Gold Member
Hey ladies, hope everybody's doin ok or at least not sufferin 2 much!
I was wonderin bout these Braxton Hicks things - everybody including my m/wife reckons I shud b avin these by now n prob shud ave been avin them 4 a while. I kno I'm new at this but surely I wud ave noticed!? lol! My Mammy reckons she didn't get themso is it possible than sum people just don't!? I'm also wonderin if there's an average time 4 baby 2 engage? I kno they say it tends 2 happen earlier in 1st pregnancies. I'm comin up on 33wks n I think my baby is tryin 2 move that direction. Baby generally seems 2 lie across the way, head poking out on the left, bum out the rite n feet up where my rite lung shud b! 2day it def feels like baby is doin much serious re-positionin altho my bump doesn't seem 2 ave dropped any yet...
Sorry 4 all the questions by the way but Googlin this stuff tends 2 b a nightmare! lol!
Early BH around your stage are just like a tightening where your stomach hardens and no pain but at my stage now (38wks) its like mild period cramping....not enough for me to take paracetamol thou....but that's for me personally.
Babies engage early with 1st. Mine has been head down for weeks but still not engaged which been told can be as late as labour. When in labour with molly she told me she was not fully head down more like lying to the side x