260 miles walked and jogged, 4 miles walked and a 5 mile trail run in best time yet 46 min 37 secs well pleased must have been the rest, 269 miles total (500 last year) 267 miles cycled
Back on plan, had another blip Monday night, couldn't sate appetite, really couldn't stop eating, ended up with a peanut butter sarnie, picking at cheese .... All after banana and lo fat yoghurt after my dinner. Might be the club cycling kicking in. My clothes are looser too and I've been feeling cold.
B. hex b porridge, water truvia and banana
L. Beetroot, gherkins, lettuce, red onion, sliced tomato, cucumber, Phili lite, chicken breast, it looked a picture, should have taken one.
3 Yoghurt coated Brazil nuts syns...
D. Ww wm pitta kebab 2 egg omelette with onions and peppers
Run then picked at some very lean frying steak.