Sammy 21
Silver Member
I found the same with the 5:2 diet. I only managed 3 weeks and only lost 3lbs. I don't think I have the mental ability not to starve/binge. I have a friend who has been happy on it but she's only lost a stone in 8 months. Did it not effect your milk supply only having 500 cals? (Sorry, if tmi question. I'm intrigued as I found the days I ate rubbish my milk was like cream and the days I ate little it was like water)
I didn't notice a difference with milk supply, I'm not exclusively bf now though, Amber has a couple of formula bottles late afternoon / early evening.
Yes the average weekly weight loss on 5.2 isn't that great really, if I could lose 2-3 lb a week it might spur me on a bit but I just felt like all I did on my up days was eat rubbish, not good! I had a fab loss a few weeks back, had a 3lb loss doing sw so it can be done. I just need to stick to it on a weekend! lol