I love GBBO. Oddly cakes don't tend to make me hungry, I'm not sure why - not the biggest sweet tooth? It's just such a lovely comforting chicken soup of a show. And all boys for the final! Am a bit scared of Brendan though, he's like the cake terminator.
Cake terminator!
You're right about the comfort factor. It's like, for one hour a week I can believe that maybe the world isn't such a terrible place whilst there are still people prepared to make gingerbread Big Bens for the fun of it!
I love watching any cookery programme, but I am more if a savory person.....
I can take or leave a lot of savoury stuff, but put me in a room with a chocolate cake and it wouldn't survive for long!
Now there's two words you hear too often here - chocolate AND praline? LOL -recipe please.
It's just the MIM recipe I posted a few pages back, Susie:
17g flax meal
17g ground almonds
8g cocoa powder
1 tspn granulated sweetener (or sweetening of choice)
half tspn baking powder
pinch of salt
1 large egg, beaten
14g butter (or thereabouts!), melted
2 tspns DaVinci sf praline syrup
Dash of Alpro soya milk, if needed
Just mix up the dry ingredients in a mug, combine the butter with the egg and syrup, then add it to the dry mixture and stir well. The soy milk may or may not be necessary to achieve a soft dropping consistency - if the egg is really large you probably won't need it. Microwave for about 1 minute 20 secs, and you're done! I like to scoff the whole thing while it's still warm...some habits die very hard, lol!
I'm too scared to watch it in case I run rabidly out the door to the nearest seedy late night shop and stuff some stupid bar down my throat. What does he do?
Brendan is like a human baking machine. Practically everything he makes looks
so perfect, and he has a quietly-spoken, steely-eyed focus that almost makes you wonder if there are wires and a motherboard behind those eyes rather than a brain!

Will I get there before totm kicks in??
To answer my own question: no
However, I am another half pound down this morning, so maybe I'll get there soon. Getting stuck at just half a pound above target would be SO typical though, wouldn't it?
Such a grey, murky day today...doesn't really inspire you much, does it?
Just have to keep smiling and get on with it I suppose...