Quins; back to the plan.

Lol @ started off red, is it the same friends you had over last year?
You wont give in Quins youve come too far. Life gets in the way sometimes, the good thing is you will be straight back on it :D

Thanks Texty, yeah, you know I will get back in the groove. How's with you? I do pop in your 'house' every now and then but I find I'm pages behind! You are going out tonight, enjoy it!
Wow you do loads of exercise I only have to read that and I'm knackered lol x has that helped lose the weight xx

Hi me2u, I've always been sporty, done loads since a kid, rugby, squash, swimming, couple of marathons, karate, Kung fu, now really into cycling and a bit of running. I have also learned to value the not so hard sessions, so walking at every opportunity helps. I used to take the train for the last bit if my commute, now I walk it, so it adds up on a daily basis plus I walk briskly. The sports help me focus on keeping the weight within my target and lower. Especially regarding cycling, it is soooo hard anyway and dragging extra pounds up hills is a killer. I'm surrounded by some very fit racing snakes! I've been doing this SW on my own for couple of years, started at. 14'10 after one Christmas and have been at target for best part of a year, 12'10. I'm probably a pound or two over as I have had a couple if days well off plan, but that will come off and I will be motivated by some of the cycling challenges coming my way to shed well below my target weight. Last year the scales showed 12'3 , during the summer and after some hard riding where we upped the mileage from 50s to 60-80 and culminating in me completing my first 100 miler.
Lol @ started off red, is it the same friends you had over last year?

Hi Happyholidays , no this was a different crowd, work related. It was an enjoyable evening but not what I had planned fir the week. Sometimes you have to go with the flow, I dont stress over it too much now that I now I can get a good grip on my weight, not going into the 13s is the key for me.
Thanks Texty, yeah, you know I will get back in the groove. How's with you? I do pop in your 'house' every now and then but I find I'm pages behind! You are going out tonight, enjoy it!

Your welcome in my house anytime Quins - Yes i'm out tonight i'll probably be drunk after my 1st vodka lol.


B. Oat flap jack bar before club bike ride (53-55 miles, garmin said 55, bike odometer said 53)

Snack, bread pudding and coffee at cafe stop on bike ride.

Great end to our ride, a tight group of about 5 or 6 that worked together for the last 3 miles. We came into Marden at quite a pace but then caught up with another club group who were just coming up to the right hand turn where we start the flat out sprint to the 30 mph markers that we use as a finish line. We flashed in their outside , calling as we went by, but we also had to take care as we were all making a right turn against any traffic. Del and one other got a head in the melee of the other group, but then another rider spotted that we had made the turn so the road must have been clear and he cut straight across on the wrong side of the road and jumped ahead to take it.
I picked up a 4 th. The ride out was a bit slow due to roads still being closed due to flooding so we had to make detours. Interesting, I wish I had taken some photos of a about 16 Lycra clad cyclists on a a strip of Tarmac surrounded by water. A passing car , a ford galaxy, said that beyond where we were standing the water came over the seals on the car door!

L. Lean beef and horseradish

D. Thai green curry, made with coconut milk light, couple of spoons of rice.

54 miles cycled ( on road, I've realised I've done more very time I do a turbo session) 53 more total 107 miles.

B. 2 LMc red onion rosemary sausages, left over rice fried in fry lite with chopped onions,mushrooms, red pepper and eggs. Cayenne pepper and seasoning.

Walk dogs for 1mile.

L. Ainsley harriott Moroccan couscous .5 syn with chick peas, loads of fresh coriander and lemon zest.and cayenne pepper! Activa fat free yog.

Turbo session,

British cycling warm up followed by a Functional Threshold heart rate test , 20 min time trial to work out my heart rate training zones, bloody arduous to say the least. A sustained maximum effort over 20 mins.

15 min slow warm down

D. Mash, Quorn Swedish meat balls , veg.

I made a beautiful turkey pie, only had a smallest slither, 5 syns and a couple of glugs of choc milk, 3 syns


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Thanks Happyholidays , you inspired me with your pictures, it also helped me focus.

28.5 7 more walked (31 walked, 4.5 run) 35.5 total

Green B. Hexb porridge made with water and truvia, a scrambled eg

Syns, a small square of flap jack and mini choc roll, 10 syns?

L. Quorn spag Bol Snack, hex b ww wm Danish toasted with cottage cheese and beetroot.

D. Bubble and squeak in fry lite, 2 eggs, baked beans, activa yoghurt.
35.5 miles , 7 more walked , 5.5 more run (38 walked, 9.5 run) 48 miles total

159 miles cycled, 13.5 tonight on turb ( v hard ) 172.5?total.

