Quins; back to the plan.

Hey Texty_F, what a lovely day! Walked horses over to another paddock, mowed the lawn and sprayed the weeds one the patio, glamorous stuff. Just had a relax, sat on the lawn and chat with mrs Quins and eldest daughter, lovely. Got a trail run lined up for when I take up youngest to swim club, then I'm looking forward to late dinner, roast lamb ( hex b) , then hopefully, half man half settee! What about you?


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Mega lazy one for me - my Sundays are spent playing taxi to OH and son, I drop them off at the pub and then pick them up again at 6. The sun has gone in here but its still lovely. Im thinking tomorrow may go for a long leisurely walk with OH and stop off at a pub somewhere for a drink (soft one for me of course) then that will give me an appetite for my tea tomorrow night. Its just good to get out in the fresh air for a change
My OH doesnt drive so im like his built in chauffer/taxi, I drop him at work and pick him up every day. Then weekends to his mums and the pub, sometimes the betting shop and anywhere else he needs to be arghhhh
240 miles walked and jogged, 3 more walked today and 5 more run, 8 today, 248 total (500 last year


B. sw rosti, beans, egg, LM rosemary red onion sausages

L. Spaghetti with home made Tom sauce with 2 left over LM sausages, cheese not full hex a.

Activa yoghurt

D. 1 exta lean mince steak kebab hex b, rice and salad

Muller lite orange choc sprinkle with fresh strawberries

Ran round fields, quite tough, legs heavy from yesterday's 46 mile bike ride especially the last couple of miles revving up for the sprint.

No syns? And a hex b missing


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Thanks resultsyoucansee, how are you doing?


B. scrambled eggs with nu me lean bacon sliced, onions, mushrooms and cherry toms on one slice wholemeal nimble hovis, with small amount emmental cheese melted over , a Quins toast topper.

L. Some crab sticks , salad...busy prepping for dinner for both sets of parents

D. BBQ whole leg lamb ( finished in oven) sausages ( I had Linda McCartney red onion rosemary ) salad, basmati rice hex b, I made potatoe salad for the others, .2 leaf salads, onion and tomatoes , beetroot.... Avoided any alcohol stuck to coffee. Then avoided ice cream and cheesecake and had muller lite orange choc chip with fresh strawberries.


Synned on a small morrisons chic biscuit thing like a penguin (5 syns )with a camomile tea, hark at me? I was knackered. Legs heavy.

Will charge myself 8 syns as I had to taste various bits as I was making them.
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Missed a couple of days

Today a great day. Great ride with club, B+ group, monster sprint effort in a small group 4 miles out , epic train home , I ripped my legs off, hit the front for about 3 seconds but dug in to come about 3 rd. bloody hard. It's a massive thrill riding like that.

BBQ down our lane. Wonderful food and company.

Another 46 miles ridden. So hard but so enjoyable .
Nice one Quins pushing on through and coming 3rd. I lol'd @ your charge myself 8 syns, I had visions of someone standing with a till open ready to deposit those syns
248 miles walked and jogged , walked 12 miles last week, 260 miles total (500 last year)

223 miles cycled , another 44 miles yesterday , 267 miles total

No running in the week trod on a couple of sharp large stones that bruised my sesamoid and really felt the cycling well into Wednesday.

Back on plan today ,,enjoyed the BBQ with neighbours, beautiful lamb joint and beef cooked on barbs along with chicken and proper meaty sausages. Loads of salads, I declined the puddings stuck to my cider perry and a glass or two of red. Great afternoon.

Texty_F , I will have to cut myself a deal on these syns, I will have to haggle with myself!! I think I used up all of them.... I have seen people write that they used flexy syns, can anyone explain what that is?
Using flexi syns is pre-arranged, so for example yesterday you knew you'd be having cider perry & wine so you'd agree with yourself you'd have 30 syns, for example, the whole day, then when you've got to 30 you stop having syns, you then get up the next day & carry on as normal but you have to be prepared for a STS or gain at next WI.

I have my syns on a weekly basis, just because I always have wine & chocs with Babs on a Saturday night & 15 syns just doesn't go anywhere with wine & chocs!! so I count down from 105, it works for me, maybe you could try it for this week.
Thanks Happyholidays, I understand what you're saying. I am prepared for another stay the same, but I will look to get a couple of runs in on top of my daily walking, this may help counter the syns ...


B. omlette with onions, mushrooms and lean nu me bacon sliced, a small amount of cheddar

L. Lean roast beef, 8 oz jacket spud and loads of salad, starters of chicken wings and a sausage (5 syns?). Fresh fruit salad.

D. Ww wm pitta filled with egg mushrooms onions bacon with more salad and Philly lite.. He'd a and b used.
260 miles walked and jogged, 4 miles walked and a 5 mile trail run in best time yet 46 min 37 secs well pleased must have been the rest, 269 miles total (500 last year) 267 miles cycled

Back on plan, had another blip Monday night, couldn't sate appetite, really couldn't stop eating, ended up with a peanut butter sarnie, picking at cheese .... All after banana and lo fat yoghurt after my dinner. Might be the club cycling kicking in. My clothes are looser too and I've been feeling cold.



B. hex b porridge, water truvia and banana

L. Beetroot, gherkins, lettuce, red onion, sliced tomato, cucumber, Phili lite, chicken breast, it looked a picture, should have taken one.

3 Yoghurt coated Brazil nuts syns...

D. Ww wm pitta kebab 2 egg omelette with onions and peppers

Run then picked at some very lean frying steak.
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B. nu me sausages, 4 syns, eggs from my hens, tomatoes, gherkins

L. Chicken breast from tesco , value packet,loads of salad and a ww pitta wm

A chocolate and half a muffin, 7 syns.

Grapes and a banana

D. Turkey breast pizza sw style and sliced courgettes. Another sausages 1 syn

Activa yoghurt and banana

13 syns


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269 miles walked and jogged, another 4 walked and 5 trail run, slower than Tuesday had make sure I ran slower, 278 total (500 last year)

267 miles cycled.


B. 2 egg omlette with onions and peppers
Muller lite yoghurt and banana

L. chicken salad with pitta wm ww

D. Ww wm pitta with egg and loads salad , Phili lite trail run
Activa yoghurt

A slice of hovis wm with dairy lea lite to complete hex a no 2 , skimmed milk in tea and coffee .

Syns for the hovis and a small choc brownie.
Weighed in at 6 oz less.... Calling it a stay the same, 12'12'6

Thought I would throw in a green day....... Carb up before club bike ride, felt pretty empty for my run last night too. I feel completely stuffed and bloated.


B. LM rosemary red onion sausages, 1 slice hovis wm nimble, fry lite egg beans

L. Spaghetti with home made Tom sauce, Quorn chicken pieces, onions, Phili lite ex a

D. 2 LM sausages, egg, mushy peas , sw wedges..

Syns on home made small rock cake 10? And a penguin biscuit 5 total 15 syns