sarah's simply filling food diary

sarah88 said:
EBay have a listing for the insanity DVD for £29.00 and £8 postage! Yeah thought I'd try the insanity as my brother in laws mate at work does it and he's 65! If he can do it I'm sure I can, u just go at ur own pace and do what u can !

Are you getting yours off eBay? You're braver then me ;0)
bulldogdaisy said:
Are you getting yours off eBay? You're braver then me ;0)

No I got a friend thats lending me one
The ones on eBay at that price are probably just copied fakes as the real one costs a lot more than that I'm sure. I have it downloaded somewhere but never attempted it as was too busy to fit it in when I did all my roller derby and now I'm too unfit haha! Can just put it on a USB stick and plug that in the side of tv and watch it that way :) x
A word of advice with insanity.....just keep at it!
The first week has been tough. But I said to myself I am going to finish every DVD even if that means pausing it if I get knackered. I've paused it 3 times in total. But it is getting easier. Plus it is 6 times a week. But i have decided I am going to do it 5 x a week. As I sometimes don't get time in the evenings and don't wanna miss things on TV haha.

My favourite disc is 'cardio recovery' it's still hard but mainly stretching to help with the days before hand. Has some yoga poses in it. I thought it was easy but I ached like hell the next day. Actually makes me wanna try yoga lol

You get a call wall chart with it which I stuck on the side of the fridge. I just tick off what I've done. My friend said I could use it as e wasn't bothered about it.

I liket he day off idea!! I've got a pub meal / Indian meal and BBQ next week! ROCK ON!!!
Thanks purpled I will try my best to stick at it as I do want the results they say u can get!

My plan is to do all sf foods but cut back on carbs and up the protein, I'm not gonna point things like butter and sauces but I'm also not gonna eat crap 6 days a wk and then have 1 day a wk eating just what I want, obviously not going overboard, this 1 day off will prob vary each wk depending on what's happening in my life that wk!
I might try the new diet plan from tomorrow, making Monday my new Wi day, then I can have sun off for my all u can eat Chinese shopping trip, though I will have some birthday cake for my nephews bday!
I will b doing kettlebells this wk as I prob won't get insanity till end of the wk but I might do a mix of insanity and kettlebells I'm not sure yet!

What do u guys think??
When I started on simply filling I often had one evening meal off plan per week and still had losses as long as I didn't go too crazy! Still had some treats the rest of the week too. If you do lots of exercise too you should still get losses I would imagine. X
Yeh the bloke that gonna lend me insanity does high protein low carb with a day off cause apparently ur body craves the foods we try not to eat and he finds it easier! So perhaps if I have all week sticking to plan and no bad foods then 1 day with those bad foods I might find it easier
The the contestants who win bronze, silver and gold in the olympics win money?
sarah88 said:
Yeh the bloke that gonna lend me insanity does high protein low carb with a day off cause apparently ur body craves the foods we try not to eat and he finds it easier! So perhaps if I have all week sticking to plan and no bad foods then 1 day with those bad foods I might find it easier

Sounds like a good idea :0)
So I Wi today and I've lost 0.75lb since last mon and only been on plan 3 out of 4 days! But that is working off my gain from the last 16 days off plan! I'm quite pleased!
Hi! I am here to follow you! You have been doing this a while so I am sure I can learn a lot from you.

And in answer to the above question, they don't win money. Apart from the athletes who are famous and have tv/advertising deals most of the athletes will go back to work next week.
SMCPrincess said:
Hi! I am here to follow you! You have been doing this a while so I am sure I can learn a lot from you.

And in answer to the above question, they don't win money. Apart from the athletes who are famous and have tv/advertising deals most of the athletes will go back to work next week.

Well that sucks! How can they work and train for that
So I tried on a pair of size 10 trousers in Tesco this morning and they do up but r tight! They r a stretch pair too! I now have a size 10 dress and almost pair of trousers! Hopefully a few wks of insanity and they will fit nice!
sarah88 said:
So I tried on a pair of size 10 trousers in Tesco this morning and they do up but r tight! They r a stretch pair too! I now have a size 10 dress and almost pair of trousers! Hopefully a few wks of insanity and they will fit nice!

Yup almost there..well done :0)
Day 1

10.12 3/4

Chopped Banana/ apple

Chicken breast
Salad leaves
Small dollop of salad cream light
Slice of strawberry tart (brought yesterday felt wrong chucking the whole thing away with out having any of it)

Banana milkshake

Chicken breast (in bag thing)
Curly kale
Small drizzle of gravy

Will have some sf homemade ice cream later

Today has felt good! Haven't missed the carbs today

40 min walk
Kettlebells 50 min

1ltr water
3/4 pint milkshake
Large tea later


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Well done on the size 10s are you near target now then? Stupid app doesn't show stats or signatures so can't see anyone's weight loss info :-(
icklerockchick said:
Well done on the size 10s are you near target now then? Stupid app doesn't show stats or signatures so can't see anyone's weight loss info :-(

Mines not updated anyway! Not near goal yet! :( still got my massive baby blubba on my middle to get rid of! I keep looking down at it when exercising and just thinking 'will it ever go'?