Quins; back to the plan.

Hi Texty, I'm doing well, still under target. However I'm not really on plan. Eating what I fancy but much less of it. Seem to be having a couple of days a week where I just dint have time fir a dinner in the evenings so it's just an oat bar and milk or French stick olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

52 miles with intermediates today, still got loads in the tank. The last three rides with the fast inters have been brutal. I have been useless after these rides, according to my mrs! Today's was relatively easy in comparison.

Lol @ useless -bless ya. Does she realise how hard it is lol
It's been a while! Sooo busy with, kids and their unis and colleges , their sports , my sports.... Did Kent Gloucester a Kent then Kent Friday then Gateshead Kent Sunday. Trying to commit myself back to eating a bit better. Still doing ok, fluctuating just above or below target 12'10, the cycling us keeping me there.

Going for red today.

B. Boiled eggs 2 Banana

L. Omlette, hex a cheese, onions, peppers, rasher lean bacon all diced and cooked in fry light with salad.

D. Pork chop, stir fry veg, small jacket less than 8oz

No fat from frais and blue berries, banana

Options hot choc, 4 Swedish meat balls, 10 syns
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At home, looked after horses dogs and chickens. Mowed 3 lawns, cleaned out 2 chicken sheds, walked a mile to to take off horses rugs. Cooked breakfasts, lunch and dinner for kids and mrs. Collected eggs, locked up hens, fed hirse and rugged up in the dark....

B. Porridge hex b, grated apple, made with water

L. Pasta, home made tomato sauce, chopped veg, onion peppers courgette. Small amount Phili

D. Extra lean steak mince chili hex b, made with loads of veg, chopped tomatoes, flageolet beans, diced carrot and swede, peppers, onions, cumin seeds, garlic, smoked paprika, jacket potato

Syns, choc milk 10 ,
Busier today.

65 mile bike ride to Camber Sands, Rye and back. Hard slog last 20 miles, bonked through dehydration. Drank to 750ml bottles of nas black currant, need proper sports drink for distances over 50.

B. Porridge grated apple honey , made with water, a hard boiled egg for protein.

L. Stop a cafe in Rye, Tuna baguette , salad, 2 Americano coffees, 2 sugars.

Post ride 1ltr choc milk.

D. Boiled rice Tarka Dahl extra fresh chilies , sald a poppdum. Food heaven

Over 2000 calories used on ride according to Garmin 800.
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I'm fine thanks, nothing exciting happen really, just trying to get back in target I'm just 1lb outside it & need to go to class for WI:rolleyes: I'll get there. Otherwise, just planning Sept/Oct hols, but Bob is getting involved, not a good move, lol, it was far easier when he just agreed with me. Otherwise, work & now the weather has bucked up I'm hoping to get some more walking done & cycle to work, but we're moving offices & it's 13 miles from home so erm I'll not be cycling that far, easy peasy for you I know, but not for me!!!!
Should be able to click on the link? How you doing Texty?looking good!

Awww thankyou - Im good thanks Quins - getting slowly towards target - a little blip this week.

Pain wise just waiting for my follow up appt after having another MRI done at the private hospital by order of my consultant. Hopefully get some answers soon
Texty , I have an idea of what you are going through . I spent about 18 months trying to find out what was giving me pain in my groin/ stomach , right side of my thigh , low back. So many appointments, stages to go through. An absolute quest. Amitriptyline and other tablets didn't take the consistent , nagging,dull and sharp pains away. Eventually got the MRI done that showed 3 degenerated discs in a line. Consultant advised me to stop doing almost everything, no understanding at all of me as a person or the responsibilities I had. Worst advice ever. I stopped exercising, got and fed up really. I got back to low impact exercise and began valuing walking, off road running,careful how I lift heavy animal feed bags etc. I think I'm lucky in that the discs go through stages of degeneration, when the fluid is practically all gone then there is less inflammation. I'm probably at that stage now, I don't get the pains any more, just the occasional twinge that frightens the life out of me ( back seized up once, not funny!)

The constants pain that you cannot escape along with not knowing what causing was all consuming for me. I really hope you get some satisfaction soon.

Bloody cold up in knackerland! I froze up there last Sunday in Gateshead, jeez, it was a bout 20 in Kent and about 7 up there!