Scrumbles' after losing a third of me...

i do admire you all that have explored this diet and played around with adding carbs trying this and that, one day i may have the confidence to try new things out. well done luv
Thanks guys! No further loss this morning, so yesterday's number stands :)

And yep, I am now only 1.5lbs from the target I set for myself all those months ago - can't quite believe it actually :eek: Sometimes it feels like I've been doing this forever​, yet at others it feels like I only started yesterday! Weird. It'll probably take me another couple of weeks to get under 12 stone, then I can set up my new ticker for the last stone and a half - can't wait!:D

I really am chuffed that I didn't use OH's absence as an excuse to revisit my kitchen lazyitis. I wondered whether I'd let things slip after a few days, but I wasn't tempted even though there was a sliced loaf and a tin of baked beans calling my name :eek: In truth, I have never eaten as well in my whole life as I do now thanks to Atkins. It's a wonder I haven't turned green with all the cabbage and broccoli I eat! :D
Deffo agree about eating well in Atkins. Less convinience but more quality. You have done SO well, Scrummie, you're a huge (well, not so huge!) inspiration.
:eek:...aww, thanks!...right back atcha, ML! The way you've managed to stick with this through all your medical issues is a constant source of inspiration for me: if you can do it with all that to cope with, I have no excuse!

Another small drop this morning - down half a pound, so now I'm only 1lb off my original target (actually it's 0.8lbs, so even less! :D). Will I get there before totm kicks in?? *dramatic music* Bet I don't - it'll be Sod's Law that I stick just above my target for a couple of weeks :rolleyes: But still, that's 3lbs gone in the past 9 days, and I'm certainly not going to grumble about that!

Still loving my MIMs in the morning...the chocolate praline one I threw together a couple of weeks ago really seems to be hitting the spot, along with a mug of nice strong coffee. I only had a half a MIM this morning because I actually made it last night so I could eat half whilst watching The Great British Bake-off. I love that show, but it's hell to sit through unless I have something nice to eat while I do so - all those lovely cakes and biscuits and puddings are the ultimate food porn for me :eek:

Anyway, enough of that! Must get on with the day...:)
I love GBBO. Oddly cakes don't tend to make me hungry, I'm not sure why - not the biggest sweet tooth? It's just such a lovely comforting chicken soup of a show. And all boys for the final! Am a bit scared of Brendan though, he's like the cake terminator.
I love watching any cookery programme, but I am more if a savory person.....
:eek:...aww, thanks!...right back atcha, ML! The way you've managed to stick with this through all your medical issues is a constant source of inspiration for me: if you can do it with all that to cope with, I have no excuse!


the chocolate praline one I threw together a couple of weeks ago really seems to be hitting the spot

Now there's two words you hear too often here - chocolate AND praline? LOL -recipe please.

Am a bit scared of Brendan though, he's like the cake terminator.

I'm too scared to watch it in case I run rabidly out the door to the nearest seedy late night shop and stuff some stupid bar down my throat. What does he do?
I love GBBO. Oddly cakes don't tend to make me hungry, I'm not sure why - not the biggest sweet tooth? It's just such a lovely comforting chicken soup of a show. And all boys for the final! Am a bit scared of Brendan though, he's like the cake terminator.

Cake terminator!:D

You're right about the comfort factor. It's like, for one hour a week I can believe that maybe the world isn't such a terrible place whilst there are still people prepared to make gingerbread Big Bens for the fun of it!

I love watching any cookery programme, but I am more if a savory person.....

I can take or leave a lot of savoury stuff, but put me in a room with a chocolate cake and it wouldn't survive for long! :rolleyes:

Now there's two words you hear too often here - chocolate AND praline? LOL -recipe please.

It's just the MIM recipe I posted a few pages back, Susie:

17g flax meal
17g ground almonds
8g cocoa powder
1 tspn granulated sweetener (or sweetening of choice)
half tspn baking powder
pinch of salt
1 large egg, beaten
14g butter (or thereabouts!), melted
2 tspns DaVinci sf praline syrup
Dash of Alpro soya milk, if needed

Just mix up the dry ingredients in a mug, combine the butter with the egg and syrup, then add it to the dry mixture and stir well. The soy milk may or may not be necessary to achieve a soft dropping consistency - if the egg is really large you probably won't need it. Microwave for about 1 minute 20 secs, and you're done! I like to scoff the whole thing while it's still warm...some habits die very hard, lol!

