Ria-Lou's round 2 - Determind to get the weight off this year!

Morning lovely! Sounds like a yum weekend! What's on the fasting menu today?! Xx

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Morning sweetie,

Fasting day menu is :-
post breakfast -hot lemon water
B - x2 eggs scrambled with 50 g smoked salmon
Thoughout the day - Fruit/Green tea and water with lime and cucumber for freshness.
I've got a mugshot for just in case it gets too much
S- strawberries for snack if I can manage without the mugshot
T - Grilled lean pork chop and steamed broccoli and green beans.
:waterbottle: Well so far, I've managed to have two bottles of water - approx 1 litre each and the lime and cucumber are still going strong.
I've also had my mugshot as my tummy was grumbling so much and after x2 cups of hot green tea, I finally gave in.

I had a walk out at lunch and got a pack of Melon, Mango and apple 'fingers' that have only got 54 Cals in so have got that in case the craving for food gets too bad this afternoon! :eatdrink051:
Wow you've managed to pack in protein and carbs on your fast day! Well done on the 2l of water...I'm only 1l down so far...need to get drinking! xx
Wow you've managed to pack in protein and carbs on your fast day! Well done on the 2l of water...I'm only 1l down so far...need to get drinking! xx

I had scrambled eggs and salmon for breakfast which filled me up more than anything, and I only had my mugshot at 1pm, have just had to have a bit of the fruit though as I was starting to feel dizzy, but it's gone off now.
I bought a bottle (well 2 as they were on offer) that you put fruit in the chamber that then screws into the top, then you fill the bottom with water, screw it all together and the chamber is submerged in the water, giving it flavour. I dont really drink a lot of water as I can find it boring, but this is like a new lease for me.
That sounds like one Fab water bottle xxxx
Tuesday and it's blooming freeeezing in here today! :gen125:
typical the day I haven't put a vest on under my shirt and have got my tights, skirt and ballet pumps on!

Monday fast day I managed to clock up 824 calories which for me is better than the normal 1700+ cals I normally end up having.
Today it's back to eating normal - well SW normal anyway!

Pre-breakfast - Hot lemon Water
B - Half a white grapefruit and portion of multigrain porridge
S - peanut Hi-fi - 6 syns
L - something warm at this rate - possibly a jacket potato with some beans
S - Toffee muller
T - We've decided to go out for tea and have plumped for Toby Carvery - lots of veggies and lean meat for me.

Oh I hope it warms up sooon - I want some :character00180:!

That's great! Any deficit is good :) are you doing one fast a week at the moment? xx

I'm going to try and do the 2 days this week and see how I get on, It's all about the planning as with anything isnt it!
Well it's got a bit warmer in here this afternoon thank goodness, my fingers were in danger of turning blue at one point!

For lunch I decided to have a jacket potato with a chicken skewer, with a helping of Low Low cheese instead of butter.
Then this afternoon, as I was feeling a tad tired, I went for a small hot chocolate out of the cafe machine. I managed to avoid the flapjack that I could hear calling me from the cake table! :whip:

I've been and bought some more eggs so that tonight when we get in from Toby Carvery, I can make a SW quiche, with bacon, sweetcorn, red peppers in and then have it possibly with beans or another jacket potato tomorrow for lunch.
HUMP day peoples!

How are my fav's today?

It's been a bit of a busy one for me today - had to come in an hour early and go to a meeting till 9.30 which meant no time for breakfast. Lunch eaten and then I've just had to cave in and have a hot chocolate and a piece of flapjack.
I'm not stressing about it as I don't want to lose it too quickly before June and then risk putting it back on before the jollies.
As the hubster is feeling bettter today, we're going to Toby Carvery for tea tonight.

Eats have been -
Pre breakfast - hot lemon water
B - Rocky Road Hi-fi
S - Rocky road Hi-fi
L - SW quiche - lean smoked bacon, orange pepper, mushrooms with beetroot and cucumber and half a jacket potato shared with the hubster who's had the same.
S - 3pm treat of hot chocolate and flapjack.
T - Toby Carvery

It's nearly the weekend peeps!
Hey lovely,

Loving your 'nearly the weekend' optimism! I definitely feel like we're over the hump no though...whoop whoop!

Your hot choc and flapjack on IG looked amazing...I was dribbling!!
