Quins; back to the plan.



B. Egg on ww wm Danish and tinned toms

L. Tesco deli hot chicken thighs, salad

D. Left over chili extra lean mince, jacket hex b no.2

Syns, 3 nu me sausages .



B. Nothing

L. Home made minestrone soup

D. Sw chips, LM red onion rosemary sausages a Quorn chicken breast, mushy peas

Activia yoghurt

Syns, 2 tea spoon choc spread, a 2 finger kit kat.

Still full of cold, mrs Quins off work aching and not well......
53.5 miles , 15 more miles walked ( 59 walked, 9.5 run) 68.5 miles total.



B. Egg , on wm Danish ww small amount Phili lite and marmite

L. Cous cous, Quorn balls, salad , encona pepper sauce

D. Bubble and squeak from left over veg and mash, egg and beans.

1 ginger biscuit, small glass wine ( read that a glass of red helps to keep colds at bay!)
Hi Quins just catching up, got a lot going on at home and work at the mo so ive neglected a few ppls posts for a few days.I could sit here 24/7 and still not catch up lol.

I hope your feeling better and if you are thats its enough to do this weekends gruelling schedule
Saturday Just about getting over a gastro flu bug , had mostly dry toast or French stick in the week and warm orange squash.

Green. B. Scrambled egg in ww pitta

L. Toast D. Chicken risotto

40 mins recovery turbo session , zone 1HR below 113

224.5 miles cycled 6.5 more on turbo , 231 total.

Sunday B. 2 bananas

L. Toast with some tinned spaghetti , French stick,

D. Roast pork hexb, sweet potato wedges, some carrots. Activia yoghurt.

Packet of tomato flavoured crisps.

40 mins turbo recovery, zone 2 but keeping well below 136 HR more like 116.

231 miles cycled , 6.5 more on turbo, 237.5 total
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Hi Quins sorry to hear youve been poorly - I hope you feel a bit better now?

Ive been away this weekend visiting Mrstore (Kathryn) we had a cracking weekend but SW didnt get a look in lol. Way too much bad food and alcohol.
Driving back home today, saw a massive group of cyclists stopped over on the road side and thought of you on your treks lol they were soaked bless em
Hi everyone, it's been a bit miserable down south. Most of my crew have been ill, poor daughter missed a mock as she was off for a week with a sickness bug ( thanks Dad!) , then my mrs came back fro a work trip to Leeds with a chest infection, still quite bad ( coughs all night). Add to that the wind that hit us through Friday night.. Lost 8 hens, a chicken shed that blew into our much loved greenhouse. Could only find 3 chicken carcasses, Charlie might have taken the other 5 or they were just blown away.... Fed up with the flooding, the damp that is peeling everything off the walls that face the paddocks., mud in the house. Now it's bright sunshine and a frost.

237.5 miles cycled, 27 quick miles with neighbour from fast inters on Sunday , 264.5 total.


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Awww sorry your all having such a rough time Quins. Illness is bad enough without all the loss and damage due to the rotten weather. Hope things improve soon
Thanks ladies, on top of all that it's now half term...We had one hone from Uni last week ( didn't see much of her) and I had to get the other one from Glaws yesterday after he'd finished a rugby 7s Academy ( he was awarded player of the day, made it worthwhile booking him 2 extra nights at college!). No rest. The youngest has vet work experience at an international eventing yard this week but has done a tetrathlon training day today. She is now crashed out. She has to be at the yard for 0730, deffo no rest for my week off.

Not been sticking to plan, but still 1lb under target, 12'9 .

Well done suzyflo for getting so back into it!
Still here, still riding , walking and running. Really gone off having meals since gastro illness , been eating nairns oat biscuits, cars water biscuits at lunch with cottage cheese , salad toast for dinner,, boiled eggs , bagels toasted. The odd normal dinner.

67 mile bike ride with fast inters last Saturday, club session on Tuesday, sweated buckets.

Weighed in this morning 12'6 4 lb under target. So stuffed myself with toast tonight and big options hot choc.

Sooo tired.
Just back from 65 miles of torture with fast inters. A steady ride said the the tiny little Georgina, our leader. She lured me up from the intermediates, I believed her. There were faces in the fast inters that I didn't recognise. I watched the inters file out if the car park where we meet and wished I had joined them. It dawned on me that the unknown riders were from the race group, there were only four if them and they didn't have a group ride scheduled as most of the racers were competing on Sunday. Oh Burger! I really wanted to the pain to stop. I really wanted to give up on some of the hills and inclines. After 33 miles, I really just wanted to be at home! I will post the stats later. The group were saint like, I offered 3 times to go it alone so that I wouldn't spoil their ride, but they waited at junctions. I ride several stretches on my own, no one in sight, just my heavy breathing and my wheels hissing through water, gravel and occasional divots in the roads. It's over, it's done. I think I'm emotionally scarred.

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Last weeks ride

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Hi Quins glad your still going ( was gonna say strong but see your still off your food) I hope you pick up soon. What are you thinking of altering your target to?
Hi Texty, I'm doing well, still under target. However I'm not really on plan. Eating what I fancy but much less of it. Seem to be having a couple of days a week where I just dint have time fir a dinner in the evenings so it's just an oat bar and milk or French stick olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

52 miles with intermediates today, still got loads in the tank. The last three rides with the fast inters have been brutal. I have been useless after these rides, according to my mrs! Today's was relatively easy in comparison.