, pjs and big nickers haha! Oh and a hand held fan because in the same I'm burning up all the time and hospitals are stupidly hot!!! Got a water spray bottle too and a flannel just to be on the safe side! We've left everything to last min too just because I'm a spend thrift and would buy silly things! But glad I haven't :) I do need something to bath her in though coz the baby bath we've been bought needs to actually go in the bath so if rather have a little one or square wash ball or something for whilst she's tiny just to help my confidence it's all so daunting to me but becoming more and more real the closer I get eeeeeeek! You'll probably already have loads from your other kiddies! I'm not a fan of hospital food either so I figured if I just take sweet things and crisps that should keep me going plus perhaps energy drinks! But not sure if I can have them with diabetes! Seeing the diabetes nurse on weds! Really struggling with insulin now but they have said its common at this stage of pregnancy for levels to go up as baby is getting chubbier! So I feel abit less anxious about it now! Looking forward to seeing the consultant on Friday to see what's what :)
Yeah I've asked my other half to help too! I just went to asda and bought essentials like nappies, baby grows, vests, cotton will, massive pads, pjs and big nickers haha! Oh and a hand held fan because in the same I'm burning up all the time and hospitals are stupidly hot!!! Got a water spray bottle too and a flannel just to be on the safe side! We've left everything to last min too just because I'm a spend thrift and would buy silly things! But glad I haven't :) I do need something to bath her in though coz the baby bath we've been bought needs to actually go in the bath so if rather have a little one or square wash ball or something for whilst she's tiny just to help my confidence it's all so daunting to me but becoming more and more real the closer I get eeeeeeek! You'll probably already have loads from your other kiddies! I'm not a fan of hospital food either so I figured if I just take sweet things and crisps that should keep me going plus perhaps energy drinks! But not sure if I can have them with diabetes! Seeing the diabetes nurse on weds! Really struggling with insulin now but they have said its common at this stage of pregnancy for levels to go up as baby is getting chubbier! So I feel abit less anxious about it now! Looking forward to seeing the consultant on Friday to see what's what :)

I can really recommend mothercares maternity pads (used the one without wings) for the first week or 2 because they absorb a lot of blood and because they are so big and thick they will be like a cushion for your bits so you'l be a little bit more comfortable when your sitting down. I know what you mean by the hospitals being so hot and can you imagine how it'l be if when we're having a baby we're also going through a heatwave! Lol but we cant do much about it they keep the temp up for the babys so we'l have to make do with those mini fans that you brought (will have to get one for myself). For the bath you could try something like this Buy Tummy Tub Bath online at John Lewis but i havent personally used it,i leave baby bath time for my husband as he seems to think he is a expert so he's given all our newborns their baths.
I have loads of big things from my children like bed, car seats etc but i need to get everything else on my hospital list because i have given away all my childrens clothes so really need to crack on and make a plan on how to tackle it lol. I always forget my snacks so will be cramming my suitcase full of them x
I am 38 weeks and only just done hospital bag myself. Slinky it sounds like baby is engaging...i think another term is lightening...or is it quickening?? it is when they moving down into the pelvis ready for birth which can happen weeks before on first babies....2nd and so on can be just into labour. I had it the first time, felt like she was trying to bury her head out haha. I haven't had it this time around yet but have had the pressure between my legs...lots of baxton hicks thou.

I had show when i was in labour....but still didn't know i was as thought it was just braxton was a bit like jelly and pink but only a tiny bit. You know when your in proper labour for sure....but even as a second time around pregnant lady i am still petrified i won't realise until its too late to let my husband know as like today he was in coventry...the rest of the week he's in bham/wolverhampton and we live in staffordshire so bit of a trek really. X
I can really recommend mothercares maternity pads (used the one without wings) for the first week or 2 because they absorb a lot of blood and because they are so big and thick they will be like a cushion for your bits so you'l be a little bit more comfortable when your sitting down. I know what you mean by the hospitals being so hot and can you imagine how it'l be if when we're having a baby we're also going through a heatwave! Lol but we cant do much about it they keep the temp up for the babys so we'l have to make do with those mini fans that you brought (will have to get one for myself). For the bath you could try something like this Buy Tummy Tub Bath online at John Lewis but i havent personally used it,i leave baby bath time for my husband as he seems to think he is a expert so he's given all our newborns their baths.
I have loads of big things from my children like bed, car seats etc but i need to get everything else on my hospital list because i have given away all my childrens clothes so really need to crack on and make a plan on how to tackle it lol. I always forget my snacks so will be cramming my suitcase full of them x

