Scrumbles' after losing a third of me...

Well done and congratulations:D

:banana dancer:
Thanks guys! It's been hell! (It hasn't really...just felt like saying it!:D)

I have to say that being here on this forum has made it so much easier. The support is lovely, seeing others lose is so inspiring, and just the act of writing a diary seems to keep me on the straight and narrow (most of the time, anyway ;)). So very glad I chanced on this place all those months ago :)

Weight is very slightly down again this morning (I'm in the 11's :eek:) but not enough for me to trouble my new ticker. I'll wait until I'm solidly into the 11's before I set it on the move. Official WI is Tuesday, so I'll keep my fingers crossed for then...

Looking forward to tonight's dinner - having celeriac for the first time ever, so should be interesting! :D

Have a great day everyone! xxx
Woohooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Scrummie love that is so brilliant!!!!!!! Such an amazing achievement - and in less than a year.

You have joined the ranks of my Atkins Idols, babe! :D

Yummy Scrummie!!! That is amazing !!

So proud of you - such an achievement and have so very much enjoyed reading your journey - you have been inspirational and encouraging and supportive!

Well done sweetie. !! Xxx
Well gave incredibly well since you started this weight loss journey....I shall watch the next journey with interest...
:eek: Thanks, lovely peeps! Just hope I can keep it going!

Have spent the last hour unravelling the mysteries of myfitnesspal because FitDay has been down for most of the day and I was starting to panic about not being able to log my food :eek: I do want to start lightening up when it comes to food tracking, but not quite yet!

It's just as well I did it too because knowing me, I would have under-eaten in order to be sure of not over-eating, and that's not good! Wonder if I'll ever be confident enough to let my body tell me how much food I need rather than the other way round? I sure hope so...


Celeriac chips have been cooked and consumed! :D Was going to take a photo but forgot time!

I cooked it as instructed (thanks ML!) and it was very nice! Not crispy, but well-browned, soft and sweet, and really not tasting much of celery, which surprised me as the celery smell was quite strong when cutting the stuff up :confused: OH thought it was lovely too, so a definite thumbs up from the Scrumbles household - can't think why I haven't tried it before!

I love this place, I really do. The internet didn't even exist when I last did Atkins and being a very unadventurous cook I stuck to boring, rigid menus throughout and didn't really try anything unfamiliar. This time around I've had the advantage of reading about other people's food choices not to mention visiting low carb web sites and blogs, and it's made such a difference. I'll confess that when I started this diet last year I was only really looking at it as a way of losing weight and my intention was to segue into something else for maintenance, but now I'm much more convinced that this way of eating is sustainable for the long term. With the addition of the odd spud and glass of wine now and then, I'd be more than happy, so why change?
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You've voiced all my thoughts there scrummie. I've done Atkins a few times over the years, I think the first time I was about 16 and just didn't have a clue. Mum did most of my cooking for me and now I'm older I realize she's clueless about diets so goodness knows what I was eating!

Got older and my tastes changed and grew more varied but I still stuck to boring menus when I did Atkins. Now with the help of this place and others on the net I have a few favorite meals and simply loads that I can change up day to day. This go on Atkins has been the first time I've used celeriac (the celery idea put me off too), the first time I've baked with almond flour, the first time I've avoided polyols and stick to whole foods 90 percent of the time. I've never had such a varied diet and this has been the cleanest, greenest and easiest time I've had on this diet or any other. Not saying its always easy but everyone here has made a huge difference. And that includes you :)
I thoroughly agree with you both, this time Atkins feels like a sustainable woe long term, thanks to the internet and in particular this site and the people on it.
I too agree the internet has really opened up the Atkins diet so much more enjoyable and doable now x
Ditto to all above - and I love that no matter what size we are, there's none of that doing a person down stuff - everyone is 100% supportive of each other! Hard on ourselves though :D
So we're all agreed the internet's a jolly good thing, then! :D

Official weigh in this morning has me staying the same, and as that's 4 days now, I suspect my weight loss phase for this month is over. Time to start stuffing my face for a fortnight! (well, kinda!;)).

To reiterate, I'll be eating anything between 1200-1800 cals and 20g-50g carbs per day according to how I feel. I'll be attempting to listen to my body rather than trying to hit specific targets, which will be quite novel for me! Strangely, the past couple of days I haven't been hungry at all and have barely scraped over the 1200 cal mark anyway, so I've no idea what today will bring.

Must just mention that I tweaked my choc MIM recipe yesterday. Used a bit more butter, a bit more syrup and swapped the ground almonds for ground roasted hazelnuts, and it was the best yet! The hazelnuts definitely improved the flavour, and because I ground them myself, the "flour" was quite uneven yielding noticeable bits of nut through the finished bake and hence a more interesting texture. Shall I sign up for next year's GBBO now?;) (Ha!)
Good luck with the new regime, probably a good idea to listen to the body now that you are on the last leg of the journey that is what we will all have to do at some stage. I will await an update with interest...
Thanks sammy! I'm not expecting anything I do to make much difference tbh, but it's fun to vary my approach.

