Quins; back to the plan.

Hey Suz, great to hear from you! Having a cold one out there sounds ideal, you are not missing much in the way of weather back in Blighty. Yeah, another year has flown by , worrying whn you stop think about how quick it goes. I can't help but feel guilty at spending so much on myself, I'm sure I will get over it , it is always an incentive to train when I invest in new kit. I'm looking forward to a ride out with the club tomorrow, hoping the weather bucks up as it has been quite cold when we ave set off ( single figures) and I have about 3 or 4 layers n and still feel chilly on the bike. Bike kit next? I was hoping my summer kit, layered up would do it.

Hope you have a great time, pop in soon.

I'm afraid to say the weather ain't too great here either, the sun is playing hide and seek and we have had showers too, it was quite comical today me & hubby wrapped in towels on the sunbed huddled under the parasol to keep the rain off us! apparently the weather was gorgeous last week, typical - picked the wrong week then! :(

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216 miles walked and jogged, 5 more walked, 221 total 500 last year

131 miles cycled, 46 more miles today, 177 miles total.

Today's club ride with SaN Fairy Ann CC, B+ group was really good, I failed to get up One Tree Hill in one hit, had to get off but got more than half way up but still not enough in my legs yet, only 3 of us dismounted, well done te rest of the group and how I envy a. " granny ring". 46 more miles in my legs, that's got to help. Had a big chunk of flap jack and 2 Americanos at the cafe stop in a lovely garden centre. Found this that confirms the Hill is consider a chore !

"It's all very Darling Buds of May and dreamy but there's a finale that will smack you in the chops and bring you to your senses: the final climb of One Tree Hill. This cruelly-placed climb has an average gradient of around 11 per cent and it's not what your tired legs want to tackle. The trick is to resist temptation to hammer it on the flat sections earlier in the day and save something in the legs for the final five miles.
Read more at http://www.cyclingweekly.co.uk/routes/south/535700/circuit-of-kent.html#e1mLjoyoBI1ff3aq.99 "

Shame about the weather Suzyflo, I bet you are still having a great time. We didn't leave the beach in Cornwall, we used to sit tight in our " sun" beach tent....

Thanks Texty, I'm well chuffed with the loss, back in target range too. I picked a figure for the May challenge that would take me below target, I'd be apply to stick where I am , but I am going to remain focused , I'm enjoying t!


B. SCRAMBLED EGGS! I'm not bored of eating them just bored of writing it down.... Did these with onions, mushrooms, green pepper diced, fresh chives and a pinch of curry powder, what the heck....

46 miles bike, snack flap jack, syns...at least 10 I suppose more like 20 it was big lump and boy did I need it...

L. Liver , bacon, onions tinned toms....

D. Chili con carne , extra lean minced steak, fennel and cumin seeds fried off in fry lite, swede onion and carrots all diced and thrown on top of seeds to sweat down. Add steak mince, add 2 crushed garlic cloves, chili powder r crushed seeds to taste, pinch mixed herbs, 2 tea spoons oregano, salt and ground pepper, ground coriander, desert spoon, cumin powder heaped tabe spoon and mx in, add tin of chopped toms, a knor rich beef stock cube, I use a 400 gm tin of flageolet Beas ( any beans will do , ) then add passata to get the right consistency . Finally add 2 tea spoons of choc options and truvia to taste. My family love this.

I had the 2 eds f garlic bread and a hex a of cheese, plus an 8oz jacket hex b, hex b no 2 for the beans. Probably works out to less than a syn per portion, there were 4 of us eating and there's loads left, I'm stuffed
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221 miles walked and jogged , 5 more jogged today, average pace coming down to 9.24 min miles, a real hard one today, calves hurt after yesterday's bike ride, 1 mile walked too, 227 total (500 last year)

Green for a change.

B. 2 wm hovis ww toasted with eggs and beans

L. Left over basmati rice with,.........an egg , stir fried spring onions and ginger plus salad

Yoghurt activa and a banana


D. Boiled spaghetti , passata and mushy peas curried stylie with 2 LM sausages 2 syns.

Activa yoghurt with more Morrisons no fat Greek yoghurt with chopped strawberries.

2 syns today, wow I'm low on syns over the week.
227 miles walked and jogged, 3 more walked yesterday, 230 total (500 last year)


B. scrambled eggs, nu me bacon medallion

L. Omelette with Phili lite, forgot my wallet but took some eggs to sell, luckily !

Apple, bananas x 2 , nectarine.

D. Nu me sausages 4 syns, sw coleslaw with yoghurt and 1 syn horse radish, 1 syn mustard , 6 syns , beetroot and hex b if baked beans, gherkins .

Activa yoghurt and no fat Greek yoghurt with chopped fresh strawberries

1 teaspoon peanut butter and choc spread, 2 or 4 syns , can't remember so round up to 4

Syns 10.

Realised I didn't have 2 nd hex b.