Ohhh we don't have a mother care near me :( or any shops like it so body care it is for massive pads no wings!!! I'll have a look on that John Lewis site! I'm hoping my fella will muck in with her baths! He's got two boys so very hands on although this will be a whole knew experience for him! :) yeah best get tackling that list now you don't have long to go and baby could decide to make an early appearance :) x
I am 38 weeks and only just done hospital bag myself. Slinky it sounds like baby is engaging...i think another term is lightening...or is it quickening?? it is when they moving down into the pelvis ready for birth which can happen weeks before on first babies....2nd and so on can be just into labour. I had it the first time, felt like she was trying to bury her head out haha. I haven't had it this time around yet but have had the pressure between my legs...lots of baxton hicks thou.

I had show when i was in labour....but still didn't know i was as thought it was just braxton was a bit like jelly and pink but only a tiny bit. You know when your in proper labour for sure....but even as a second time around pregnant lady i am still petrified i won't realise until its too late to let my husband know as like today he was in coventry...the rest of the week he's in bham/wolverhampton and we live in staffordshire so bit of a trek really. X

Urghhh I've got horrendous trapped wind too which is causing me to walk hunched over! I've been having braxton hicks for a while they arnt painful just a tightening in my uterus! But this pressure in my bum and front bits is abit sore it comes and goes though so not constant and it's do able! I just panic that because I haven't been through labour before I'll leave it too late too! My fella works all other the county too but he's now based in the north but still upto 3 hours on occasions which is a pain but at least he can come home most nights rather than staying in a hotel! How's everything at your end? Are you all set for the baby's arrival? I've just put some last bits in my bag, just need a few magazines or something then that will do! :) x
Hey ladies, hope everybody's doin ok or at least not sufferin 2 much! :)

I was wonderin bout these Braxton Hicks things - everybody including my m/wife reckons I shud b avin these by now n prob shud ave been avin them 4 a while. I kno I'm new at this but surely I wud ave noticed!? lol! My Mammy reckons she didn't get themso is it possible than sum people just don't!? I'm also wonderin if there's an average time 4 baby 2 engage? I kno they say it tends 2 happen earlier in 1st pregnancies. I'm comin up on 33wks n I think my baby is tryin 2 move that direction. Baby generally seems 2 lie across the way, head poking out on the left, bum out the rite n feet up where my rite lung shud b! 2day it def feels like baby is doin much serious re-positionin altho my bump doesn't seem 2 ave dropped any yet...

Sorry 4 all the questions by the way but Googlin this stuff tends 2 b a nightmare! lol!
Urghhh I've got horrendous trapped wind too which is causing me to walk hunched over! I've been having braxton hicks for a while they arnt painful just a tightening in my uterus! But this pressure in my bum and front bits is abit sore it comes and goes though so not constant and it's do able! I just panic that because I haven't been through labour before I'll leave it too late too! My fella works all other the county too but he's now based in the north but still upto 3 hours on occasions which is a pain but at least he can come home most nights rather than staying in a hotel! How's everything at your end? Are you all set for the baby's arrival? I've just put some last bits in my bag, just need a few magazines or something then that will do! :) x

Ahh that's a pain isn't it, I can relate too your fear of not realising until too late but with first you should have time on your theory :-D but then as everybody says..."everybody is different" I had a show at 9pm but proper labour pains didn't start until 12am (before that it felt like normal BH) and got hospital for 4.30am, molly came at 7.49am...and I was considered quick as a first timer.

Carl has tried to ask for closer work but its where it is and that's that so there's not much we can do about it.

Going good, got some tablets from doctors for my heartburn Thursday and literally haven't had it since Friday......amazing!! So happy about that, get back ache a little still depending on how my day has been but got a cough/cold so really having coughing fits in the night which combined with a bladder being pressed on by baby....u can imagine the rest :) have been wearing sani pads lol the joys

Got 13 days left :) :) :)

Moses basket ready for bedding to go on when born, change station up, car seat and base out of the loft. Will steralise some bottles from maybe back end of next week closer into 40th so they are ready.

How about u? Finished work yet? X