Scrumbles' after losing a third of me...

Thanks on website:)
Good luck with your ongong n=1 experiment!

Another slight downward movement on the scales today, so the loss I've had since Monday appears to be real rather than just a fluctuation. I've decided to reduce calories a little for now (under 1400 per day) but leave carbs more or less where they were (low 30's per day) and see how that pans out.

Nothing exciting planned food-wise for today. I was going to make Oopsies, but I'm a bit short of eggs until my next shopping order comes. I do have some mint cocoa bark to finish from yesterday, so that'll be nice later with a cup of tea :D
Slight downwards movement much better than the slight upwards variety - it all adds up! Was just thinking about calories on my diary - I possibly do better when they're slightly higher??
Morning Scrummie... Great news on the consistent downward movement! So fantastic!! And yes! You know your body so well ! Sounds bizarre to say that as we should all have a working knowledge of the carcass that carries us around 24/7! Great going though lovely xx
Hey guys!....ITA, down is definitely better than up! :D

@ moonlights, I've tried all manner of permutations of cals and carbs now, and the only pattern that I can discern seems to relate to my monthly cycle. During my recent sts fortnight I spent one week consuming 1300-1400 cals and the next week consuming 1500-1600 cals (carbs were constant at an average of 30g per day) and at the end of the two weeks I weighed exactly the same, to the decimal point, as I did when I started. Eat more, eat body seems to absorb the variations for the first half of the month but cannot manage it in the second half, resulting in weight loss.

Which is why I feel like not really trying to lose for the first half of each month. I know what I can eat without gaining (did that on my last diet break) so if my body is determined to sts at that time, I might as well run with it. Then in the second half I can cut back a bit to hopefully boost the loss that I would have been getting anyway.

I think it's worth a try if for no other reason than the fact that it will force me to be less consistent with my food intake - I'm pretty sure that my consistency actually hinders me rather than helps me as I give my body too much opportunity to adapt to what I'm doing.

Anywho, that's my morning musing. Now to go see what the rest of you are up to...:D
If its something you feel comfy with then it certainly seems worth a go at least for a month or too. Should make you feel less restricted, too. I stalled at totm this month but I know I've lost during it before, too. Hmm.

Not feeling good today - PMSing like mad :( I haven't come on early this month which is good, but on the other hand, it seems like it's going to be a right stinker. I'm already feeling nauseous and looking like a ghost - I wear full-on camouflage make-up to hide my rosacea, and somehow I still look pale even through that!

I'm also tetchy as hell, which probably means I wasn't a joy to speak to when I had to phone up Sainsbury's after my shopping had been delivered and tell them some numpty had left the security device on my bottle of booze :rolleyes: I looked on Youtube and discovered you can drill the wretched things off, but I thought knowing my luck I'd either manage to break the bottle, mangle my hand or wreck a drill bit, so I decided against it! I also wasn't wasting my petrol going to a store to have it removed...grrr! In future I'll be checking things like that before the driver leaves, and if they have to wait a bit longer while I do it, tough!

On a pleasanter note, there's a lovely (hopefully!) beef casserole simmering away in my slow cooker, so I have a nice, easy meal to look forward to this evening.

Hope you're all having a better weekend than whingey old Scrumbles here! :p:D
I had same thing with a top i boughtat bluewater, i took it to a local branch who couldnt take the thing off with their machine as it was different in the end i attacked it with pliers and just had to hope i didnt damage the top, i needed it for a wedding so it had to come off! So annoying, hope your monthly eases up xxx hugs
I had that happen years ago in Evans with a dress. I had to go to a big big event the next day in Germany - discovered the tag still on about 5:45 the night before & made them keep the store open for me! Could have been a disaster as I was very big at the time and had literally no nice clothes.

Hope your mood brightens a little, Scrummie. If nothing else the replacement booze might help??
Well, I'm feeling a lot happier on this rather dreary Monday morning.

Very nice man from Sainsbury's popped round yesterday to exchange my bottle of booze for one I can actually open without recourse to a drill (!), and my weight is definitely, definitely going down - I am finally into the 160's! :eek::D (I don't usually officially weigh on a Monday, but I'm registering it now in case it goes up tomorrow, lol!:p)

I've actually dropped 2.5lbs since last Monday, which is huge for me at this stage, but, as I've been saying, not unexpected given my pattern of loss. This past week I've averaged 1400 cals and 35g carbs per day which is almost no different from a couple of recent weeks when I've lost absolutely nothing, so the difference has to be the metabolic effect of my cycle, surely? I'm now convinced it is, anyway.

So I'm going to keep going at this level for the next few days (should be 3 more days before totm starts) then as soon as it's obvious my weight isn't moving, I'm going to raise my cals and carbs for a couple of weeks and see what happens. I know that the most damage I can do is maybe a pound of regain, so it doesn't concern me. I'll be staying under 50g carbs per day in any case because I don't want to keep going in and out of ketosis.

And if anyone wonders why I'm determined to mess around like this, I think it definitely helps keep me interested. I've been on this weight loss journey since the end of last November, almost without pause, and that's a long old time to be focused on something. At least, it is for me! I like the food I'm eating on Atkins a LOT more than the foods I've had to eat on other diets, but I still appear to need change-ups to keep me motivated. That's just how I roll, it seems :D


Forgot to mention this earlier, but I do believe my food habits might finally be changing.

OH was away last week and usually I take that as an opportunity to say "Whoopee! No cooking for a week!!", then proceed to live on a non-stop convenience diet of ready meals, cheese on toast, baked beans, microwaved jacket potatoes, sticky buns, biscuits and cake:eek: But this time it didn't even remotely occur to me to break my regime, and I carried on making proper meals for myself the whole way through even though it meant loads of cooking and washing-up (I resent the washing-up especially!). For me, that counts as a major step forward and no mistake!

I've been quite sceptical from the start that this old leopard could change her spots, but maybe, just maybe, there's hope...
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Well done on the loss, I think loosing slowly allows you to really change your habits long term, as seen by your eating last week.
I think it definitely helps keep me interested. I've been on this weight loss journey since the end of last November, almost without pause, and that's a long old time to be focused on something. At least, it is for me! I like the food I'm eating on Atkins a LOT more than the foods I've had to eat on other diets, but I still appear to need change-ups to keep me motivated. That's just how I roll, it seems :D

I absolutely agree, love - a higher carb level is working well for me so far, and it means I have my beloved yoghurt and berries (although I took them to work, didn't get time to eat them and, like you, went straight for the induction friendly ham salad :))
Well done on the food habits - that's really important and well worth celebrating:)
Wow on the loss - you must be right on the brink of your initial target now? I think go with whatever works for you and if mixing things up helps then that's great!