Pregnancy Pregnant with baby number 2, need to stick to plan :) x

She's eating puréed food? We try her on new things quite often? Could that be it? She's always over tired by the time she goes to bed could that also have an effect? Xx

Yeah maybe. How much does she sleep
During the day? You may need to let her sleep more during the day so she's not so tired at night and so can settle more? What do you do before bed? We found Abbie wouldn't settle and then realised we were doing usual play stuff just before bed so now try to move noisy toys and play with cuddly toys and books and less singing and tickling etc. seemed to help xx
Also, what food do you give her at tea time? My hv said to keep it light at dinner, veg and fruit mainly but no bananas as other things inc bananas are hard to digest.just a thought xx
We usually give her veg at night followed by half a jar of fruit x then we bath her n she goes straight to bed after her bottle because she's soo tired x she naps in the day but usually not after 2 or 3pm so maybe that's why she's tired x she's having a bottle now so I might see if she will go down for a nap after x
We usually give her veg at night followed by half a jar of fruit x then we bath her n she goes straight to bed after her bottle because she's soo tired x she naps in the day but usually not after 2 or 3pm so maybe that's why she's tired x she's having a bottle now so I might see if she will go down for a nap after x

Fingers crossed tonight is better for you. Tea sounds ok...may just be a phase? Xx
So 12.30 and she was awake .. So I put her in my bed to see what the problem is and it's because she rubs her face! I held her hand so she couldn't n she slept until now! So next question how can I stop her rubbing her face!!! Lol xx
Little girly is poorly but the doctors are useless I rang at 8.40 n I will get a phone call at 2.30-3 x it's an absolute joke! She's not keeping any milk or water down and all she wants to do is sleep :( x I feel totally useless for her right now :( x
Little girly is poorly but the doctors are useless I rang at 8.40 n I will get a phone call at 2.30-3 x it's an absolute joke! She's not keeping any milk or water down and all she wants to do is sleep :( x I feel totally useless for her right now :( x

Oh no :(
Can't u go to the surgery??
Ours is walk in but I guess there not all. What about going to a pharmacy n seeing the pharmacist??
Little girly is poorly but the doctors are useless I rang at 8.40 n I will get a phone call at 2.30-3 x it's an absolute joke! She's not keeping any milk or water down and all she wants to do is sleep :( x I feel totally useless for her right now :( x

What about a walk in centre? Hope she feels better soon xx
We don't have a walk in centre x she's been asleep nearly all day so just waiting on the phone call x is soo sad :( xx
Poor little woman.. Maybe she is starting to teeth and that's all it is... I know that doesn't make it easier for you to see her unwell though.. xxx
She's getting there :) she's spread all her germs x daddy's a bit better and went to work but mummy is feeling awful :( I think it's just Emily's teeth now as her poo is still a bit watery and she's dribbling and chewing everything bless her! How's your little lady? One month already? Woah xx
She's getting there :) she's spread all her germs x daddy's a bit better and went to work but mummy is feeling awful :( I think it's just Emily's teeth now as her poo is still a bit watery and she's dribbling and chewing everything bless her! How's your little lady? One month already? Woah xx

Yea she's great ta. Currently sleeping :)
I kno... Fastest month if my life!!! Time needs to slow down!!!
Hi honey, how are you and the gorgeous Emily-Jayne getting on? :) xx