sarah's simply filling food diary

I will try and recognise that I have done well to get back on track, I find praising myself quite hard!
Atomic pink said:
Well let us do it for you ;) - Sarah you have done really well to get back on plan.

:) Thankyou!
Are you having a craving foods week! As I am too!
Thur/fri/sat/sun I felt I just ate and drank complete rubbish! I think the party and alcohol on Saturday made me lose control a bit and eat loads sweets! Ever since I've just craved sweet foods! So I'm not hungry right now but I just need something sweet!

Feeling a bit poorly so maybe it's that!
Yeah I'm just craving everything since fri night when I went off plan!

I have eaten loads the last 4 days and I just wanna continue!

I'm feeling a bit poorly, nothing major just feel like a cold is coming but it doesnt! Plus I'm feeling a bit tired the last two days, I think that could b to do with not eating right tho!

How have u done today? I've done good! Even resisted helping myself to a jelly bean! It's easy to say oh one won't hurt but I have resisted!

Here's today

Day 5 sf 0wp


Petit pain pizzas

3x slices of ww toast (small slices!) with butter 1pp and Ww jam 1pp


So 2w/p used

Have decided I may have some rhubarb with 0% total later after my cup of tea! How do u guys cook it? I usually do it in the oven but I want a quick way i.e. microwave etc?!
Why does eating junk make you crave it more? If I could just stay away from choc long enough I reckon it wouldn't bother me again. My mam used to proper love chocolate, she was as bad as me, in fact I suspect my sweet tooth does come from her (and the comfort eating of it from when my mam and dad got divorced, also didn't help my grandma and grandad both worked at rowntrees and when we went round we got giant bags of smarties which weren't perfect and sold off in factory shop... Anyhooooow) so my mam has gall bladder problems now which means she can't eat chocolate and now on the few times she's tempted and tries it she has a bite and doesn't want it cos she says it doesn't taste right and so now she doesn't eat chocolate! Because it is true the more you have of something the more you want it so that's why it's so hard to get back on plan I think!
Anyway ive rambled a bit there, you've done really well Sarah and a couple of days and the cravings won't be so bad and you'll be right back on it. Xx
Ohh u were a lucky kid! I'd get excited now at a big bag of smarties! I love smarties, I like to bite them in half and eat the shell without the choc! They r so good!

I hope ur mum is ok!
Thanks Sarah my mam is fine, she's had a few health issues the last 18 months, which led to early retirement but she thriving now! She's on loads of meds including steroids which caused her to gain weight but she joined ww on jan and has lost 1.5st which is really good considering the medication, her leader is really impressed!

I was a fat kid! It's led to a lot of my issues with food now, even though I'm almost the slimmest I've ever been (slimmest was 10years ago at 10.7lb)! X
Becktoria79 said:
Thanks Sarah my mam is fine, she's had a few health issues the last 18 months, which led to early retirement but she thriving now! She's on loads of meds including steroids which caused her to gain weight but she joined ww on jan and has lost 1.5st which is really good considering the medication, her leader is really impressed!

I was a fat kid! It's led to a lot of my issues with food now, even though I'm almost the slimmest I've ever been (slimmest was 10years ago at 10.7lb)! X

Wow ur mum has done well! I didn't gain till I had my daughter! We were also living with oh parents at that time too and they used to serve loads on the plate, u kinda just adapt don't u!
Hope you feel better soon Sarah! I feel rubbish too! Throat kills!

Glad you enjoyed petit pains pizza! I can use ww petit pains as a free healthy extra on SW with cheese as another healthy extra. So I can have it withouth giving it a syn! So I'm gonna try it! I may flatten the bread a little first I think.
It was really nice being thick! Hope u enjoy them! I'm having them Tomo too!

Hope u feel better soon as well!
You have done really well getting back on track and you should Definately allow yourself a few weeklies each day to cover some extras - I don't think that doing it on no weeklies is very practical as it just makes me want to go crazy and also I'm not sure it's necessary even using say 5pp a day is hardly anything calorie wise and really not going to have an effect. So be a bit more lenient with yourself and very proud for getting back on it! X

Day 6 sf 0w/p


Petit pain pizzas
Raspberry yoghurt (homemixed)

Ww toast with Ww jam and butter 2pp

Petit pains

Maybe my rhubarb later, didn't have it last night!
Looks like a great day again, Sarah. Well done! Did you find out whether you can microwave the rhubarb? I have only ever roasted it before so would be intrigued to know if there is a quicker option than still tastes nice.
Just looked it up on Internet!

Chop rhubarb
Put rhubarb and a cup of sugar (sweetener) in a saucepan
Cover with water (only just! Less water is best)
Boil for roughly 10 mins stirring occasionally

That's a bit quicker than baking

I also read u should only cook rhubarb in glass or stainless steel cause of a reaction with the acid or something!
Purpled said:
What do you eat your rhubarb with?

I used to have it with just raspberries but I'm gonna try it with 0% total this time, like a rhubarb yog!
sarah88 said:
I used to have it with just raspberries but I'm gonna try it with 0% total this time, like a rhubarb yog!

Mmm I was thinking icecream lol
If I had spare pp then I would! Need to pop asda to get some more ww ice cream, my daughter has eaten the last bit!