Quins; back to the plan.

That's amazing - you must have toned and slender legs like Wonder Woman with cycling and trail running

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! That is so funny :)

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Glad it made you laugh suzyflo! Sukibux also referred to me as a May Queen as we share the same birthday! My mrs roared. I forget that I am in the minority no this site.
It did give me a chuckle.

Weighed in 13'06, great loss from 13'6 then 13'4 ....


B. mushroom omelette and some beans

L. Fresh air, at rugby match watching son play on his return from appendix op, out for 10 weeks, debut for Gloucester All Golds u20s ( he is only just17) at Hemel Stags.

D. A couple of spoons of sw mushy pea curry and rice, smash and sw coleslaw and 3 LM sausages, 3 syns and 2 syns for mustard and salad cream let for coleslaw.

Fresh strawberries and n fat yoghurt with truvia.

5 syns
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176 miles walked and jogged, 3 more walked today to and from station, 179 total (500 last year)


B. eggs beans 2 wm hovis nimble hex b


L. Rice and Quorn meatballs with left over mushy pea curry

Apple and grapefruit

D. 2 fry lite eggs , beans and sw wedges some brown sauce ,2 syns, samey but not a lot of time to cook , ha to pick youngest up from athletics then iron shirts and pack..

No fat Greek yoghurt with strawberries and frozen blue berries with truvia, gorgeous .

2 syns
88 miles cycled, another 31 gruelling hilly miles with bike club today, 119 miles total.

Red but went wayward at rugby club dinner, Guinness.......

B. 3 small eggs , lean bacon, mushrooms

Road bike ride with cycling club, cafe stop 2 bananas and a coffee

L. Same as breakfast, was hungry and couldn't wait to cook anything else , 2 fry lite eggs, bacon toms, Goodson our hens are laying well..

Nibbled on a spare rib and lean ham eft over in fridge and baked beans

D. Chicken curry, I now it had pataks sauce, boiled rice and ... Couple of spoons of desert creamy thing, 4 pints Guinness, a cracker with different cheeses

Got home still hungry, 1 slice bread wm with beans,

Weighed in after all this this morning and weigh the same as yesterday! The bike ride was definitely a toughie. Overall a. 3 pound gain in the last week as I have been abroad, had my birthday and rugby club dinner. Can't complain really.
88 miles cycled, another 31 gruelling hilly miles with bike club today, 119 miles total.

183 miles walked and jogged , another 3 walked yesterday, 186 miles total (500 last year)

Green, mostly neutral until evening takeaway ( called into work, mrs out at 1 day event with our girls, no food prepared at 8 pm, we were all soo hungry and it was meant to be my family celebration for my birthday......excuses as always)

B. eggs rambled in ww pitta

L. As above at work

2 bananas

D. Chicken dhansak, rice , picked at some Chinese too, oh and really really enjoyed my bottle of cobra! Bad, but good , my crowd really enjoyed it.,
88 miles cycled, another 31 gruelling hilly miles with bike club today, 119 miles total.

183 miles walked and jogged , another 3 walked yesterday, 186 miles total (500 last year)

Green, mostly neutral until evening takeaway ( called into work, mrs out at 1 day event with our girls, no food prepared at 8 pm, we were all soo hungry and it was meant to be my family celebration for my birthday......excuses as always)

B. eggs scrambled in ww pitta

L. As above at work

2 bananas

D. Chicken dhansak, rice , picked at some Chinese too, oh and really really enjoyed my bottle of cobra! Bad, but good , my crowd really enjoyed it.,

Another ridiculously busy week at work and on the social front. Late finishes, a leaving do and no opportunity for mid week trail running or cycling so just minimal walking.

186 miles walked and jogged , another 6 miles, 192 completed (500 last year)

Managed to get back on plan yesterday with a red day

B. magic porridge

L. Tescos chicken thighs and packet of cherry tomatoes

D. Cod loin with Bombay potatoes , sw recipe .

Activa yoghurt .
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192 miles walked and jogged , another 3 miles jogged today , 195 total (500 last year)

119 miles cycled, 12 more hilly miles today, 131 miles total.

