Shazzabir CC Journey to 9st!

Hi Coach, would it suprise you if i said I hurt soooo much!! Not quite walking down the stairs backwards, but not far off, lol

How are you today?
Well despite my run yesterday, I have not been too bad with the munchies. Infact I still have 42 cals left for the day!! May end up having an early night though, lol

Going to try and do a short run 2moro night, probably just 2 miles to try and loosen my legs up. Must admit my energy levels do tend to be quite low in an evening, but thinking trying in the morning might be a bit painful still.
You would think my legs would be used to this running by now, so don't understand why I suffer so much???
I eat a protein bar if it's above 9 miles, although yesterday I only had half of one. I did look at protein shakes, but wasn't sure which to buy, so didn't bother. What do you normally eat Claire?
I normally have a quorn wrap with cheese, some cheese triangles and a hot chocolate made with milk! Plenty of nice food and plenty of protein :)
That sounds much better than a protein bar! xx
Real food has got to be better than horrible wood shavings protein bars! :)
Yes that's very true Squeezy!!

I am going to take my running things to work with me, hoping the rain will hold off whilst I go out at lunchtime. I am also going to keep the kit at work, so when I get chance I will go out at lunchtime. Might help relieve some office stress as well as up my mileage and burn more cals. Sounds good in theory??
Despite my good intentions yesterday the weather was against me, so no lunchtime run. When I got home I was too tired, hence the reason for getting up at silly o'clock this morning. Yes think I am slightly mad getting up at this time to go for a run, but need to do it before my daughter wakes up. :)
I did 3 miles. Was really disappointed when I had to stop. In order for me to run first thing in a morning, I need a really long warm up, so did 10 mins on the x-trainer and a 5 min walk, unfortunately it eats into my time, so runs have to be shorter. I did run at a really fast pace for the last mile, not something I normally do, but really enjoyed it. I was really surprised my heart rate only moved up a few beats, so my fitness must be improving.
My next run is Friday, really hope the weather improves!!
Sorry things didn't go according to plan this morning Shaz. Hopefully the cold snowy weather will be gone in a couple of days. :)
Morning Coach, hope you have a nice relaxing day. :)
When are you going for your next run?