@ML, it's a bit hard to say. It's not that it's particularly unpleasant (I'll use it rather than ditch it), but there's a slightly fruity note to it that sounds like it would be nice, but isn't (to me!), and also a bit of an aftertaste, though I find that with practically all artificial sweeteners. I suppose the bottom line is that it just doesn't taste convincingly of caramel to me...I guess it might to someone else, though.
@Val, I nearly went for the English Toffee - wish I had now

With 3 BIG bottles of syrup to use up, it'll be a while before I buy any more :/
I don't seem to have a problem re: potatoes and bloating, but then we all seem to have different "poisons"! Do you have a general sensitivity to carbs, perhaps?
@Susie, I've never even had real egg nogg, let alone a sf syrup version, so I shall have to take your word for it!
Not having a good day today for one reason or another. Started with my credit card being rejected this morning, which of course resulted in a lengthy call to my credit card company, speaking to a lady I could barely understand half the time (English was not, I suspect, her first language) and the eventual cancelling of my current card

So now I will have no credit card until my new one arrives in a week's time, and I will have to go round changing all my payment arrangements to the new number

I wouldn't mind so much, but this happens to me a couple of times a year, and it's a pain in the **** having to register a new card in lots of different places each time. Grrrrr. Am I just unlucky, or is this par for the course??
There are other things going on too, and I can feel myself getting awfully close to a stress-binge of some kind

I always want to eat when I'm stressed, and it's never lettuce that I turn to, surprise surprise

I'm keeping a lid on it by drowning myself in cups of tea at the moment, but I don't know how much longer that will distract me...