B. 3 eggs scrambled , 1 rasher lean bacon , mushrooms and some onion chopped in

Then did he run, followed by a hilly 12 miles be ride and some dumbbell s

L. Roast chicken from carcass, salad all in a sw wm pitta hex b ( it all fell out, technical issue with the pitta?)

D. been waiting all day for my dinner, rump steak ( fat cut off after cooking) cooked with onions mushrooms and courgette, well seasoned with garlic granules, seasonall and black pepper, splash of balsamic to deglaze pan, all on a bed of salad ( red onions, tomatoes , lettuce, cucumber beetroot. Plus less than 8 oz if new potatoes in skins cooked in Sw Bombay potatoe stylie.

1 syn for mustard


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195 miles jogged and walked, another 5 (5.3 to be exact!) on road run, another 2 walked, 7 for today , total 202 ( (500 last year)

Gave my self a birthday treat, no mid life crisis sports car or motor bike... A set of spare inner tubes, tyre levers, no glue repair patches and a track pump all fir my cycling, bought with some birthday money kindly donated from mother in law. Then I went berserk and bought myself some new running shoes, I have killed the old ones, now ave sexy New Balance 860 SB3, ohhyesss! Hence the 5 and a bit road run.........they were not cheap.


B. nu e sausages, 3 syns, tinned chopped toms with onion and seasoning, 2 fry lite eggs and mushrooms.

Dog walk and mow the big lawn , sweaty.


Bought shoes, then ran

L. Devilled kidneys, with a ww wm pitta absolutely gorgeous and ningy.

D. Roast pork, braised Hunan veg and a side of SW coleslaw with less than 8oz of new potatoes . Syns for some gravy that I made rest of family, 2, 3 syns for some naughty crackling, and 1 syn fir a nu me sausage . 6 syns, plus some mustard I've just remembered with breakfast 7 syns total.

No fat natural yoghurt with sliced strawberries , truvia and tea spoon of options, 1 syn

Hot chic options 2 syns, 3 chocolates 6 syns, 9 syns plus 7 earlier 15,syns for the day.

Photo of devilled kidneys


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B. scrambled eggs, mushrooms, Swedish Quorn balls tinned toms

2 num me sausages 2 syns

L. Hex b hovis wm toasted, lean pork and lettuce , Phili lite

2 more nu me sausages 2 syns, a sausage 4 syns?

D. Quorn chicken pieces curry , 8oz jacket., celery carrots onion

Strawberries chopped into no fat yoghurt and truvia

Activa yoghurt

2 bananas

Syns. 8

B. scrambled eggs with fresh chives small piece cheese in too

L. 4 tesco hot chicken thighs skin removed, tray of cherry toms

D. 2 more eggs into omlette , more cheese to make up hex a in a ww wm pitta ex b and salad leaves, encona pepper sauce. Mm mum

Snack after running, 2 wm hovis toasted, a fry lite egg, 2 rashers nu me bacon with all the fat removed on a bed of beetroot leaves and rocket , some Phili lite spread on toast and encona pepper sauce, oh yeah ! With a cup of tea, about a syns worth o Phili lite.

195 miles jogged and walked, another 5 (5.3 to be exact!) on road run, another 2 walked, 7 for today , total 202 ( (500 last year)
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202 miles walked and jogged, 2 miles walked and 5 cold wet windy slippery muddy off road miles jogged, 7 more today, 209 done (500 last year)

That was Tuesday

Wednesday 209 miles walked and jogged , 3 more walked, 212 miles total (500 last year)


B. eggs scrambled with an ultra lean medallion of nu me bacon, small amount cheese ( not enough for hex a)

L. Tesco hot deli chicken thighs , skin removed, cherry tomatoes

2 bananas

Hex b porridge with yoghurt , chopped strawberries and truvia

D. Turkey steak cooked in fry light with spinach, courgette, ginger garlic soy sauce , 8oz jacket with quark nd fresh chives , pile if chopped salad ad on the sure

Activa yoghurt

No syns?
212 miles walked and jogged , 2 miles walked, 2 miles jogged through fields ( brooks adrenaline ASR 9) 216 miles total (500 last year)


B. scrambled eggs, lean nu me medallion bacon, onions chopped in, tiny bit of cheese

L. M&S cooked chicken thighs, bag of cos lettuce and cherry tomatoes

D. In 2 parts as I was expecting to go on a trail run.... 2 wm hovis hex b 1, fry lite egg and a dairy lea lite,
Usually go on the trail run after dropping youngest at swim cub training , arrived at pool, in darkness, no session as some poor kid had been sick in the pool!
I was put out because I had just bought my new super duper trail shoes, had to had home and run round the fields round the farm, lovely and genteel in comparison to Tuesday night!