Tuesday , bike training at club house 1 hour turbo session, including british cycling warm up and then threshold training zones 2,3, and a 5 up and down the zones 2 times, completely hanging by the last session. Then 3 x 11 station circuits of 45 sec each station. Mashed up by then


B. Eggs and hex b porridge

L. Salad and Quorn spag Bol again

Snack before leaving work, 2 wm ww Danish toasted synned or hex b with beetroot and cottage cheese

Post training ...crab sticks synned or hexb either way round with the ww Danish. Absolutely cream crackered after training, nesquick and skimmed milk.
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B. Eggs, 2 nu me sausages 2 syns

L. Chicken thighs and salad

Run 5.5 , did it as a recovery session from previous night bike training, although it was hilly. 56 mins.

D. Post run in the car waiting for daughter to come out 2 hour swim club session. Salad, left over chicken thigh and chicken breast, 2 nu me sausages, 2 syns

Snacked at home in some French stick, sooo hungry,
Thursday Weighed in12'9. Pleased with that, 1 under target. I know I can get below this. Will see how I go.

Green B. Eggs beans in ww wm Danish hex b L. Pasta penne , home made syn free tom sauce , salad.

D. I asked mrs Quins fir a large jacket spud to go with some hexb extra lean spag Bol she was making. Came home hungry again, no jacket. Had to resort to smash, beans and hexb Bol. Oh well, everyone is busy, I can see the horse box has been used and it's a parents evening at school, bet she has been flying round like a lune!
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B. Energy bar before cycling.

L. Scrambled egg on toast at cafe stop, black coffee with 2 sugars Energy gel and powdered energy drink

D. Quorn chicken pieces, pataks madras sauce , Ainsley harriott Moroccan cous cous with chuck peas, fresh lemon and coriander . Cooked in black out conditions due to a mini hurricane knocking the power out. Candles, no lecky, me and mrs in the dark listening to crackly local radio! What a great Saturday night. Mind you after today's ride I was half man half settee.

History made with my first ride out with the fast inters, ouch. After enthusiastic encouragement ( bullying) from 2 fit cycling club neighbours. I blimey it was tough. Average speed went up from 13+ mph for my last few rides to 16mph with some hills too.

STRAVA link below. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 HelveticaNeue;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red153\green153\blue153;\red249\green249\blue249;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl340\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs28 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 <iframe height='405' width='590' frameborder='0' allowtransparency='true' scrolling='no' src='http://www.strava.com/activities/108808926/embed/e2b0ba17c2e133927d8c307ec4f9064eec64e680'></iframe>}
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Red but then just ate everything later in the day, feels like a hole that isn't being filled.

B. Salmon filet, spinach and egg L. Tuna salad in ww tortilla

D. Slow roast shoulder pork, veg 7 oz jacket Then, toast, more pork, a small amount of pasta a hot chocolate, a piece of cheddar........ 4 squares of dark chocolate.


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My goodness Quins you put yourself through some torture man lol.

No wonder you feel hungry after working that hard.
Hi Texty , It does hurt at the time and when it's really painful the voices start ask questions, " why are you doing this?" . Saturdays ride was really tough, so those voices kept asking all sorts of questions. It saps your soul watching the others disappear into the fog, gradually out if sight, straining every muscle to keep the pedals turning in steep hills or digging in to try and keep some sort of speed on the long slopes. Sometimes the only sounds were my tyres hissing in the wet and my rhythmic panting , gasping.

The next ride leader has sent out the route fir the next ride, it looks tougher than last week!



B. Egg beans on 2 ww wm Danish

L. Home made pasta sauce on penne, salad , Quorn Swedish balls.

D. Bubble and squeak, egg, hexb lean pork.


Feeling v achey, snuffly, man flu alert.

B. Porridge hexb

L. Home made whole grain basmati rice, seasoned with cardamom , cumin, fennel seeds and stock, Quorn balls and salad

D. Went to bike training , coach asked if I was feeling ok, I obviously didn't look it ( my eyes gave me away) he asked if my resting heart rate was up, I did test it that morning and it was up from 53 to 60, so he told me not to train. Went home , ate some left over rice.

Had a sleep and woke up starving, ate toast and jam and peanut butter. Deffo man flu , bunged up cotton wool head.
Joys of commuting to London on packed snotty trains, working in open plan office with snotty people and keeping up a training regime that is testing my immune system I expect. I'm getting paranoid about door handles! Took a days leave today. Nice.

172.5 miles cycled, 52 more from last week, 224.5 total.
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