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230 done, 1 mile walked, 5 mile off road trail run in woods, saw a deer, 236 total (500 last year)

B. mushroom onion omelette

L. Chicken legs from M and S , cucumber, red onion, cherry toms

D. Ww wm pitta with 2 scrambled eggs, and leafy salad with Phili lite sweet chili hex a.

Half a dry burnt bagel that was left on side that I couldn't resist because I was bloody hungry, piece of home made brownie , 10 syns.
Lol @ the burnt bagel - bless ya. Your dinner yesterday looks amazing yum yum. Im finding it hard to find the WW pittas they must sell out as soon as they get the stocks in grrr
236 miles walked and jogged, 4 more walked, 240 total 500 last year)

Had a day off plan that will probably scupper my May challenge. Even if the weigh in goes wrong I am v pleased with where I am, my clothes are much looser, noticeably round the waist band of trousers.

Wednesday - off plan with some friends visiting from the States.



B. 2 eggs on ww wm toast

L. Quorn burger with egg, red onion, cucumber and cherry toms

D. Slice of home made turkey pie, absolutely couldn't resist , my mrs made it for the kids, evil.... Leaving it out so when I come in from work shaking like Elvis ( hungry!) I cut a wedge and had it....12 syns. Turkey breast in ww wm pitta with salad, morrisons value curried chicken breast.

Back on plan. Come on Quins
Have you tried success express?
fill at least half your plate with the superfree stuff like salad veggies and fruit, you have to have 2 bs and at least 1 a you count the higher syn value for example a sausage syn value would be higher on a green then on a red or EE, drink at least 1.5litres of water a day with your tea or whatever else you like to drink, it worked for me :)
Have you tried success express?
fill at least half your plate with the superfree stuff like salad veggies and fruit, you have to have 2 bs and at least 1 a you count the higher syn value for example a sausage syn value would be higher on a green then on a red or EE, drink at least 1.5litres of water a day with your tea or whatever else you like to drink, it worked for me :)

Success express is 2/3 superfree not half hun x
Hi Happyholidays, how you doing? Yeah the pie was beautiful, I always get trapped by it, resistance is futile.....

I'm fine, just playing with this target business again, I'm a measly 1lb outside my target range & the darn thing won't leave me, I'm too accommodating I think!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I always read your diary, just don't often comment.
Really pleased that you read it, it feels a bit odd sometimes thinking I'm writing just for my own focus, chip in whenever you feel like it. I have to agree that getting into range is hard, it's taken me a lot of effort, really have to be strict with myself. I seem to have booby traps planted on my route through every week, leaving do's, retirements, team lunches, foreign trips, loads of fun and temptation. It's worth it though, I feel great and the mrs I succeed the more incentive I get to keep there, because it is bloody hard.
That last pound is a git. You will do it, so will I. Back in range is the real goal, keeping bang on target is brutal. Has anyone heard from mrsbigb? I hope she managed to pull through her trouble.
Hi scarlettstar and EmilyRose, thanks for dropping by, I haven't tried success express, I will keep that one in mind. I really do eat loads of salad and veg with my meals, bt sometimes a bit short on the hex b. I love the red and green, old school. The red days seem to keep me very sated , only tried a run of these recently and pretty pleased wth my losses, I don't need to lose much, just trying to maintain within range. Got back in range last week, don't want to get too far away from it, I don't have any pressure other than my own goals as I'm not subscribed to a class. How are you both getting on?

B. smoked mackerel pâté on ryvita whole grain hex b, 1 or 2 syns for pâté, just mackerel and no fat yoghurt

L. Morrisons saver chicken breast, beetroot, gherkins, salad

D. Sw Thai curry, coconut milk lite, red Thai paste etc, really tasty, had mange tout , baby sweet corn and carrots sliced in too. Reckon about 8 syns all in. With an 9 oz jacket, hex b, an ounce over so 1 or 2 more syns?

A muller lite vanilla and choc sprinkle yoghurt

12 syns?
177 miles cycled , 46 more "undulating" and fast miles today, total 223 miles

240 miles walked and jogged,


B. ww wm pitta with turkey breast steak, mushrooms onions and a medallion of nu me bacon

46. Hill miles with San Fairy Ann cycling club, b+ group. Great ride, op company in the group, continuous " undulating" countryside on the way out, cafe stop ( not in slightest hungry, had to put sugar in my 2 coffees to give me something) sandwiches and food that the rest of the group had looked good ( bacon egg, sausage in a Sarmiento, a toasted topper that was scrambled eggs, bacon, tomatoes with loads of melted cheese on a crusty slice of toast). Really fast ride back with the sprint hie really revving up about 2 miles from home. I felt totally empty when I got home. Knackered for the rest of the day.

L. Chicken breast diced, onions , mushrooms and green pepper diced pan friending fry lite with salt pepper and Balti curry powder. In another wm pitta, with leaf salad.and a 2 syn of salad cream lite , encona pepper sauce . A really nice and very much needed lunch.

An activa yoghurt and banana

Waiting for dinner I picked at some corn chips, 10 syns I was,so hungry

D. Rump steak , fat removed after cooking and given to dogs., on a bed of lettuce with beetroot, cherry toms, cooked onions and mushrooms, an crispy spicy seasoned BNS chips.

Muller lite vanilla and cherry layer yoghurt,1.5 syns or 2 keep forgetting

14 syns