Turkey breast dices with onions and mushrooms seasoned in salt pepper and Balti powder , in ww wm pitta hex b 2 , and gherkins, absolutely delish, and a spash of encona hot pepper sauce ....
Good Evening Quins im here to subscribe and peek at some of your lovely meals and ideas, as well as follow your journey on SW :D
Hi Text_F, really appreciate you popping by, feel free to comment and advise, I miss my minimin pal Suzyflo, we used to keep a regular eye out fir each other but she's busy with a project and not heard too much from her. I looking forward to my weigh in this time round, I've Ben quite selfish and focused , dipped of a retirement do, bought 2 pars of trainers, bike kit.....lets see where it leads to. My menus are looking pretty much ground hog day at he mo, got plenty if eggs from our hens, nd chicken seems to be the main lunch item that s convenient and sates my appetite. I might start clucking!
Hey Quins, sorry I haven't been around much, busy at work and with house project have been having a quick scan through what you've been up to while I sit in a bar in the Algarve having a cold beer!

Still as busy as ever I see, you're doing great.

Happy belated birthday, the last year since our 50 th's has flown by, we'll be 60 before we know it!!

I was in danger of clucking the other week, I had 11 eggs in three days! Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of freshly laid from my own hens, I have to rely on Aldi!

You do right treating yourself, hope you get some good use out of your running shoes, I bought some but as I'm not into running at the moment I'll mostly be walking in them. Take care :)

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Hey Quins, sorry I haven't been around much, busy at work and with house project have been having a quick scan through what you've been up to while I sit in a bar in the Algarve having a cold beer!

Still as busy as ever I see, you're doing great.

Happy belated birthday, the last year since our 50 th's has flown by, we'll be 60 before we know it!!

I was in danger of clucking the other week, I had 11 eggs in three days! Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of freshly laid from my own hens, I have to rely on Aldi!

You do right treating yourself, hope you get some good use out of your running shoes, I bought some but as I'm not into running at the moment I'll mostly be walking in them. Take care :)

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Hey Suz, great to hear from you! Having a cold one out there sounds ideal, you are not missing much in the way of weather back in Blighty. Yeah, another year has flown by , worrying whn you stop think about how quick it goes. I can't help but feel guilty at spending so much on myself, I'm sure I will get over it , it is always an incentive to train when I invest in new kit. I'm looking forward to a ride out with the club tomorrow, hoping the weather bucks up as it has been quite cold when we ave set off ( single figures) and I have about 3 or 4 layers n and still feel chilly on the bike. Bike kit next? I was hoping my summer kit, layered up would do it.

Hope you have a great time, pop in soon.
Lol Suzy must have heard you calling Quins. I looked through your diary and pics last night and some of your food looks and sounds fabulous especially the steak. I do EE and have some form of meat every day in one way or another. Ive not tried Red n Green Days as last time I did SW I couldnt get my head around em. Ill help in anyway I can if ya stuck hun just shout.

And Hi Suzy :D
Red and green. Found much easier than EE, I found I was just eating too much on EE too. I will have the odd EE! But I ave really enjoyed the red days recently.


B. you guessed it, crumbled eggs, onions, mushrooms, lean medallion nu me bacon.

L. Tesco chicken thighs from hit deli, cherry tomatoes, .......GROUNDHOG DAY! But I enjoyed it, I will have to ring the changes next week.

D. Large piece of baked salmon fillet , 8oz jacket filled with quark and chopped fresh chives, lads of salad.

At work it was someone's birthday and I synned on some crips and Doritos , 8 syns

A banana with a t spoon peanut butter , 2 or 1 syn.... Round it up to 10 syns

Legs are sore and I'm hoping for a 35 to 40 ride out with club Saturday mornng