Final numbers:
Day 1 - 1849 cals, 73g carbs, weight 180lbs
Day 2 - 1653 cals, 64g carbs, weight 180.6lbs
Day 3 - 1611 cals, 52g carbs, weight 179.6lbs
Day 4 - 1543 cals, 58g carbs, weight 180.6lbs
Day 5 - 1549 cals, 55g carbs, weight 180lbs
Day 6 - 1647 cals, 83g carbs, weight 179.6lbs
Day 7 - 1808 cals, 101g carbs, weight 180lbs
Day 8 - 1603 cals, 71g carbs, weight 179.4lbs
Day 9 - 1374 cals, 83g carbs, weight 180lbs
Day 10 - 1516 cals, 83g carbs, weight 179.2lbs
daily average =
1615 cals,
72g carbs. final weight =
So, I lost a pound over the 10 days. Not a loss I would be celebrating had I been
trying to lose weight, but given that I wasn't...yay!

Looking at my averages I don't know that I will have done enough to shake things up much, but it was really the mental break I was wanting, and I feel I've had that.
The interesting thing to me is that nothing I had caused me to overeat, much less binge. I thought the Wispa bar (which I didn't risk until the very last day) might send me into an eating frenzy, but no. I didn't even notice any sugar high/low from it, and I thought that would be a definite considering how long it's been since my body has had to deal with concentrated sugary stuff.
The one thing I didn't touch was wheat - no bread, cake, biscuits or pastry. Bread and biscuits have always been my worst binge foods, and I didn't want to test myself that far. Too many revolting memories of mindlessly shovelling in half a packet of digestives or half a loaf

. I don't think I can ever trust myself with those things.
Incredibly interesting - you can definitely see the correlation between cals and carbs on your weight - clearly you've found the sweet spot and with a slight adjustment you'd be losing easily - I reckon keep carbs around 50 and cals at 1500? What do you reckon? Xx
I'm thinking maybe a little lower than that for "shock value" coming off the break but not as low as Induction levels - I'm shooting for 25-30g carbs and 1450 cals for the next few days at least, then see where I want to go from there. I'm not going back to strict Induction foods either, unless I'm suffering from cravings after those sugary treats (quite possible when I think what I've had

). I'd still like to keep things like carby veg (carrots, beetroot), nuts, berries and maybe even the odd oatcake just for variety's sake. I find it way too easy to get into a food rut where I just keep eating the same stuff over and over again, and I don't think that's helpful in any way.
I'll keep the daily weigh-ins going for now to see what's happening (or not happening!).
Onwards and downwards...hopefully!
How can I have forgotten this - my BMI is now under 30! I am no longer officially obese! Woohoo!!!