Cals were up a bit yesterday to 1470 and carbs were up to 45g. I planned my food in advance, but changed things as the day went on, and I liked how I felt - never too hungry, never too full...I felt good. My weight is bouncing around the 168lbs mark - slightly under today - which is fine. As long as I don't go more than a couple of pounds up in the next fortnight, I'm not going to worry.

I was looking back over my long history on this diet and I do seem to have been "making it my own" from very early days: introducing carrots whilst supposedly in Induction, taking diet breaks, eating oats when supposedly in OWL...the list of my crimes goes on! Thing is, I don't know that I could have stuck with it if I hadn't done those things. Does everyone end up re-writing the programme to suit them, I wonder?

It's completely bizarre in view of the weight I've lost, but sometimes I even feel like I've "failed" because I didn't follow the diet as written. What's that all about?! :confused:

Anyway, enough of that. On with the day...
Of course we rewrite it a bit or sometimes a lot, hun - with varying levels of success (step away from the sugar free stuff, Susie :D).

I'm on higher carbs and enjoying it a lot more - and touch wood, am losing fine so far. What you are doing seems to be working well for you, so I say go for it :)
We wouldn't be human if we could stick to a woe to the letter....I think that is why lots of diets fail or people pile the weight on again, they just get fed up and go back to exactly how they ate are doing great.
i think its great that you can all play around with it so much, i dont have enough success at it to do that. i find that at the start i have a lot of leeway i can mess around more and still have loss, but now even though i am still really on induction foods i am losing really once or twice a month, the rest of the time i am fighting this up two down two bit, it seems to be the 2 weeks after totm i lose a bit then i stick until after totm (which is now) and when i do lose its only a couple of lbs each week, so around 4lbs a month this past couple of months. not very exciting is it?

Well, my weight is doing exactly what I expected, ie, nothing! One day it goes up half a pound, the next day it'll go down three quarters, then back up half, etc., but I'm basically holding steady at 168lbs for now. My cals are up by about 200 per day and my carbs are averaging a smidge over 40g per day, and so far those increases have made no difference at all.

I'm really trying my hardest to listen to my body as I'm going along, but boy, I find that difficult. I make my food plan for the day with every intention of eating less or more depending on how I feel, but then can't decide how I do feel! Am I not hungry because I know how much I've eaten therefore I "shouldn't" be hungry? Conversely, am I hungry because I know I haven't eaten very much so I "should" be hungry? Am I hungry because I'm actually bored/tired/upset? Am I hungry because I need the food, or is it my body wanting to have its evil way and fill up those redundant fat cells again? :eek: I just...don't....know :/ Oh, and of course I'm forgetting the other "am I hungry?": am I hungry because I've eaten something too carby that's spiked my insulin? Take your pick :rolleyes:

All I know is that I'm a long, long, way from being able to trust my instincts - and why wouldn't I be? Doing what I "felt like" landed me at 17 stone +, so my track record ain't exactly great, lol!

@stubbsey, I lost pretty consistently when I started, but since I hit 14 stone it's been a lot​ patchier. I'm not sure that my messing around has done anything much to influence the process either. I made a graph (sad, I know :p) charting my pattern of loss since I joined Mini's, and even with some data missing, it shows quite a striking "stepped" pattern:
weight loss graph small.jpg

so I think my body does what it wants, when it wants, basically. Heh.
Scrumbles said:

I'm really trying my hardest to listen to my body as I'm going along, but boy, I find that difficult. I make my food plan for the day with every intention of eating less or more depending on how I feel, but then can't decide how I do feel! Am I not hungry because I know how much I've eaten therefore I "shouldn't" be hungry? Conversely, am I hungry because I know I haven't eaten very much so I "should" be hungry? Am I hungry because I'm actually bored/tired/upset? Am I hungry because I need the food, or is it my body wanting to have its evil way and fill up those redundant fat cells again? :eek: I just...don't....know :/ Oh, and of course I'm forgetting the other "am I hungry?": am I hungry because I've eaten something too carby that's spiked my insulin? Take your pick :rolleyes:

All I know is that I'm a long, long, way from being able to trust my instincts - and why wouldn't I be? Doing what I "felt like" landed me at 17 stone +, so my track record ain't exactly great, lol!.

Sounds exactly like me! I've had a few really hungry days this week and have been trying to figure out what the problem was. Brisket was a new food, was that causing it, etc etc. Why would it, why were foods that usually filled me up not working... And so on. It's only when I remarked to my mum that I was miserably hungry that she told me I'd said the same last month before my period and I checked the dates and... Yep.

Sometimes it's really nothing we can control.