I'm too scared to watch it in case I run rabidly out the door to the nearest seedy late night shop and stuff some stupid bar down my throat. What does he do?

Brendan is like a human baking machine. Practically everything he makes looks so perfect, and he has a quietly-spoken, steely-eyed focus that almost makes you wonder if there are wires and a motherboard behind those eyes rather than a brain! :eek::D

Will I get there before totm kicks in??

To answer my own question: no :(

However, I am another half pound down this morning, so maybe I'll get there soon. Getting stuck at just half a pound above target would be SO typical though, wouldn't it? :rolleyes:

Such a grey, murky day today...doesn't really inspire you much, does it?

Just have to keep smiling and get on with it I suppose...:)
You won't be stuck for long, then you can get out your party hats and make derelict mim barns to celebrate with (who is your favourite baker? I MUST know). You have a good grasp on how your body handles things do you know you'll get there xx
Evening, well done on the little drop, you are so close to your original goal but you know even if you don't drop the last bit by Saturday it will go.....I have to say if it was me I would say that the goal has been reached, .2 of a lb is half a cup of water......
well done its really goal isn't it!!!! i often think i will NEVER get to goal, i have never actually thought about what i want as a goal, its always been so far off.. so well done!!!!
Thanks guys, but I'm not claiming it yet :p I know that 0.4 of a pound is negligible, but I'm the kind of person that *needs* to see 168.0 on the scales before I do!:rolleyes: :D

No movement this morning, so this may be where I stick for now. I'll give it another day (ie today) and if I don't lose, I'll probably start my new experiment.

I've decided to do it a little differently to the way I described previously. I was going to deliberately and consistently eat more as if I were on a diet break, but this is not a diet break as such, so instead I'm going to set upper and lower limits for my daily cals and carbs and try to be more responsive to appetite. I think it might do me good for the future to start being a bit less rigid in what I consume: having daily cal/carb targets has served me pretty well over the past year, but I know I can't live like that for the rest of my life, so I need to learn to start loosening the reins a little.

So, for the next two weeks I'll be eating anywhere between 1200-1800 cals per day and 20g-50g carbs per day. No force-feeding myself, no going hungry (I currently do both of things at times to hit my targets) and we'll see what happens. I don't expect to lose anything, but as long as I don't gain I'll be happy :)

@moonlights, a MIM there's a thought! I think I could do the "derelict" part justice for sure!:D My favourite baker is James (he takes risks, he seems like an absolute sweetie, and he's from Shetland where my OH's family hails from), but to be honest I like them all, even Brendan! I'm so lost in admiration for all their skills I think any of them would be a worthy winner.

Who's your favourite?
I love James - where can I get one?

It can be v tempting to starve/force eat to hit certain quotas when you think it will make you lose weight and I have definitely succumbed occasionally but I tend to find those are the occasions that bite back - maybe you lose that week but not the next for example. I think you deserve to take it a little easier so close to goal. Am sure you'll do well on it.
Afternoon, I will watch with interest your new eating experiment, I love the wag you shake things up with regularity, good luck
:eek: I'm officially there!!!



I was absolutely convinced my body would keep me waiting for at least another week, but no! There it is...first goal achieved :D So that's 74lbs, 30% of my body and 12 BMI points gone since the end of last it wrong that I want to grab a bottle of wine and celebrate at 10am?:p

Time to set my new goal, I guess - that little pink fishy in my ticker has swum her last! I've decided to aim for 10st 7lbs for the moment, but I may want to get nearer 10st in order to have a bit of a buffer zone. I see other people of my height wanting to be in the 9's, but I think with my shot putter's build I'd start to look horribly gaunt in the face if I went that low. I can only know when I get there, I suppose, hopefully round about Easter next year - if my body cooperates!

Anyway, I am left with a slight dilemma today. As I'm apparently still losing, I suppose I really ought to carry on at my current eating level? (Rats - I was wanting a bit of a blowout!:p) One small celebratory G&T might find its way onto my menu though...:cool:
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SCRUMMIE!!!!! Now where did I leave my Pom-poms? That is flipping brilliant & I'm so glad you didn't have to hold on two weeks for it. Can't believe how long you've been at this and still brilliantly dedicated to it - with results to prove. So pleased for you.